No need to use an IP blocker. We aren't interested in who you are, where you are, or publishing that info. We're not interested in making fun of anyone who posts at Purse Forum, either. You like purses, you don't like purses, you like PF or you don't - we don't care.
We just want to show what Michael Tonello has said and done, in his own words, online, to other people. We will be delighted to close this blog once his is gone.
In the meantime, please share your stories so others can know more about why PFA needs to close.
Several ebay sellers including flossyfigaro have complained to ebay that Michael Tonello (aka Won4the$) made up false ebay IDs to harass them when he thought they had done him wrong. I believe that is what finally lead to ebay banning him.
TPFA needs to close because it's so boring, lol. What does MT have to say?
1) A is a reseller
2) B sells fakes
3) C is a liar.
4) Vlad worked in adult web services.
5) The mods are liars, cheats, and steal candy from babies.
Rinse and repeat.
I for one and shocked that an adult would put so much time into this. I am seriously worried about everyone's safety when MT is involved. He is unhinged.
Ebay banned Michael Tonello? How dare they? How incredibly mean spirited and bad mannered of ebay to ban such a great, wonderful and mentally unhinged seller!
I wonder why he hasn't started a vendetta against ebay yet, and is only content with taking his business elsewhere, i.e. selling his old crummy jackets on Bonanza?
Yeah, he is unhinged, so is Donna and their friend Jami P. . . isn't cyberstalking illegal?
@4:19, agree. I hope those being stalked seek police help soon.
@6:40, agree, Jami P is as much a part of TPFA as the rest of them are. After all, she didn't get the kind of attention she wanted with her own blog she had to try to ride the coat-tails of another person's.
luv ~ newEXPOSEDfan
Who is Jami?
You all are doing a Fabulous job with this new blog. Your writing style is really clever ... You really nail it every time.
Just wondering if you would consider getting an email address for the blog so we can send you links or quoted material easier than through the "comments" section.
Hmm, wonder if the military would be happy to hear about one of their own - Jami P - cyberstalking/bullying?
All of this about a HANDBAG Forum . . . HANDBAGS!!!
*shaking my head*
Seems like some people need a REAL catastrophe in their lives for some perspective.
Incidentally, some of their "resellers" don't sell anything at all, the eBay names they gave aren't even found on eBay!!!
Don't believe everything you read people!
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