We had to laugh when we saw this charming description of Senor Tonello's neighbourhood, Las Ramblas. Between that and the fact that he lives in reassuringly close proximity to several sex shops and shows, now we know why he finds Barcelona so much to his taste:
Las Ramblas is a popular tourist attraction in its own right. Any time during the day or night several thousands tourists will be meandering along the Ramblas soaking up the atmosphere and enjoying the activities.
However there is also another group of individuals that are attracted to the Ramblas for a completely different reason. They are interested in taking advantage of the tourists. Who are they? Pickpockets and scam artists!
Las Ramblas is the worst part of Barcelona. Apropos!
Barcelona's worst, dirtiest, junkiest neighborhood. Perfect for Michael.
This seems beneath you. Accusations based on gossamer and wild guesses are best left in the realm of the irredeemably vile and hateful Donna and Michael. Implying he's picked his neighborhood based on the chance of scamming or pickpocketing tourists is not much different that past and current Michael Tonello assertions about tPF members activities, goods, and lives.
Wild guesses aren't helpful. There are plenty of actual facts and instances of Michael Tonello's mental illness and florid personality disorder on display all over the Internet. A supposition of this caliber is beneath you and is weaker than the verifiable truth of his lies about tPF members, his stalking and bullying of style forum and gqforum kids, and his bizarrely thorough made up lies and scenarios about tPF members.
This isn't a wild guess. His address is his username on those many YouTube videos. We don't know why he picked that neighborhood but when we saw that description, really ... it fit. Like a bespoke glove. And we are delighted to continue publishing more information about what he is up to online. Please keep sending it along.
Oh, and unlike Mr. Tonello, we are not, have not and will not publish people's IP addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, or real names. His is freely available and by legal definition, he is a public persona ... but we are guessing that what's good for the goose isn't good for this gander.
No, the wild guess part seemed to come in with the words pickpockets and scammers. Lots of honorable people live in less than stellar or glamorous neighborhoods. Doing the best you have with what you've got isn't a character indictment if after doing your best you still can't afford somewhere grand.
Poor doesn't equate to pickpocket, scammer, or Michael Tonello-like levels of sociopathic behavior. And sociopathic behavior toward strangers from the safety of behind a computer screen doesn't equate to picking tourists' pockets or scamming them.
Making fun of people living in what they think are bad (read: homes under 8 figures) neighborhoods is what Donna and Michael do. I despise them, I want them to suffer shame and humiliation for what they've done. I never want to see anyone mocked or tarred with petty criminal behavior based on the quality of their living environment.
Maybe that's not your intention. But that is how it sounded to me when I first read your post. That's how it sounds to me now upon rereading your post and your followup comment. Michael never lied about living in Las Ramblas. You aren't revealing a lie or protecting a victim with this one. This one sounds more like mean girls laughing and gossiping about the less fortunate.
I'm on your side. I have been from day 1. But the purpose behind this post is baffling me.
whoa, that's crazy he lives there, yuck!
Actually, it's completely in keeping with what we've published here. Mr. Tonello likes to present himself online as wealthy. He criticizes others for their pretensions. Yet he is himself exceedingly pretentious and defintely NOT wealthy. We don't have a problem with his economic status. We do have a problem with the way he goes after others for being the exact things that he is, only then he tries to make them pejoratives. That seems like lying and scamming to us.
I agree
not going to get into the MT/TPFAE quarrel but where do you get your info from? The area has become a tourist spot and very popular with tourists and locals; it isn't the worst part of Barcelona.
Never heard of Las Ramblas. Not interested.
Agree with May 8, 2011 7:57 PM 100%. This statement is totally unecessary. I have had the pleasure of visiting Barcelona and enjoyed and loved Las Ramblas. I am in no shape or form a pickpocket or scammer - or anything remotely close to that. To make a blanket statement about an area or city is plain and simple wrong. Now MT and Donna - they fit the bill of what is "wrong" in our society. No need for us to make statements that make us fall into the same category...
Really? A simple Google search of las ramblas scammers turns up 322,000 results. Including YouTube videos, blogs, and reputable travel sights.
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