Since we wrote the last post, it's become clear that you can spew any kind of racist hatred over at PFA. In the past few days, Priscilla Wadsworth has repeatedly stated she sees nothing wrong with the anti-Semitic (and pretty much anti any group you can name) comments she allows to be posted on PFA. So bring it on! She'll publish anything! Well, maybe not anything. As someone commented here, the only comments she won't allow are those that are critical of her, Michael Tonello or Donna Lehtonen. But if you have something racist to say, the welcome mat is out at The Purse Forum Advisory.
So hey ... open season on anyone over at PFA. The blog's co-owner, Priscilla Wadsworth, says so. It reminds of us of that Shakespearean line ... full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. That's because they have nothing valid or worthwhile to say. And any reasonable comments or voices are drowned out in a cacaphony of hatred, ignorance and racism.
Priscilla comes from a relatively small town in Alabama but we're pretty sure that if she talked to any black or Jewish or Asian or homosexual neighbours, they might beg to differ with what she thinks is perfectly acceptable beliefs and language.
In any place, no matter how big or small, it's just wrong. It has nothing to do with "allowing people to speak their minds" or "preferring not to overmoderate comments - let people say what they like!" and everything to do with a stunning lack of awareness and flat out bigotry. And none of the illogical comments Priscilla has made defending the indefensible can get around that.
When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.
When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.
When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.
When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.
When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.
Funny how you guys were so against having personal information published on blogs but its ok for you guys to talk about where priscilla is from?
Priscilla posts plenty of negative comments about herself and tPFA.
All the hate talk going on on PFA is simply despicable. No excuse. No justification.
Priscilla is a nice girl. Before you guys throw stones at her and the members of her blog, look to tPF - they are tons worse. Happy Thanksgiving.
Ever hear of something called the 1st amendment?
Wow, free speech inspires someone to post a poem about Nazis.
Melodramatic much?
@ 9:27 pm...
Sorry, Priscilla Wadsworth lost her "nice" card when she allowed spew to be posted on her blog, and when she decided saying "Jewed me down", "Jew it up" and "nigger" are ok things to call people.
What is "nice" by description when as an operator of the vile PFA blog that she allows and deemed condoning of all the bad things that go on there. It's likened to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Personal information - you have no idea what you are talking about. She posted that information on the internet herself. All of the victims on PFA did not post their personal information on the internet, and nor did they willingly want people to know their real names when they become members of tpf. Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen made use of tpf, make fake friends and used Facebook to identify the real names behind the nicks. That's malicious intent.
DL now ranting about being swindled.
People with no joy in their lives, are stuck in a time warp. Explains DL & MT to a T.
They are perfect for each other, how lucky they are to have met!
~ DL now ranting about being swindled.
People with no joy in their lives, are stuck in a time warp. Explains DL & MT to a T.
They are perfect for each other, how lucky they are to have met!
- Being swindled ... haven't you heard, what goes around comes around. Magnet for bad karma. It always catches up.
- Birds of a feather flock together
How come everyone loved Donna as long as she was pumping money into RAOKs and the Sunshine Committee? Once that ended, so did her welcome at tPF. What happened?
Nice try DL/MT.
Her welcome was wore out when she stalked women on TPF & was told to stop. (Sounds very familiar doesn't it! Probation over yet DL?)
Of course in her sick mind the rules don't apply to her. Just like she thinks she was swindled. More delusion.
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