It's a good question for those who visit PFA to ask themselves. All web sites have the ability to track internet protocol information, if they use the appropriate software. (We have no interest in tracking you, contactng anyone who visits here or publishing any of your personal information.)
Michael Tonello has made no secret of the fact that he not only tracks his visitors, he actively looks up information like their names, city and street address and other contact inrformation.
Why would he need or want that information? Well, as the saying goes, past actions predict future behaviour. Mr. Tonello has frequently published people's street and work information and has contacted people with, shall we say, messages that are not warm and fuzzy and reassuring.
Don't think you're safer if you post agreeing with him. Michael Tonello has frequently published people's personal information if they so much as disagree with him.
Why does he care where you're located? Why does he want to post photos and personal information? Maybe it's time all his fans asked themselves that question; we assume you use anonymous and made up names on his blog for a reason. Ask yourself how you will feel when you become the target of Michael Tonello's very pointed interest in your personal information. And don't kid yourself - it's only a matter of time.
MT will get what he deserves soon!
transcendent1 is another TPF member that is an informer for PFA. The Hong Kong group no longer includes her at their gatherings.
PFA:"Anonymous Anonymous said...
Too Funny!!!"
August 6, 2011 4:10 AM
A very good reason why I avoid CDL for purchases. She's a dear friend of MT. I'd be afraid she would leak private info to him. I also avoid Luxury-Zurich as well, same reason!
Castorny was a friend of the duchess, the table has turned but I remember him slamming those duchess didn't like. I stay away from him as well.I'm off TPF brings only grief to those who are members. They posted a picture of people and will expose their identity next, never bothered either MT or duchess. No one is safe. When will posters learn to keep their purchases PRIVATE and pictures off the internet? Does anyone really think they are safe from the demented MT and duchess?
The cruds on PFA get more visual enrichment from looking at pictures of happy, successful people enjoying life than they ever could get from looking at themselves in the mirror. Trouble is, seeing happy, successful people overactivates their vitriol glands.
"we assume you use anonymous and made up names on his blog for a reason."
i've yet to see one real name anywhere on your blog, and that goes for the owner/author too. you're about as trustworthy as Beverley Allitt.
This post of yours is too funny. You PF lovers have a mortal fear of "real names". Now why is that? Not so proud of what you say and do?
Those who so gleefully emails PFA with stories, gossips, fabricated lies etc have one thing in common: malice.
If they have uncovered a scam, and had been hurt by one, and want to warn others, I say they will be doing some good in preventing more people from being cheated.
But if all they want to do, is to feed PFA with crap to ridicule their next victim, I think they better think twice. MT will eventually turn on these people. I bet some of them had stupidly emailed MT using their personal emails. You all are in a whole shit of trouble even before you know it.
"Trouble is, seeing happy, successful people overactivates their vitriol glands."
Typical trait of a sour grape, what else. The 2 jealous freaks just can't get their heads around how rich people can be, and can only diss the people who were clearly having fun.
The average ones on the purse forum, who work hard and reward themselves with luxurious goods are far more happy and lead more fulfilled lives than those who watch jealously on the sidelines, pretend to be friendly, to befriend unsuspecting members on the forum and strike with their evilness.
The moment PFA posts pictures of members of the purse forum with faces uncovered, it is against the will of the members.
If they move one step further by publicizing real names against the pictures, in a public blog such as PFA, I urge all those identified against their will, to copy and paste the blog post as soon as possible and file a complaint with your police, attorney and send to Google's legal department to take PFA down.
MT is now targeting the HK tpfers. His objective is to scare this group of happy tpfers from having any more fun and posting in tpf. He wants to drive traffic away from tpf. He wants tpfers to quit tpf.
My message to these girls is to continue to live your lives to the fullest because the 2 creeps don't have good lives and can't stand for others who are happy.
If you see your faces exposed on a public blog against your will, you can get Google to act. Police report and a lawyer to write to Google.
He captures IP addresses, takes the effort to uncover the owners of the IP addresses and then goes out to link them to tpf nicks. Studies the posts of these tpfers and then decides whether to make them his victims.
So you tell me if this is not the brain of a sicko.
Thank god for countries where IP addresses are confidential. Shows only the service providers' IPs.
He has been caught lying so many times, making claims about certain people visiting PFA when they never did. Liar, liar pants on fire.
Don't waste your time with losers. Both TPF & TPFA are full of them.
Can't stand that someone has something they don't, even if its only happiness.
DL thinks she's the only rich person around. Her Chubby Tubby Hubby totally controls what she buys & has exposure to. Like a bird in a guilded cage.
MT & DL are both going to have a wake-up call soon.
Hyuck Hyuck Hyuck Hyuck Hyuck
He once mistakenly cc:'d me in on an email. His plan is to enslave all of the Hermes scarf wearing PFers in some work/concentration camp (in Pompano Beach, I think it was) where they will be forced to hem scarves 20 hours a day and only be fed amphetamines, bread and water. This is why he is collecting all of their IP addresses, next he will get their bra sizes and hair-color formulas from Castorny.
I am scared for my life!
I heard he is coming to America soon with a bunch of skinheads to round everyone up.
I actually just wet myself while writing this, I am so nervous!!!
Vlad please H E L P us!!!!!
OMG, can you help us please! He has my husband tied up (with my Hermes silk scarves) in our outhouse. I am writing this msg while hiding under the floorboards in the barn. I think he is going to steal all of my Birkins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(and my IP address)
Tonello has used his capture IP information to stalk TPF members at work. FACT.
Anonymous said...
He once mistakenly cc:'d me in on an email. His plan is to enslave all of the Hermes scarf wearing PFers in some work/concentration camp (in Pompano Beach, I think it was) where they will be forced to hem scarves 20 hours a day and only be fed amphetamines, bread and water. This is why he is collecting all of their IP addresses, next he will get their bra sizes and hair-color formulas from Castorny.
I am scared for my life!
I heard he is coming to America soon with a bunch of skinheads to round everyone up.
I actually just wet myself while writing this, I am so nervous!!!
Vlad please H E L P us!!!!!
August 7, 2011 10:48 AM
Anonymous said...
OMG, can you help us please! He has my husband tied up (with my Hermes silk scarves) in our outhouse. I am writing this msg while hiding under the floorboards in the barn. I think he is going to steal all of my Birkins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(and my IP address)
August 7, 2011 11:21 AM
Idiots!!!!!!!! This is to be expected from PFA!
Wow, my how will I ever sleep at night now.
What ever will I do, MT might know my name.
Michael Tonello is a sicko. All these years hunting down members of the purse forum. All this time wasted. What a complete loser and excuse for a human being.
Don't fool yourselves. His only agenda is to destroy the purse forum, which is comical in and of itself. His self proclaimed agenda of helping people avoid scams is a total lie. He could care less. He just wants revenge.
Anonymous said...
Wow, my how will I ever sleep at night now.
What ever will I do, MT might know my name.
August 7, 2011 7:11 PM
I hope he knows your name. You deserve to be stalked for this stupid post!
Who would publish a book by a writer who can't even use complete sentences? I think that would be a minimum skill of any writer. He must not have even written BHTB. But, what a pathetic ghost writer!
Revenge will only gnaw at his soul. What a wasted man. Lonely. Despised and NEVER loved. When he leaves this world, he will have more people hating him than when he was ever loved.
Anonymous said...
MT & DL are both going to have a wake-up call soon.
Hyuck Hyuck Hyuck Hyuck Hyuck
August 7, 2011 7:43 AM
You must be the switchboard operator at the Lowell in NYC.
I heard he sells them -for BIG money- to some secret underground terrorist society that tracks women who purchase high-end handbags. It has made him quite wealthy.
Oh MT you do know how to make some ladies toss and turn at night.
August 7, 2011 9:09 PM
MT would hardly make any woman, except duchess toss and turn at night, just the thought of the creep makes me laugh.
What does IP stand for? Investment Purse?
There's a rumour on the Vogue Australia Forum that MT is friend's with the owners of the PF and the Advisory blog exists only to create free publicity for tPF.
Gee that's funny. I just did a search of his blog and the only mention of IP addresses I found was this:
Anonymous said...
Have you contacted him directly to discuss your grievances? Or do you just bitch and moan and air your dirty laundry here?
August 10, 2011 5:33 AM
Are you out of your mind? Why would I let him have more info to harrass me. He isn't a reasonable person, others tried and he tortured them some more. You just
don't get it!
What does IP stand for? Investment Purse?
There's a rumour on the Vogue Australia Forum that MT is friend's with the owners of the PF and the Advisory blog exists only to create free publicity for tPF.
August 10, 2011 2:33 AM
That's just another lie!
Personally, I would advise against any email contact with Michael Tonello. He will extract your IP address and harass you in any way he can. He is mentally unstable.
PFA says:
"Anonymous said...
@ Anonymous said...August 9, 2011 11:15 AM
"And I'm not at all surprised that more and more traffic is from China. That whole board is being taken over by eBay scammers and counterfeiters."
^^^ I agree wholeheartedly.
To quote kat99 from 08/08/11 in a tpf subforum:
"China is a huge part of it - they are the 2nd largest market in the world for luxury goods, soon to be #1 - there is a huge amount of new wealth being minted there with almost insatiable demand for luxury goods right now..."
Counterfeiting and consumption
are largely from Asia. Oh, the irony.
No surprise that tpf reflects this
August 9, 2011 2:40 PM"
Kat99 is not saying anything whatsoever about conterfeits. She is just explaining why Chanel might raise prices in a bad economy. I wish they would quit trying to twist people's words. Here is a link to her remarks so you can read it for yourself. Someone there is trying to make something out of nothing! But just about every single thing on PFA is trying to make something out of nothing.
For the person (Michael?) who is questioning Michael Tonello's capturing of IP addresses and who is asserting that there is no mention of them on PFA, well you are wrong. He loves to try to make people squirm doesn't he! In one post he listed all the places of business of those who had visited PFA. He pulls the IP and then goes to a site that will identify the location. For businesses, it gives the business name of the IP if the business has its own email server. It is often very easy to identify someone by the name of their workplace.
And then several times he did his "shout out" to people by mentioning their city and state locations. Again, in many cases it is quite obvious who people are by their location. I got a laugh out of it because he mentioned my IP city but I live no where near there, as I have a way to disguise it. Ooooooh, he thought he was making me squirm but he wasn't. LOL
If you choose to visit PFA, use an IP blocker. It must drive Michael nuts that he can't trace his readers IP addresses. Without that, he can't harass or bully. Psycho!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Have you contacted him directly to discuss your grievances? Or do you just bitch and moan and air your dirty laundry here?
August 10, 2011 5:33 AM
Are you out of your mind? Why would I let him have more info to harrass me. He isn't a reasonable person, others tried and he tortured them some more. You just
don't get it!
August 10, 2011 7:50 PM
I believe this about as much as I believe that cows fly.
I might be a "dumb blonde" but I'm not a DUMB blonde. On the other hand I have to wonder about you.
It is dangerous to deal with Michael Tonello on any level. He is mentally unstable. Don't give him the opportunity to hurt you by letting him have your IP address by writing him an email or visiting PFA without an IP blocker.
"I believe this about as much as I believe that cows fly.
I might be a "dumb blonde" but I'm not a DUMB blonde. On the other hand I have to wonder about you."
August 12, 2011 1:01 AM
When pigs fly...
"Thinking again?" the Duchess asked, with another dig of her sharp little chin."I've a right to think," said Alice sharply, for she was beginning to feel a little worried."Just about as much right," said the Duchess, "as pigs have to fly...." — Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Chapter 9.
You are dumb!
"I believe this about as much as I believe that cows fly.
I might be a "dumb blonde" but I'm not a DUMB blonde. On the other hand I have to wonder about you".
August 12, 2011 1:01 AM
You are a "dumb blonde" duchess, you have MT for a BF!
Based on the photographs I've seen of these broads I hope he wants their IP address to reach out and offer them a complimentary make-over.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
Have you contacted him directly to discuss your grievances? Or do you just bitch and moan and air your dirty laundry here?
August 10, 2011 5:33 AM
Are you out of your mind? Why would I let him have more info to harrass me. He isn't a reasonable person, others tried and he tortured them some more. You just
don't get it!
August 10, 2011 7:50 PM
"Why would I let him have more info to harrass me."
What "more info"???
I wasn't aware one had to include their addres, phone number, social security number, or blood type in an email or letter. Additionally, you could call him w/o revealing your phone number.
So, I don't buy this.
I believe this about as much as I believe that cows fly.
I might be a "dumb blonde" but I'm not a DUMB blonde. On the other hand I have to wonder about you.
August 12, 2011 1:01 AM
A duchess post! Why did you post as anonymous? This has the hallmark of your nasty mouth, try for some new lines, these are old. You should wonder about yourself, no one else and get help.
What "more info"???
I wasn't aware one had to include their addres, phone number, social security number, or blood type in an email or letter. Additionally, you could call him w/o revealing your phone number.
So, I don't buy this.
August 12, 2011 10:39 AM
Why would anyone seek out MT? He is garbage and not an important person, writes evil lies about people. He makes fun of women who post their pictures on TPF. He is a NOTHING! I could make fun of his appearance as well.
"Based on the photographs I've seen of these broads I hope he wants their IP address to reach out and offer them a complimentary make-over."
You need a soul make-over. Ugly remark and that makes you an ugly person.
If anyone was foolish enough to politely ask MT to stop harassing them, he would do nothing of the kind and simply ramp up his harassment and comments. He is very transparent in that regard. You would make him happy because then he would know that he was getting under your skin. That is the sick thing he lives for.
Live in the Toronto area.
There are quite the rumors here about Donna & her fat DH.
Nothing most of us would like to have talked about.
There have been groups/organizations that have considered inviting them as members but due to the rumors & what is posted on the web, they've passed.
Karma is already catching up with her.
"Karma is already catching up with her."
It (karma) never fails to disappoint. It hits as far as 3 generations.
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