Saturday, November 19, 2011

Priscilla Wadsworth and Michael Tonello's PFA - now your source for anti-semitism, too

We shouldn't be surprised that Priscilla and Michael published a comment that is a slur against Jews. After all, PFA has already repeatedly made nasty comments against Asians and homosexuals, and in its comments section allows people to be called every name going. Because that's just the high level, classy kind of discourse going on over there.

The comment was made Nov. 18 at 4:25 pm and in fact, Priscilla Wadsworth posted right after, so she both approved and knew of the comment.

It's disgusting. And anyone participating and overlooking those comments should be ashamed of themselves. But obviously, shame isn't in their repertoire of emotions.


Anonymous said...

Yup. And someone has been approving comments complaining about it since it was posted, so Priscilla/Michael/Donna are obviously aware that it is considered a nasty comment. And they just don't care.

Anonymous said...

They don't care? I think it's more like one of them posted it.

Anonymous said...

DL is the anti-semitist.
She's made comments before.

MT of course hates himself, think not. Who that is concerned about themselves would start the type of blog he has. And ruin his reputation. He's probably the one posting about gays.
Know for a fact a lot of business he won't be getting cause of the view of himself he's put into the world. He's lost his stance as an expert on everything except how to not have any class.
MT & DL with their messed world think its all OK. Remember they claim the site is parady. Only proves how sick they really are.

Anonymous said...

Wow! PFA blog is reaching new lows.

I understand that there have been some issues of fraud on tPF. As always, buyer beware no matter where you are.

But, on the whole, what I see on tPF are folks who are having fun, chatting with each other and being nice to each other.

On the other hand, what I see on PFA are folks who have nothing nice to say about anyone or anything - just bitter rants. I truly feel sorry for those commenters on there who are so hate-filled. I honestly don't think that people who are happy in their own lives would write such garbage.

They are just being used by Priscilla to pump herself up. She floats out bait - some old tPF story - and then sits back and lets them tear each other, and others apart. Why? I have no idea - other than to be sadistic - unless someone is paying her for this!

As a commenter on PFA said to Priscilla in reference to some old tPF story: "YES, CONTENT IS KING. YOU JUST PROVED IT!
YOU SHOULD GO TO THE MEDIA WITH THIS." How would Priscilla like to have someone go to the media with the PFA blog and its contents and highlight her involvement?

While there might be some interest in tPF goings on - I think the focus would be on the nasty, troll-like behavior on PFA and her support of such.

Anonymous said...

Back to elementary school if they don't understand what a parody is. That vile PFA is no parody! LMAO!

Anonymous said...

The lack of logic in Priscilla Wadsworth's brain is stunning. Vlad believes certain things on PF, so it's ok if I post racist crap on PFA? Just ... wow. I really hope her current and future bosses Google her and see what a racist nitwit they have working for them.

Anonymous said...

LOve how Priscilla Wadsworth is so hot to ask if people are reporting income to the IRS. Since she sells on Ebay (and scammed people there, too - the thread is still up on PF), is SHE reporting her income??

Anonymous said...

MT has an IRS lien against him.
But of course the rules about paying taxes don't apply to him.

And dumb dumb DT has a stalking conviction against her. Again we see she also is of the mindset rules are for someone else.
As she's back at what she has a record for.

People who are happy in their own lives don't rant about others. They are too busy enjoying what they have.

So pathetic that DL/MT/PW (3 Stooges) have nothing going on in their lives that they stalk at TPF. They talk about people who are still accepted at TPF. 3 Stooges have been banned many times over & they go stalk there. And report what is happening through their sick twisted views. Whose got the issues?

Maybe people are clearing out their closets, why assume everyone is making a profit off what they sell.

Anonymous said...

Did Michael Tonello pay taxes on the great many Birkins he sold prior to writing that book of his? He can't now deny that he sold THAT many to matter, because if he does, he's indirectly admitting that he lied in his book? If he maintains that he wrote the truth, then cough up the taxes and the penalty for evading taxes!

Anonymous said...

I get Google alerts for "Michael Tonello" and was glad to see that PFAExposed is getting seen by Google!
Here is what it said:
Web 1 new result for "Michael Tonello"
 Priscilla Wadsworth and Michael Tonello's PFA - now your source ...
We shouldn't be surprised that Priscilla and Michael published a comment that is a slur against Jews. After all, PFA has already repeatedly made nasty ...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I noticed that the owners of this blog and many of us posters have tried to help those who post vile comments on PFA see that there are better things to do with their lives than spewing hate but they just don't get it. And I do believe we are wasting our time. I think the best we can do is to call them out any time they lie or exaggerate or post something that is offensive to anyone with a soul and a brain. We need to not let these lies stand as if they were true.
For example, they have a post from Vlad that encourages members to buy a charm. I don't believe the PFA posters indicated that this was a TPF charm and certainly as the site owner he has every right to sell it. He had a jeweler make it for him and that person just happened to be Japster. She was a valuable TPF member for many years and obviously had some sort of meltdown this year. The post and the sale were in 2006... FIVE years ago. The forum was only a year old. It really is pitiful how they look for these old threads. It's funny that the comments ignore the main post entirely and just continue on with their really crude remarks.

Anonymous said...

"People who are happy in their own lives don't rant about others. They are too busy enjoying what they have. "

~ How true is that! The reverse is - miserable people who can't find REAL joy and are stuck in a time warp. Outwardly, they have to put in so much effort to live a life that is hardly their own and when they are home, they know they have nothing.

Anonymous said...

When the law catches up with Priscilla Wadworth and how she has been managing PFA, the weight of the law would be too great for her, one person to handle. Imagine FBI knocking on her front door and her family finds out the disgrace she has been allowing that vile blog to become more vile. And then you will see, that the truth needs to be spoken. At that time, PW, you tell me if MT and DL are worth it for you to shield. Can't believe you didn't see this coming when you agreed to be used by MT to run their collaboration - that they hide behind anonymity and post all those nasty comments while you take the responsibility. You can't even say you don't know who they are as PFA is tracking IP addresses. Afterall, I can tell PFA has Google Analytics running. When MT was managing that blog, he already had it, and it's still "ON".

Anonymous said...

I just now Googled "Patricia Wadsworth" and at the top of page 2 is the PFAE post about her blog being anti-semetic. For some reason this particular PFAE post is getting indexed really well by Google! Yay!!

Anonymous said...

It's unreal to me that PW is openly running that site. The only thing I can think of is that she is so desperate to fit in somewhere, she was happy to put her name on any group she could find, even a hate group such as TPFA. That is sad. She is so young, naive, lost.

Anonymous said...

"Why would the FBI come after Priscilla for posting racial and anti-Semitic slurs on her blog? That's NOT a crime. Yeah, she's a dumbass, but let's be real here, otherwise, we are just as bad as she is."


True. But she has still put herself in jeopardy. She makes a conscious decision to post comments similar to the one mentioned in the article below, along with many other hateful comments accusing people of husband stealing and more. She has no way of knowing whether what she chooses to allow on PFA is true or not - yet she posts those comments just the same. So she bears a great deal of responsibility for what is on PFA.

At some point, someone will have had enough and will sue her.

From Yale Law and Tech:
The jurisdiction of the US judicial system undoubtedly extends to comments made in cyberspace, and in recent years, users posting anonymously on blogs and forums have come to realize more and more that, while the Communications Decency Act protects providers of online internet service from defamation lawsuits, it does not protect the actual posters of defamatory comments. As such, people who thought they were posting anonymously on the internet have increasingly found that they can in fact be held responsible for their actions.

One of the best examples of this phenomenon is in the case of Liskula Cohen (pictured right), who in January of 2009 sued Google in order to uncover the identity of the owner of the blog “Skanks in NYC,” which was operated by Google. Cohen, who is a fashion model, had discovered that the anonymous writer of the blog had posted numerous defamatory comments, calling Cohen a “skank,” an “old hag,” and a “a psychotic, lying whore.” On August 17, 2009, Judge Joan A. Madden of the Supreme Court of the State of New York issued an opinion ordering Google to reveal the name of the blogger.

The court, in a fabulous argument involving the American Heritage Dictionary definition of the words “skank” and “ho,” stated that the descriptions by the blogger of Cohen as a “skank” and a “ho” constituted an assertion that Cohen was sexually promiscuous. The court ruled that therefore these statements were not opinions but a statement of provable facts. As such, the court reasoned, if the facts posted by the blogger could be proven to be incorrect, they could most certainly be construed as defamatory to Cohen’s character. The court essentially ruled that Cohen had enough of a defamation case against the anonymous blogger that it was necessary and proper to compel Google to reveal the blogger’s name. As such, Cohen is now suing the blogger, who turned out to be 29 year old fashion student Rosemary Port for $3 million. Not surprisingly, the two had encountered each other before in the fashion scene, and had reportedly had an altercation involving Port’s ex-boyfriend.

In her ruling, Madden rejected the idea that blogs “serve as a modern-day forum for conveying personal opinions, including invective and ranting,” and cited the opinion of a Virginia Court, which stated that “in that the Internet provides a virtually unlimited, inexpensive, and almost immediate means of communication with tens, if not hundreds, of millions of people, the dangers of its misuse cannot be ignored” and that “the protection of the right to communicate anonymously must be balanced against the need to assure that those persons who choose to abuse the opportunities presented by this medium can be made to answer for such transgressions.” In this argument Madden acknowledged the vast potential of the internet but at the same time asserted that it cannot serve as a lawless abyss of anonymity. Madden’s argument was that blogs cannot be considered exempt from defamatory lawsuits and that individuals must be held accountable for their actions online. At the same time though, Madden argued that it is necessary to strike a balance between accountability and the protection of anonymous free speech.

Anonymous said...

Donna and Mikey are still actively contributing to PFA. They're fixated on things that happened five or six years ago. Between those two old hags and now Priscilla, they must spend hours and hours culling through PF posts every day.

Anonymous said...

Not sure which old adage applies to you here...the one about glass houses or the one about the pot calling the kettle black. Given the screenshots over there, how can you be on such a high horse? Meg's especially should be ashamed - she can't even spell!!
Will you even publish this? Me thinks not!

Anonymous said...

So now Priscilla has started deleting comments crtical of her and her site--while allowing people to use racial slurs because she supposedly "refuses" to moderate. Apparently, she has no problem with the use of those slurs, so why has she posted a bunch of links to TPF where commenters have said something arguably offensieve? She is a pathetic hypocrite and a fool.

Anonymous said...

Google Priscilla Wadsworth & it comes up that she is an accomplished flutist! She is ruining her career posting the anti-jew stuff!
She has seen what MT & DL do to people.

Anonymous said...

Google Priscilla Wadsworth & it comes up that she is an accomplished flutist! She is ruining her career posting the anti-jew stuff!
She has seen what MT & DL do to people.

WHAT A SHAME. Was she getting bored with her life that she has to get her fingers dirty with PFA? Bad company sure can destroy a person.

Anonymous said...

So, the horrible people at PFA decided that they should spend hours on end, to search for remarks by posters that had been missed by the moderators - which would aptly and rightly been removed if they had seen them, or if tpfers report them. The forum have thousands of members. Moderators have worked hard to keep the place clean and yeah, they missed a few under the onslaught of posts by many on a hourly basis. The mods can't have eyes everywhere.

There is even no comparison with the vile PFA. They are trying to accuse the owners of tpf and their moderators, that because they "allowed" the remarks, they agreed to them.

PFA is a personal blog. tpf is a forum. How are the two even the same? Again, a 'trademark' of PFA. Making nonsense out of nothing. I hope their post makes it even more tempting for others to visit tpf and see for themselves, what type of posters make the majority, and how PFA represent the troublemakers who want to spoil it all for the others.

They were banned by tpf and still keep going back. What sad lives.

Anonymous said...

Donna Turd posted the anti-jew post, that is why Priscilla doesn't delete it.

Anonymous said...

These people have so much hatred in their hearts. WHY? Just because you were banned from a bag forum? Purleez! Get a life!

Anonymous said...

" search for remarks by posters that had been missed by the moderators - which would aptly and rightly been removed if they had seen them..."

Well actually, even dear ol Megs used the word retarded. So yeah, they know it's there.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Will you even publish this? Me thinks not!


LOL. This is a joke. If you notice, Priscilla Wadsworth and Michael Tonello have stopped publishing ANY comment that they disagree with or that doesn't blather on about how GREAT they are and how AWFUL TPF and TPFAE are. The only reason anyone bothered going over there is because it was unmoderated. Now it's just a trashy, boring waste of time. Priscilla Wadsworth basically threw away whatever reputation she may have had for a blog that's headed down the drain. Her name will always (the internet is FOREVER) be linked to libel and bigotry.

Anonymous said...

Does Priscila Wadsworth want PFA attached to her name? That site has just degenerated, as if that was possible, to nothing more than a muck raking, name calling pit hole. Contrary to what they would have the casual observer believe, there is no reason for this blog to exist other than to dig up things out of context that are a thousand years old, post slurs against innocent people, and say nasty things about people of all races and religious beliefs. There is no moral reason for it to exist.

Anonymous said...

MT & DL dissing the purseforum over the YEARS on PFA isn't just about being banned, is it? It's about losing. They don't want to lose.

Being banned on tpf also meant that they had been cut from a ready pool of potential customers.

For MT, it could have given him a ready pool of readers of his book, but unfortunately, the world's largest collection of Hermes customers, which undoubtedly has gathered on tpf, has denounced him. No wonder he is smarting. It could have translated to book sales and free reviews.

For DL, if she was still accepted in that community, she would have enjoyed all the raves about her H possessions and received equal compliments from the others. She could have quite a reputation. So it's a very sore loss, and she disses others for what she can't have. And potentially a ready pool of women she can resell to, if she's tired of the old stuff.

Having lost that access, that welcome ... it's all meaningless, can't you see? So PFA is their dirty little playground to create trouble for all that is associated with tpf. Every post, every comment - nothing short of malice.

With everything that is so direct at attacking the purse forum, they are nothing but vindictive.

Anonymous said...

"So PFA is their dirty little playground to create trouble for all that is associated with tpf. Every post, every comment - nothing short of malice."

Pot, meet kettle. Y'all really can't see it, huh? YOU ARE JUST LIKE THEM. Better watch, you might get a nose bleed from being up on that high horse.

Anonymous said...

11/23 6:35am
OK I'll play along - Donna.

Why don't YOU inform yourself.

Anonymous said...

Duchess is ranting on PFA again about being swindled. It's always amazing to see how she projects her own rubbish onto others. Of course she's got her knickers in a wad over a couple hundred quid. She should know all about the art of the swindle - bankruptcy fraud and marrying an old fat man (her words) for money is so admirable !

Anonymous said...

Donna has no class at all.
ROFL about her complaining about being swindled. She should be counting her blessings that handicapped woman's fate wasn't hers. But only someone whose greedy would have an issue. She has no clue what a fool she makes of herself. She has zero insight.
Donna's life should be a testament to others who want to marry for money. See you too will end up a bitter b-tch with no life who stalks people on the internet. These people love their lives & she's merely a road bump. Her mentioning making up lies about them, everyone is on to DL & MT> They aren't fooling anyone but themselves. The longer this goes on, the more foolish they look.

For the love of money she sacrificed herself. Now she's bitter over what is a minute amount of money cause she has to sleep with a fat man. He got no deal when he married her either.

Not surprised to hear her son is a racists too.
The nut never falls too far from the tree.

Anonymous said...

Donna Lehtonen has nothing to do in her life but troll the internet.
Her home life is miserable.