Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Not nice

Why would Mr. Tonello, posting as StyleGuru and now as reconfortante on the GQ.com forums, persistently target someone he's never met? Seem familiar? Oh, right. The same curious obsession he's displayed on PFA with Grands Fonds, gigi123 and a host of others. Grudge much over nothing?

At least Jason85 is fighting back - go Jason!
Read it here or at the forum, link at the end.

Re: WAYWT Part Deux.

Posted: May 26, 2010 1:16 AM Go to message in response to: GFalconer
Yes, I did. I don't see why I'd make up something like that. I also don't see what I would gain from it. Besides, it's not even the best prep school in NYC. It stands behind Horace Mann, The Beekman, and the most prestigious of them all, Trinity. It's a friggin high school, for God's sake. It's not like I said I went to Yale or Harvard. If I really wanted to lie, I would have said that I went to a world-renowned Ivy League university, like Yale or Princeton, not a high school no one ever heard of. How many of you have even heard of it before this Luxe guy brought it up? I went there for a year, and made that very clear. Also, it was something I said in 2007, 2 years before Luxe joined this forum. It was in a "Tell us more about you" thread or something like that. I don't remember where I said it, since it was almost 3 years ago. If you were here last year, you would have noticed how he was stalking me, and how he read every single one of my posts dating years back. You'd think he was writing a biography about me and doing extensive research, since he would bring up things I don't even remember writing. It's creepy, and many pointed that out. He's really that desperate of a person. He has made tens of threads about me, calling me anti-semetic, or this and that, based on nothing. He's trying to get back at me for revealing what he did to those women, which you sent me via pm, btw. He has gone back and searched in his "notes" to find some dirt on me, and make things personal, but I'm not buying it. If he really has something, he would have said it last year, when he was constantly hounding me, since I said that one-third of a decade ago, and not something I randomly said last week.

I swore off responding to him, and made that clear in my last post. Actions speak louder than words. Nothing can justify what he has done by scamming people. I don't know what he's trying to prove. But if he thinks that "lying" about going to a highschool is equivalent to scamming hundreds of women by selling them damaged goods for $10,000-$50,000 and threatening them, then he truly is crazy. It's not even close of being on the same par. It is the internet after all, and no one forced this Tonello guy to reveal his name, and go all Dan Brown on us.

In a "how old are you" thread from last year, he said he was 31, but then suddenly claims he wrote that Birkin book a few months later, not that I don't believe him. It's not like he's a Pulitzer prize winner. His book is ranked #259,590 in Amazon's bestsellers rank, ha! I mean how hard is it to write a book about being blacklisted and thrown out of Hermes? In the end, he has been given way too many chances. He was also "revealed" too many times, as well. First by Hermes for re-selling bags and other goods, which is illegal, then by hundreds of members at the Purse Forum whom he ripped off, and like Hermes, they also banned and blacklisted him, and then by me.

For getting back at Hermes, he wrote a book, and revealed the "secrets" of how to buy the "exclusive" bag. To get back at members of the Purse Forum whom he ripped off, he published their names, addresses, etc., as revenge, and lastly to get back at me for posting the awful things he has done, he's TRYING to do the same thing. Don't you get it??? It's the oldest trick in the book! He truly never learns... Karma is a bitch! As I stated earlier, I swore off not only responding to him, but to not even mention his name. His name is so cursed at the Purse Forum that his last name "Tonello" is forbidden to to be used, and types star symbols instead, like *******, haha! That tells you a lot, when even computers tell you what a fraud he actually is! He can go to hell for all I care.

Read More http://www.gq.com/forums/message.jspa?messageID=540147#ixzz1I2mKXJKU

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent Blog!! Just want to make one correction. Tonello was originally LuxeGuru at GQ, before changing to reconfortante. On May 23, 2010, at 10:34 am LuxeGuru introduced himself to the forum as the author of "brining home the birkin" in the Where I went to School thread. This same post now reads as posted by reconfortante. You can see it here...


Once the name was changed from LuxeGuru to reconfortante, all luxeGuru posts appear to have been posted by reconfortante. But, the "edited by" tag does not change. As you can see here, when LuxeGuru, Michael Tonello, now reconfortante edited this post.


A perusal of the GQ forum for LuxeGuru, reconfortante, and Jason85 will reveal the incredible lengths tonello went to to stalk, bully, and defame this individual, who did nothing to him other than post wardrobe pictures on a style thread. It is disgusting and sick.

Thanks for starting this blog. I hope Michael and Donna will find another hobby soon. Now that donna has finished that hideous mausoleum, she clearly has nothing better to do than feed MTs sick ego.

bespoke, bespoke, bespoke.