Sunday, December 4, 2011


Thanks to the commenter who posted the following; couldn't agree more:

"Most people who actively contribute to tpfa have found that place through their own experiences," I believe that most active contributors flocked to PFA because they have been allowed to say whatever they want no matter how vile or untrue. Priscilla does seem to have cracked down on the personal attacks. Before that, most of the posts were vicious attacks agains individual tPF members whose only crime was to post a reveal or share some personal story about something that they were happy about, worried about, etc. Since the posters were prevented from posting their rants on tPF, they turned to PFA as a forum for launching vile attacks on others. Now that those appear to be weeded out and not published, I'm not really sure how many "active" PFA posters there really are. Now people whine about having to click on ads - it's easy - don't click. People whine about the mods being mean to them - really? Maybe the mods were not allowing them to post their vile rants. People whine about Vlad making money. It is a business - if you don't like it don't patronize it. tPF needs income to offer the features it does - otherwise it would be a featureless blog like PFA or PFAE. People have made allegations that Vlad profits from fraud perpetrated by scammers on tPF. Where is the proof? And don't trot out the Japster dead horse. Yes she scammed people - but there is no evidence that anyone on tPF aided her or profited from it. People claim that somehow Vlad benefits from RAOK. How on earth is this supposed to work? Do those members who receive gifts send Vlad some cut - half of their chocolates? Or do people think all of the ROAK packages are going direct to Vlad and he - ??? sells it all on eBAY? Most of the claptrap on PFA is hysterical conspiracy-theory nonsense.


Anonymous said...

Agree 100%. Thank you for exposing Priscilla's one sided "reporting". She sounds like a cry baby who can not get over getting kicked off TPF and now she plots with Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen on how to get revenge. What a totally pathetic waste of time and energy.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to mention somewhere. At least when MT was running it he would post an comment submitted even if it was proTPF. But now they don't post comments that question them or stick up for TPF. If they are 'in the right' why don't they post all?

Anonymous said...

More evidence that Priscilla misleads.

Her latest rant is trying to link Vlad to some person looking for a sexually graphic drawing.

She found some post on some web site somewhere that seems to link a screen name - equinoxprime - to the owner of Purse Forum.

Somewhere else, a person with a screen name of EquinoxPrime is looking for a sexually graphic drawing.

Priscilla concludes that both of these are Vlad.

Perhaps Priscilla has not learned about the difference between upper and lower case letters. EquinoxPrime is not the same screen name as equinoxprime.

In fact, EquinoxPrime appears to be a very young man who is a member of deviantART - a web site with which Priscilla should be very familiar.

Either Priscilla is completely incompetent in her sleuthing - or she is deliberately trying to mislead.

Or - maybe both.

Anonymous said...

I read that post linking a poster by the handle EquinoxPrime to Vlad. It was just that. HER own statement. Without proof. The screen shot she captured ... was a post by someone anonymous. They are capable of so many crazy things, that I think that post was posted by either of the 3 lunatics - MT, DL or PW and then extracted as convenient evidence. Yeah right. You guys must thing people are idiots. Sure exposes your low intellect.

Anonymous said...

I want to know if there truly is an imposter using that handle and mischievously link that to Vlad.

If this is untrue, I really think PW has gone too far. If the law doesn't go after you, I don't know what can.

Anonymous said...

I really don't care if what Priscilla posted about Equinoxprime is true or not. What does it have to do with a site about handbags etc.? Digging into a person's private life is uncalled for and unnecessary.
The fact that Priscilla/Tonello /DL do this just proves that they are desperate for something to write that is mean and nasty. It says a lot about their character or I should say, the lack of it.

There is no reason for that blog to exist and it should be shut down. Where is it informational or working for the public good? It is just a place for rumor mongering and gossip.

Anonymous said...

I want to know if there truly is an imposter using that handle and mischievously link that to Vlad.

If this is untrue, I really think PW has gone too far. If the law doesn't go after you, I don't know what can.


LOL! I love the delusion over here and how desperate you guys are getting after PRiscilla and the others at tPFA keep exposing Vlad and his horrific sites and you guys stil dont get it!

Wake up!

P.s what law? The law against posting screen shots? OH ok!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at Dec. 7 - 9:07: "The links are from 2003. SERIOUSLY? Priscilla was 13 years old ... "
Anon at 9:07 said a mouthful ... YES! It WAS 2003 and 2002 ... 8-9 years ago!!! Vlad was most likely a college student then. We all likely did things in college that we would not do (or say) now.
Geez, the time it took Priscilla (probably MT, in actuality) to find all those screen prints ... Someone sure has a TON of time on his/her hands. I sat down with a cup of coffee ready to read something shocking. This was "much ado about nothing". So he was in to porn in college. SO WHAT!
And I died laughing that they posted that advertisers were interested in what was said on the blog. I doubt it. After all, the blog says in black and white that it is just a parody!

Anonymous said...

12/6 9:44am

We don't live MT's 'truth/lies'and this is what he resorts to. Classy. Just what is the truth MT? You certainly aren't the one to go to for it.

12/7 9:07 pm
I think this proves yet once again its MT behind the pages at TPFA not PW.
Why the 'all or nothing' thinking? MT/DL are very dangerous people, list of evil doings are long. Doesn't mean we worship at the alter of Vlad.
V/M hasn't stalked people and posted lies about them. V/M isn't jealous of them/their lifestyles. V/M isn't calling everyone who sells an item they tire of a scammer.
Now TPFA resorts to more lies. TPFA should be ashamed of themselves. But they aren't, that's not what sociopaths are capable of.

Anonymous said...

"The links are from 2003. SERIOUSLY? Priscilla was 13 years old, then, and tPF wasn't even a thought for Vlad and Megs. I doubt PW was really trying to set Vlad up back then. Or do you think she has a time machine or something? You people are so brainwashed, you can't see what's right in front of your face. GET A LIFE. None of you make very good detectives, so don't quit your day jobs. Idiots."


To be honest, trying to follow all of the "evidence" is making me dizzy. Multiple screen names - but the same magic number. I have not idea if all of that is from Vlad or not.

But you know what - I really don't care. While I do find some of the posts etc in questionable taste, I'm not sure why that means I should stay away from tPF.

Do the PFA folks do this sort of due diligence for everything? Do they make sure the owners and editors of magazines they read have no objectionable internet posts? Do they dig through the internet history of every blogger they follow? Do they make sure the actors, directors, producers etc of the tv shows and movies they watch are squeaky clean.

You know what - I know they don't. Why? Because what really matters is that they hate tPF and Vlad for whatever reason and are obsessed with trying to do him damage.

Anonymous said...

"GET A LIFE. None of you make very good detectives, so don't quit your day jobs. Idiots."

Wow ... get a life? I think many people here really have very good and fulfilling ones with family and friends truly loving them. I think you folks who use the screen of PFA to cause the mischief that you do, actually don't have one. Must be eating your worthless lives out, having to spend so much time writing your blog, day after day after day. I have a daily choice. Freedom to do what pleases me and make the people around me happy and be satisfied. I don't have your curse to have to keep up DESTROYING and doing no good. What for? What do YOU get?

Detectives - the real ones get paid. Mwah ha hahaha
WHAT ARE YOU? CYBER-STALKERS. So, you not related to Vlad. You were merely a banned member of tpf. Your intent is revenge. Nothing more.

The real idiots are you. Can't even have the maturity to think that what you are doing is all so wrong.

Why have the moral judgement that you can do what you want?

Seriously - grow up. PFA is worse than high-school bullying.

Anonymous said...

Interesting: ""Hello,

I found your blog and read a few posts. It's clear to me that you are clearly jealous of the people there. If you don't think it's right buying bags that expensive, why constantly bash other people who choose to? People can spend their money how they wish. You obviously spend much time thinking about us. What an idiot YOU if you people don't like The Purse Forum, why are you obsessing over what they/we do there and making fun of it? Looks to me like some people might be a little jealous."-PriscillaW8"


As Priscilla has pointed out with her recent internet stalking of Vlad's past - it is interesting what you can find out there.

I liked this line of hers so much I just had to copy it twice - here we go: "What an idiot YOU if you people don't like The Purse Forum, why are you obsessing over what they/we do there and making fun of it? Looks to me like some people might be a little jealous."-"

Anonymous said...

I normally would not do this - but since PW thinks it is so much fun to post addresses and to dig up what others have posted on the web: "PriscillaW8 said...
The post caught my eye because the street I live on is called Notting Hill :p That looks like such a cute and cozy place to live. Is it the same as in the movie Notting Hill?"

Anonymous said...

...think we make pretty good detectives...

....2003 was when M Turd had his issue with someone over a scarf!

...still holds the bitterness to this day.

...Proof PW is just a patsy on tpfa...Turd is the man behind the curtain...

Anonymous said...

Why is Michael Tonello, Donna Lehton and Priscilla Wadsworth so adamant in destroying tpf and the owners, and taking down just about anyone that they want to make fun of? Why the malice? What so much hate in their hearts?

Anonymous said...

Michael Turdnello just doesn't know when to stop. Can't wait til he's arrested for his libel and stalking.

Anonymous said...

^^^^Emotional immaturity, narcissism, borderline personality disorder, sociopathy, etc.

Anonymous said...

"Anyone know if that info floating around about Vlad is true? If it is my purse forum days are over."
On Purse Forum's Facebook "Page" in their post about an Hermès handbag sold at auction ... posted by Michelle Kovach from Pennsylvania. High School graduate, 40 years old with a young daughter. She posted on TPFA that she had done it. BTW, this is all public on Facebook. All her info in 100% public. Oh and Nyx Models and Maggie O'Leary "liked" it.
I don't care one way or another about Vlad but I can't help but feel really sorry for him and Megs to be faced with cyber bullying like this. Can't something be done to stop Michael Tonello, Donna Lehtonen and Priscilla Wadsworth from all this cyber bullying and harrassment?

Anonymous said...

... still mad about having to share 1/2 my M&M's with M/V for the ROAK gift I received...

...Who needs to get a life? Turd/bitter hag wife started TPFA...

...only followers that are blind are the pathtic losers posting on tpfa...

Anonymous said...

So with the latest updates to PFA I now see why PW is doing this - MONEY!!

She now has clickable links to at least one shopping site and I assume she will be getting revenue from this. Gosh - isn't hosting a blog/forum to make money EVIL?

Anonymous said...

I think one of the trios are behind that Facebook character. To deliberately post that comment. Go and see when the Profil was created. I can't be bothered to do it. If it was created only recently, it does give a sense that it was done with intention to do mischief with that fake name and all.

Facebook has a strict policy on impersonation and cyber-bullying. Very easy to report and easy to get rid of these sick people.

Anonymous said...

Posted here on PFAE in reply to the Anonymous post on Dec. 10 at 8:14 a.m. "Anonymous -  December 10, 2011 6:27 PM - It's cyber-bullying for me to ask for clarification on something? Good God - pretty soon you shrews will be screaming that someone cyber-bullied you just by turning on their PC. Get the sticks out of your asses, you uptight idiots."
Michelle Kovach: You've been caught lying! Your very own post on PFA told why you made that Facebook post:
I asked on their facebook post about a Birkin that sold for a ton of money if the rumors about Vlad are true just to get them riled up. It's Friday, I was - December 9, 2011 4:28 PM
So, as you said yourself, you were NOT asking for clarification. You were trying to "get them riled up". Lie much?
Is there ever a word of truth that comes out of the mouths of you PFA posters? And you people on PFA cannot seem to communicate without name calling and crude language. You all should be ashamed of yourselves. Michelle,  I wonder if your young daughter knows what you're up to? I bet she'd be real proud of her mom if she read what you're writing on the Internet.

Anonymous said...

^^^more insanity from Turd/DT.

Ignores the boulder in their own eye, so busy looking for the speck in someone else.

Anonymous said...

So once again Priscilla shows her true self.

She has been busy dredging up information about tPF and how it may be related to past porn sites under the same company umbrella.

That led to much hysteria from the PFA cult making ridiculous statements about how you can be fired from your job if you read tPF at work because - IT IS SEXUAL HARASSMENT!. How might it be sexual harassment?

Here is the PFA argument - if you look at tPF and it might be somehow related to an adult site that may not even still exist - then that is sexual harassment. No matter that there is no objectionable content or that no one is seeing it or objecting to it for that matter. Just the fact that you have looked at tPF will make you guilty of sexual harassment under some "umbrella" argument.

The "umbrella" argument says that if you look at a web site that might somehow be owned by the same company that owns, or has owned, an adult site, you are guilty of sexual harassment. Never mind that the web site in question is about purses and never mind that there is no victim.

So, I pointed out to Priscilla - not once but three times - that the same "umbrella" argument would then apply to PFA. And, in fact,, which hosts PFA , has porn-related material on it. And the owner of PFA, Priscilla, has a presence on deviantART. And - deviantART has porn-related material on it. So, under the "umbrella" argument, looking at PFA at work would make you guilty of sexual harassment.

Did Priscilla post my comments - submitted three different times? OF COURSE NOT. What a hypocrite.

We'll see if the fourth time is the charm.

Anonymous said...

^^^ of course they don't post it.
It doesn't follow with their agenda.

Why are people who are being paid to do a job surfing on TPF (or TPFA) while at work? This is stealing from your employer. Can hear the justifications now! Excuses that only make them look more foolish. Our society is so dishonest.

Anonymous said...

the folks there on PFA are intellectually challenged. Quick to sprout nonsense but slow to comprehend any argument. What do you expect? They only know expletives.

Anonymous said...

Just more of the same drivel over and over and over again. More screenshots of 10 year old posting on some random smut board. Bravo, time well spent.

Very satisfying knowing that Priscilla, Tonello, Donna and their few manic followers waste so much time obsessing over some purse board, its owners and members, instead of doing something worthwhile with their lives.

Indulging in e-hate on the Internet is such a strange concept. Guess the anger has got to be channeled somehow.

Anonymous said...

Lots of theories over on PFA about why PFAE has been so quiet. Of course they think it is because they are doing such an outstanding job digging up dirt on tPF and Vlad.

They don't seem to realize that it is because PFA has become a SNOOZEFST. Let's look at the latest gems from there:

- PFAers making a ridiculous argument that reading tPF at work would be sexual harassment. They finally had to give up on that after several people repeatedly explained why that made no sense.

- PW dug up some decade-old posts from other forums that once again showed that Vlad had some involvement in an adult site. ZZZZZZZZZ - very old news.

- Now they are attacking each other. There is some silly running battle between lalachka and someone else.

- And of course we have the usual nasty attacks on the tPF mods and other members.

Yup - really monumental breaking news over there. I mean really - posts from ten years ago?

Anonymous said...

Very satisfying knowing that Priscilla, Tonello, Donna and their few manic followers waste so much time obsessing over some purse board, its owners and members, instead of doing something worthwhile with their lives.

*And what exactly is it that you're doing? Indulging in a harmless hobby? Sorry, but a blog about a blog about a forum is even further down the chain of mindless crap. Oh, and before you I don't have a life either.