Monday, May 30, 2011

And today on the playground

In her own words, Donna Lehtonen. We believe she is in her 50s, though it's hard to tell from this. Sounds like the kind of "sticks and stones" trash talk little kids use.

theduchessofH said...

Michael, there are some comments that need **** on this post.

The TPFE has a few of their so called facts wrong about me.
I'm NOT my husbands fourth wife; but I definitely am his LAST wife. lol. My son IS Canadian and was born IN Canada, as was I; as was my husband. Our son will be attending college IN Canada this fall.

I have never posted anyones real name or personal information on the internet. I have posted the names of some purse forum members, and changed their PF (in brackets) name. Names such as mrsspankles, mrsskankles, mrscankles, (mrssparkles), smelliemom (melliesmom10), Greenteeth (Greentea),PeanutButterCups (PeanutBabyCakes),Fladulence (Vlad, aka Flad, in the 'Starbucks Fail thread), Dregs (Megs),Crying Jag (Jag), and a few others that I fail to recall at the moment.

Hardly personally revealing info, in my opinion; but I could be wrong.

And I can't leave out Grand Fibs (Grands Fonds)
And because turnabout is fair play, for myself; some creative person came up with The duchess of Herpes (duchess). lol.

Shout out to Flossy Pigaro (Flossy Figaro)


Anonymous said...

Admission of her twisted obsession and meanness. None of the tpfers had anything to do with her. None of them was her friend even. Ignoring this woman is the best punishment because the silence would just deafen her. Betcha her house is quiet and ignoring her will make her feel miserable. She's a troll, nothing else. God save you.

Anonymous said...

Donna created Hermes/Herpes herself when joining a pet forum as melliesmom10. She posted Hermes/Herpes on a dog forum using melliesmom10 as an ID.
She also tried another Yorkie forum but couldn't hack into it that melliesmom10 belonged to.
Yorkies xxx xxxxxxx email:
"I can't believe someone did that. crazy people can be.

I am going to go change your username to xxxxx that is what you will have to log in with. Use your old password, if you have trouble let me know."
I informed melliesmom10 when I came across what Donna had done.She sent me all emails she exchanged with blog owners.
duchess is sick and I am being extremely kind.
She is so envious of this woman that she is obsessed.

Anonymous said...

She's not the fourth wife, she's the THIRD wife, and who knows how long she'll last...

Anonymous said...

La donna è mobile
Qual piuma al vento,
Muta d'accento — e di pensiero.
Sempre un amabile,
Leggiadro viso,
In pianto o in riso, — è menzognero.

English translation:

This woman is flighty
Like a feather in the wind,
She changes in voice — and in thought.
Always sweet,
Pretty face,
In tears or in laughter, — she is a liar.

Apt, no?

Anonymous said...

Well, I think Donna picked a great name for herself, Duchess of Herpes. It's much nicer then what I call her.

Anonymous said...

Just wanna shout out to all the victims of Donna Lehtonen, Michael Tonello and some mischievous others on PFA ...

"No one can hurt you without your consent" ~ So don't let them. I'm sure all of you have loved ones and beautiful lives. Live with what really matters.

Anonymous said...

"I am going to go change your username to xxxxx that is what you will have to log in with. Use your old password, if you have trouble let me know."
I informed melliesmom10 when I came across what Donna had done.She sent me all emails she exchanged with blog owners.
duchess is sick and I am being extremely kind.
She is so envious of this woman that she is obsessed."

This incident serves as a timely warning and also precaution. If anyone comes across any blogs or forums that bear the nick similar to what's on tpf, always question the real identity behind the similar/identical IDs. melliesmom isn't the only victim. You can read on tpf that mrssparkles had an impersonator too on styleforum and this impersonator was subsequently banned.

Just saying that everyone should keep their eyes open and watch out for evilness at work. And always trust your guilt feel!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Obviously this woman has never had an intellectual thought in her life. This is so juvenile and prurient. When she gets too old for Bob, she will be the former Mrs. Lehtonen and then even MT won't want to be her friend. She won't be able to give him plane rides and/or an allowance.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who thinks Donna and that pock-faced old queen tonello look uncannily similar? I thought Donna was tonello in drag

Anonymous said...

This comment doesnt really apply specifically to this post---but I came across a couple of things today. I got a notion to google Michael Tonello and Provincetown, and I discovered a couple of things. The first is that most mentions of Provincetown and MT come in the context of book reviews. And these book reviews are basically three boilerplate reviews that are identical. Press releases, basically. Probably written by Michael.

Another thing is MTs delightful contributions as a book reviewer, of only ONE book. Provincetowns very own Dwayne Raymond, author of of Mornings with Mailer.

And, in an amazing cooincidence, here is DONNA, name-dropping on Luxury Obesessed's blog, about the very same, Dwayne Raymond. This comment seems to have an undercurrent of snark. What do you think? It seems to be dripping with it, doesnt it. THIS IS WHAT THEY DO!!! Stalk and bomb.

I wonder if Dwayne Raymond, of Provincetown, author of Mornings with Mailer, knows what a sick obsessed bitter hag Michael has become. And I wonder if he is still "friends" with Donna Lehtonen???


Anonymous said...

"Donna created Hermes/Herpes herself "

Ahhh ... so she lies yet again.

Anonymous said...

Why are you people so obsessed with Duchess?
A few things you should consider.
1) As a former Miss Ontario, she has runs on the board when it comes to looks. Can you say the same about yourselves?;
2) She has never failed to be frank with her viewpoints. Whether you like them or not, she is entitled to them. You certainly are enamored enough by them to continually (mis)quote her.
3) Sticks and stones may break her bones, but your continued obsession with her will never hurt her.

Anonymous said...

"Why are you people so obsessed with Duchess?

LOL! Hazard a guess this is written by Donna Lehtonen?

Anonymous said...

Why are you people so obsessed with Duchess?
A few things you should consider.
1) As a former Miss Ontario, she has runs on the board when it comes to looks. Can you say the same about yourselves?;
2) She has never failed to be frank with her viewpoints. Whether you like them or not, she is entitled to them. You certainly are enamored enough by them to continually (mis)quote her.
3) Sticks and stones may break her bones, but your continued obsession with her will never hurt her.

1) Does this mean that Michael Tonello looks like a former beauty queen too? He and Donna do look quite alike.

2) Most of the posts quoted on Exposed are direct quotes by Donna, no misquotes there. What people think of them...well, you can read for yourself

3) We really don't care about Donna's feelings. She doesn't care about anyone else's so why should we care about hers? We're here so people who were hurt by Donna can understand that she does that to lots of people, and that it's her skewed perception of the world that makes her such a nasty-ass person.

The first comment calls Donna a troll, and that's what she is, no more, no less.

Anonymous said...

"Why are you people so obsessed with Duchess?
A few things you should consider.
1) As a former Miss Ontario, she has runs on the board when it comes to looks. Can you say the same about yourselves?;
2) She has never failed to be frank with her viewpoints. Whether you like them or not, she is entitled to them. You certainly are enamored enough by them to continually (mis)quote her.
3) Sticks and stones may break her bones, but your continued obsession with her will never hurt her."

May 31, 2011 2:33 AM

Post this yourself Donna, with your plastic face, you're middle aged no matter what you do!
She's a nasty piece of trash who has issues with honesty. The name for her starts with a "B"!

Anonymous said...

Is she truly was a Ms Ontario, what she's doing makes her even more pathetic. Wouldn't she have a special connection with others who were in this circle & more things going on in her life? Than hang out on the web & smear others names. I know other women who've achieved this & they are busy still doing charity work etc. She must of been kicked out of the group. Or she's just too selfish with her time.

Her looks are suppose to over ride all the real ugliness she has done? You must be MT or 13 years old.

How are her lies being frank? Only MT would see it this way. His world is not one most of us exist in.

Anonymous said...

No disrespect to other winners of the world famous Miss Ontario beauty pageant, but so what? Thank you for your comment Donna and/or Mikey. The only truth stated here is that she is frank with her viewpoints. So are people in mental institutions and prisons and they are under lock and key.

Anonymous said...

"No one can hurt you without your consent" ~ So don't let them. I'm sure all of you have loved ones and beautiful lives. Live with what really matters.

May 30, 2011 8:49 PM
This garbage created by MT and duchess
has a domino effect on other family members.Your post is naive. It's all out there on google. Yes, the mistake was my getting a computer and a friend sending me the link for TPF. I don't EVEN go there anymore but I'm still paying for joining. It will never stop.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Why are you people so obsessed with Duchess?
A few things you should consider.
1) As a former Miss Ontario, she has runs on the board when it comes to looks. Can you say the same about yourselves?;
2) She has never failed to be frank with her viewpoints. Whether you like them or not, she is entitled to them. You certainly are enamored enough by them to continually (mis)quote her.
3) Sticks and stones may break her bones, but your continued obsession with her will never hurt her.

May 31, 2011 2:33 AM
We would like her to disappear. She's ugly, a middle aged plastic surgeon's disaster.
What's frank about a liar?
I think we are hardly enamored with her, rather dislike her intensely for bashing people she doesn't even know.
Obsessed, NO! Donna's obsessed with being a needy attention whore. Stupid post MT!

Anonymous said...

"The name for her starts with a "B"!"

Bond Girl?

Now you are on the right track!

Anonymous said...

Duchess is the classic example of the average person who has suddenly come into wealth. At one point in time she was probably smart, ethical & considerate towards others. Fast forward to now & she's married to someone with millions of dollars & all she cares about is trying to destroy others-- a nasty piece of work.

Ironically it appears that the bad traits of her personality that have now come to the fore have isolated her & have attracted those who take advantage. She claims to be opinionated when in fact the real truth is that she cannot tolerate anyone challenging her. In other words, all of those fine simian qualities that the concept of "society" is supposed to rein in.

Given the freedom, the natural human proclivity is not toward charity & compassion. Quite the contrary actually. Cruelty & excessive displays of power can be intoxicating for those who have the license to wield them without fear of reprisal. (Google the Milgram experiments if you think this is an exaggeration.)

Duchess does & says mean things because she believes her wealth buys her the right to do so. She also believes that her wealth means that she is not subject to any real negative consequences. This, of course, alienates people who might be real friends. Enter the sycophants like MT, who are happy to play her game for the perks.

Anonymous said...

Jeez, I can understand when a newly crowned beauty queen is still hot about her newly attained beauty queen title. It must have been about 30 years ago for Donna Lehtonen? Purrrleeez. Fact that this info still comes up, goes to show there really isn't much else going for her. Life's great achievements are not about such frivolous titles. It's about the good deeds you contribute to the community and the world. Zero?

Besides, real beauties don't need pageants for the feel-good factor.

Can I say that I am beautiful? Yes, INSIDE and outside. :-)

Anonymous said...

When one can lie with a poker face, one can write lies without any guilt.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"The name for her starts with a "B"!"

Bond Girl?

Now you are on the right track!

May 31, 2011 11:02

Bond girls grow old and if you check out Youtube, Ursula Andress looks old and ugly from plastic surgery. It is better to age gracefully instead of looking like a plastic clown. Helen Mirren is a beautiful mature women.
Donna has started the aging process and it is noted by her that she has had a face lift among other procedures. She posted pictures on her blog at the time. She looks ugly inside and outside. She has a black heart and no soul.
Think you're smart MT, just a bad writer, stick with seliing your Hermes scarf booklets.

Anonymous said...

"The name for her starts with a "B"!"

Bond Girl?

Now you are on the right track!

Bond girl????

LMAO - If Bob Lehtonen looks like Sean Connery, why, sure. Unfortunately, I think no-one could look less like Sean Connery than Bob L.

Hyuck, hyuk. Donna's so deluded about her appearance it's not even funny.

Anonymous said...

Bond Girl? Don't make me throw up. Check your cellulite.

Anonymous said...

Fabulous post 5/31 11:20
(Not all that find themselves in DL position act this way. But enough do that we notice it.)
On target about losing the new friends that are worthwhile, the ones that wouldn't dream of taking advantage of her.

Mods - I'm serious about this next part. If you want to edit this post & write everyone a heads up lets do this - Great!

How about writing to Dr Phil & requesting a show on adult internet bullies. These 2 have to be at the top. Their behavior should be exposed to all before anyone else gets dragged into a friendship/transaction with them.
Maybe the thought they would have to come out from behind the screen & face their issues on TV might make them stop.

Anonymous said...

A former Miss Ontario? what in a competition of one?

I know they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but guess the judges had white sticks and guide dogs on that day.

Still think tonello will come out in months to come (as he did about being owner of that trog blog of his) admitting he is Donna in drag. Perhaps he only comes out as his alter-ego Donna at weekends and for special occasions.

Whatever, they were both hit with the ugly stick at birth

Anonymous said...

On the PFA everyone is either fat, old, or ugly! MT is two out of three.

Anonymous said...

I have never posted anyones real name or personal information on the internet. I have posted the names of some purse forum members, and changed their PF (in brackets) name. Names such as mrsspankles, mrsskankles, mrscankles, (mrssparkles), smelliemom (melliesmom10), Greenteeth (Greentea),PeanutButterCups (PeanutBabyCakes),Fladulence (Vlad, aka Flad, in the 'Starbucks Fail thread), Dregs (Megs),

I'm sure you know that 'Vlad' is a shorter form of his real name, and ' Megs' is a shorter form of her real name, and both of those are names they use. Donna, would you like someone to take your real name and make an ugly nickname out of it?

I'm sure you'll come up with some nice excuse about why it is okay, and no harm done, everything-is-just -fun and so on. I'm sure you've never walked a mile in anyone else's shoes, and have no empathy and no kindness in your heart.

Anonymous said...

where is all that legal advice Donna is supposedly getting? The first thing any lawyer would tell her is to SHUT HER PIEHOLE. Oh golly, my bad, I forgot! The lawyers at her disposal are Bob's lawyers, not hers. And in order for her to get "advised", Bob would have to be informed about her online activities....

Anonymous said...

Oh golly gosh! Wouldn't you like to be the little bird who whispers all of Donna's wrong doings in Bob's ear? He just might pull out that pre-nup for a lookie see and have his attorney dust it off and file it with the divorce petition.

Anonymous said...

There are lots of things a certain rich hubby does not know about his wife.

tubby_hubby said...

gay marriage is legal in canada. donna better watch out, mikey may be angling to be wife #4.