Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Another day, another day of inanity at PFA

Let's see ... are they still name calling? Why yes! Still a group of oh so shocked (add descriptor here) clutching their pearls because people are frequenting a purse forum? Spending money on expensive bags? Shock! Horror! We especially loved the junior legal beagles and their skewed interpretation of sexual harassment. We're glad we aren't your workmates.

Still spewing racist and homophobic hatred? Still refusing to take it off your site? Sadly, yes. Still trying to get us to print their spew in comments here? Check - ain't gonna happen, though. We don't stoop to your level, Priscilla Wadsworth and Michael Tonello. And plastic mascot Donna Lehtonen. Bullies one and all.

It isn't fair comment or "parody". It's just a joke. A sad, bad one, made repeatedly by sad, mad people.

Can we suggest some new year's resolutions? Maybe turn your time to something truly productive (no, that doesn't include rummaging through other people's internet posts, though we know with your limited skills that may be all you're capable of). Something that would add some good into the world instead of envying others and hurling hatred?

But we're sure that's never crossed your minds. And if it did, it probably wouldn't find any room in there to take hold.

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Thanks to the commenter who posted the following; couldn't agree more:

"Most people who actively contribute to tpfa have found that place through their own experiences," I believe that most active contributors flocked to PFA because they have been allowed to say whatever they want no matter how vile or untrue. Priscilla does seem to have cracked down on the personal attacks. Before that, most of the posts were vicious attacks agains individual tPF members whose only crime was to post a reveal or share some personal story about something that they were happy about, worried about, etc. Since the posters were prevented from posting their rants on tPF, they turned to PFA as a forum for launching vile attacks on others. Now that those appear to be weeded out and not published, I'm not really sure how many "active" PFA posters there really are. Now people whine about having to click on ads - it's easy - don't click. People whine about the mods being mean to them - really? Maybe the mods were not allowing them to post their vile rants. People whine about Vlad making money. It is a business - if you don't like it don't patronize it. tPF needs income to offer the features it does - otherwise it would be a featureless blog like PFA or PFAE. People have made allegations that Vlad profits from fraud perpetrated by scammers on tPF. Where is the proof? And don't trot out the Japster dead horse. Yes she scammed people - but there is no evidence that anyone on tPF aided her or profited from it. People claim that somehow Vlad benefits from RAOK. How on earth is this supposed to work? Do those members who receive gifts send Vlad some cut - half of their chocolates? Or do people think all of the ROAK packages are going direct to Vlad and he - ??? sells it all on eBAY? Most of the claptrap on PFA is hysterical conspiracy-theory nonsense.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

This week on PFA

Lots of racist and homophobic crap because Priscilla Wadsworth and Michael Tonello believe in allowing any and all comments, no matter how offensive or verging on hate speech.

Lots of nasty comments about pretty well everyone on PF. Jealous much?

Priscilla will continue to bray about the evil on PF, conveniently neglecting to mention that she apparently was (much) less than a stellar seller on Ebay herself - but, oh, riiiiiiight ... she's exempt from criticism. Though using PFA/TonelloLogic, this must mean ALL of Ebay is evil and full of scammers because that's what she tried to do to her buyer. Nice that she's following in the footsepts of her mentor, Michael, "no longer a registered member" Tonello. We're sure it's only a matter of time before she starts selling scarves with rips and stains and decides that equals mint condition. If the mint was chocolate covered.

Lots of whining about PF in general by people who appear to have been banned. Why they keep going back is a mystery to us.

Next week?

More of the same.

Blah, blah, (insert epithets here), we hate (insert name of poster or brand name here), those people are (add yet more epithets).

Because PFA believes it's their role to add more hatred to the world. Newsflash, P: dissent doesn't mean disseminating hatred. That doesn't change the world. It just contaminates it.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Racists unite at Priscilla Wadsworth + Michael Tonello's PFA

Since we wrote the last post, it's become clear that you can spew any kind of racist hatred over at PFA. In the past few days, Priscilla Wadsworth has repeatedly stated she sees nothing wrong with the anti-Semitic (and pretty much anti any group you can name) comments she allows to be posted on PFA. So bring it on! She'll publish anything! Well, maybe not anything. As someone commented here, the only comments she won't allow are those that are critical of her, Michael Tonello or Donna Lehtonen. But if you have something racist to say, the welcome mat is out at The Purse Forum Advisory.

So hey ... open season on anyone over at PFA. The blog's co-owner, Priscilla Wadsworth, says so. It reminds of us of that Shakespearean line ... full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. That's because they have nothing valid or worthwhile to say. And any reasonable comments or voices are drowned out in a cacaphony of hatred, ignorance and racism.

Priscilla comes from a relatively small town in Alabama but we're pretty sure that if she talked to any black or Jewish or Asian or homosexual neighbours, they might beg to differ with what she thinks is perfectly acceptable beliefs and language.

In any place, no matter how big or small, it's just wrong. It has nothing to do with "allowing people to speak their minds" or "preferring not to overmoderate comments - let people say what they like!" and everything to do with a stunning lack of awareness and flat out bigotry. And none of the illogical comments Priscilla has made defending the indefensible can get around that.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Priscilla Wadsworth and Michael Tonello's PFA - now your source for anti-semitism, too

We shouldn't be surprised that Priscilla and Michael published a comment that is a slur against Jews. After all, PFA has already repeatedly made nasty comments against Asians and homosexuals, and in its comments section allows people to be called every name going. Because that's just the high level, classy kind of discourse going on over there.

The comment was made Nov. 18 at 4:25 pm and in fact, Priscilla Wadsworth posted right after, so she both approved and knew of the comment.

It's disgusting. And anyone participating and overlooking those comments should be ashamed of themselves. But obviously, shame isn't in their repertoire of emotions.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Why all the hate, Donna, Michael and Priscilla?

It might be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. Trolling a place you say you don't like to be nasty and hateful ... day after day after day. And the PFA comments are getting worse and worse. Also funny how the ranters over at PFA are so ticked off because they say disagreement is not allowed at PF. Really? Just try to post a dissenting opinion on PFA and see how far that gets you before you are called something unprintable or someone with waaay too much time on their hands digs up your personal information and posts it and encourages people to harass you. Priscilla Wadsworth and Michael Tonello seem to have no issues with printing any of it.

Day after day, adding more lies and hate to the world. Hey, what an achievement!

Most people, encountering something they don't like, walk away from it. You just seem to wallow in it and feel that somehow, it's an accomplishment.

It's easy to whine about things and people you don't like - it happens every day at PFA. It's a lot harder to make a positive change in the world. Maybe try that for a change.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Makes sense to us

From our comments section...

It is becoming increasingly obvious that Priscilla is the puppet of MT and DL. She is obsessed with bashing Hermes and hates the same tPF ladies that they do. Coincidence? I think not. Here is her latest attack on Hermes. This is in a post about feeling cheated if you buy a Garden Party because she KNOWS that the Garden Party is not made by Hermes. Again it has the MT hallmark of lots of innuendo but little fact.

Apparently Priscilla was doing extensive googling and found a resume of one Volker Koch who is a leather craftsman.

Quoted from Priscilla: "Hmmmm..... he specialized in contract-work for Hermès under a company by the name of Maroquinerie Thierry in France. Looks like Hermès doesn't do all of their work alone because they need help from other companies, apparently!" This in reference to a resume of one Volker Koch which she found through extensive googling.

Too bad while Priscilla was googling away, she didn't do a more rigorous job. Of course I seriously doubt she was so concerned about the Garden Party that she was driven to google and just happened to find Koch's resume. Methinks someone may have put her up to this.

If you look at the Hermes annual report you will see that Hermes owns about 44% of Maroquinerie Thierry and Hermes Sellier SAS is one of the administrators.

Reading the resume of the craftsman she cited, it appears that he trained at Hermes and then worked in the Maroquinerie Thierry work shop.

So it appears that Hermes owns a significant interest in this work shop, trains at least some craftsmen, and controls part of the company/work.

I have no idea if they do the Garden Party work - or other work.

I do think her post is quite misleading as Hermes is significantly involved in Marquinerie Thierry - and it is totally unclear if this has anything at all to do with the Garden Party.

I honestly felt so sorry for Priscilla when everyone on PFA was bashing her early on. I am now baffled about why she is letting herself be a mouthpiece and front person for all of the trash that goes on at PFA.

Some day in the future when someone else is doing extensive googling, they are going to find her name and the garbage she spews and condones. I seriously doubt that it will serve her well unless she is applying for a job on the Jerry Springer show.