Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Izvestia and Pravda

In Russian, izvestia means truth. Pravda means news.

There was an old saying about these two papers during the Communist Soviet era. There's no news in the truth, and no truth in the news.

Should be PFAs slogan.

What we adore about PFA are the massive inconsistencies. Like ... PFA hates resellers. Yet its owner, Michael Tonello, was one and still is.

Like ... PFA hates fakes.

See above statement.


Anonymous said...

Or for another example, how TPFA has to turn on comment moderation because they won't allow real names and locations to be posted (last month) and how TPFA puts out a call for all tPF moderator names, locations, ebay IDs, etc., JUST IN CASE they might be selling fakes (today).

How to lie the TPFA way: If someone asks for proof, just repeat the lie, this time with "moron" or "idiot" or "nefarious" in the assertion. Don't add new information. And if all else fails, bring up Japster.

PFAExposed said...

The only personal information they have deleted, and rather quickly, is Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen's. Gee. Wonder why those two are so special?

PFAExposed said...

Oh, and they want you to believe that they are getting slammed with sp@m comments from PFers. It's a joke. They don't even have a huge readership - though they want you to believe that with the faked counter at the bottom showing hundreds of thousands of hits at one point. Riiiiiiight. Wait - maybe it's part of a huge conspiracy? Of nefarious fakes and fakers? Must be so.

Anonymous said...

Of course it's part of the nefarious conspiracy of fakes and fakers. Or the fake conspiracy of nefarious fakers. Or the nefarious fake faker conspiracy.

There are 24 combinationsof those four words. Can you find all of them? I bet Mr Tonello has already done it.

Anonymous said...

So, if I understand correctly, you dislike MT and Donna immensely and started this blog.

I'm actually glad TPFA began regardless of who runs it.

TPF is not all what it purports to be and many members have left for a variety of reasons. It no longer has the caché that it once did. I believe that is the main reason anyone felt the need to start a TPFA and frankly I'm glad they did.

TPF is over moderated by MODS & M & V, there's rampant hypocracy, i.e., there's rules for some but not for ALL. And basically it's a forum no different than the ebay discussion boards for shoes, purses and fashion accessories.

I believe the owners & Mods all started out on ebay as resellers themselves and started TPF.

Maybe you shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water, because TPF has devolved like it or not.

Anonymous said...

Look at this gem that just got posted over there. If it's not obvious that TPFA is the sound of one hand clapping/or MT jerking himself off, it should be pretty darned obvious now.

Just curious about how Createurs de Luxe is getting lumped in there with him. He has a link to their blog at the bottom of his page.

Cynthia Marchetti said...

I too had concerns that some posters on tPF are not who/what they seem and may be scamming people. I did my homework. I noticed that the reputable resellers post using their real name or real business name: CreateursdeLuxe, MTonello, Luxury-Zurich. I give this blog credit for suggesting that honest people would have no issue with using their real name.

March 30, 2011 10:23 AM

PFAExposed said...

To anonymous at 12:11. It doesn't have a thing to do with dislike of them personally. It does have to do with how they are choosing the express themselves.

What they are saying is not true. Period.

Has TPF changed? Yes. Have we seen any evidence that there is some horrible scam going on led by the owners and the mods? We haven't seen any proof at all. Are there members who are scammy and take advantage of other people? Probably. Life's like that. Buyer beware.

As to why a reseller might not want to use their real name? Have you seen the abuse that goes on at PFA? If you were a reseller of anything costing thousands of dollars, would you want your name and contact info splashed all over the Internet? Bears thinking about.

Anonymous doesn't necessarily mean scammer. But we really hate it when people over there hide behind it to call names and post racist comments about people they don't know and have never and will never meet.

Anonymous said...

"How to lie the TPFA way: If someone asks for proof, just repeat the lie, this time with "moron" or "idiot" or "nefarious" in the assertion. Don't add new information. And if all else fails, bring up Japster."
