I believe it's against the Blogger ToS to publish someone's full contact info. Particularly when they've asked for it to be taken down. Particularly when they are now receiving unwanted contact as a result. Some might call that cyberharassment.
Now why wouldn't Mr. Tonello remove this information? Oh, right. The lady called him an idiot.
I guess Mr. Tonello's ego is very small. Miniscule. Perhaps in keeping with other parts of him. Idiot is soooooo wounding, measures must be taken to make sure this woman pays with her privacy.
If you don't want your personal information spread all over the internet and if you don't want to be the subject of Mr. Tonello's peculiar attentions, don't visit his PFA blog.
probably not blogger's pathetic policy, but definitely laws. There are internet bullying and harassment laws. There is actually a place to report this specifically on the FBI's website AND their local branches. I have done so.
I am just annoyed by the blogger feeling he needs to expose others.He needs to just stick to exposing what all the "lies,and scams" he claims to know?
Sadly bullying normally is only applied to a younger age group, and enforcement of harassment laws varies by state and how they are prosecuted.
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