Here's Mr. Tonello as HermesGuy. Getting all hot and bothered because someone didn't like his book. Why not just register under his own name (since he's such a big prononent of honesty on the Internet after all), instead of having his little alter egos rush to his defense?
There, there. We're sure you can make all the nasty people disappear if you just publish enough things about them. Or call them names. So there. (Is that the stamping of a little foot I hear in the distance?)
He can't stand it when One. Single. Person doesn't like his book? Really? Just because the reviewer of a magazine or a newspaper likes a book, EVERYONE has to like it too?
He's got such a teeny sense of self esteem, it's truly sad to behold.
Oh, our Mikey loooves talking to himself, yes indeed.
When he had the issue on the PF I almost felt sorry for him, thinking he was normal. but then I realized that he plays games all over the internet and the portrait of a real sick emerges.
Well, we see what he does over at PFA if anyone disagrees with him. His ego is so large and he is so insecure that he attacks them in any way he can. Either accusing them of being a reseller (just like him!) or carrying fakes (who cares?) or just releasing personal and private information. Michael Tonello is a very petty, insecure and angry man.
Dopey at Styleforum is a very close and good friend of mine. And he doesnt mince words, he tells it like it is so that was quite entertaining.
This is an enjoyable blog, keep it up.
ML and C at PFA
Ah yes...dopey.. He wrote and insightful review of Bringing Home The Birkin.....probably made himself a target of Michaels, too...
witty and fun. the opposite of the book.
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