Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Why it matters. And why it doesn't.

It matters who's behind PFA. Because if you don't know the honest truth about why someone started a blog, or holds certain views, then all you're reading is propaganda. Let's give all the commenters over at PFA the benefit of the doubt and say everyone is smart and on the ball. Don't you want to know WHY you're being told certain things? Don't you want to know if it's true? Or perhaps just a vendetta by some people who were banned from a forum (about bags, no less) and can't stand it. (And while we're asking, did you behave this way in school, too? Because honestly, it's pretty juvenile.)

It matters that you feel people are unfairly treated at PF. We are sure some have been, are, and will be. Our research shows it's privately owned, and the owners are therefore able to set the rules and ban people they feel break them. Unfair? Could be. But the adult thing to do is move on if, once you've made your point that you think you've been unfairly booted, you can't change their minds. Slandering people .... not so cool. (And remember that the primary defense to slander is the truth, folks. All the allegations being slung over at PFA? The names they call folks they've never met? That all the bags but Donna's are fake? Show us the proof. We're still waiting.)

It matters that you are being told things that aren't true. Like the amusing hit counter at the bottom of the page on PFA. We can tell you with near 100 per cent certainty those numbers have been sucking helium. And anyhow, what does it matter if 200,000,000,000 people read it? Doesn't make any of it true.

It doesn't matter that the owners of PF are making money on PF. No, seriously. It really doesn't. Do you think all those free websites and forums you visit DON'T make money on you? No one could be that naive in 2011. So here's the real deal. If you don't like it, don't visit. So simple.

It matters that real people are being affected. We're sure there are lots of cheers over at PFA for the fact that people's real names, contact information, blog info and places of work are being posted online against their will on PF. Some of them may see it as comeuppance for some imagined slights. We're still waiting to see if the owners of PFA are willing to do to themselves what they so readily do to others. Dying to see when they will come forward, admit why they really started the blog (and trust us, it has absolutely nothing to do with "advising" or uncovering supposed scams. It has everything to do with their own outrage over being banned. So let's see a little honesty, hmmm?

In the grand scheme of things, none of this matters. How lame is it of us to ask that people not hide behind anonymity when slashing others to bits. And for the commenters who think that's what's going on here, it isn't. We're publishing their own words, their own posts. We won't provide links over to PFA or PF - why drive traffic? When we're unhappy with something, we may try to fix it. We may walk away. We really want people to know the true Michael Tonello. We won't try to inflict damage on all and sundry because that ain't how we roll. And it would be a better world if more of the anonymous felt that way, too.

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