Sunday, July 31, 2011

Coming soon to a remainder bin near you. Maybe.

Michael Tonello has been blathering about a new book for several years now (of course, it's always "just about to be published!") Supposedly, this latest opus is all about his time in Barcelona. We certainly hope that in addition to writing about how he scrounges around for various flotsam and jetsam to sell on Bonanza, he includes all the details about his stalking people, and his PFA blog. Doesn't seem as though he's had time for much else, so we suspect it will be a rather thin memoir. But as shown in book number one, he has a very active imagination, so anything's possible.

We just think his publisher, assuming there actually is one, would be ever so interested in the activities he's really been involved with for the past few years. We find it difficult to believe they'd tolerate an internet bully among their other, real authors.


Anonymous said...

I used to believe in The Purse Forum, but that's been shot to Hell now that I have seen what goes on there and the links to what the mods say in their private forum. How can you point fingers at someone for being an internet bully when you are a part of something like the purse forum? What a bunch of mean, materialistic people.

Anonymous said...

I don't think any serious publisher would give Michael a second chance. And if they do, I for sure will be contacting them to let them know about his bullying activities.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
These are not healthy minded individuals. A cursory review of that forum turns up numerous members with 40,000 - 50,000 - 60,000 or more comments. Think about that for a moment. And many of them claim to be attorneys or investment bankers. Really? In who's reality?
I think it's safe to say The Purse Forum is full of society's misfits. (Or teenage Asian girls.)

July 25, 2011 3:08 AM
Funny, duchess wants to be a member as well as MT!

Anonymous said...

First, whoever runs that site does not publish all posts regardless of what he says. I've posted several well thought out comments that do not name names, trash talk or use foul language, and they are never posted. Is it because he doesn't like what I have to say? How is that any different than what he is complaining out? It is unbelievable, really.

Talk about a one sided story..

Anonymous said...

Friday, August 5, 2011
The Purse Forum Foundation
Termite problem?

(who would like to see the original photo without the white squares?)

at 1:14 PM 0 comments

"A million and one reasons" to avoild TPF so you can maintain your privacy from duchess and MT exposing you to the creeps, which they are, of the world.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think any serious publisher would give Michael a second chance. And if they do, I for sure will be contacting them to let them know about his bullying activities.

July 31, 2011 7:31 PM
You should since MT contacts those he "loves to hate" employers.He and his GF, duchess are low class trash!

Anonymous said...

"How can you point fingers at someone for being an internet bully when you are a part of something like the purse forum? What a bunch of mean, materialistic people."

Your dark inner issue is not about the purse forum. Your bitterness is not having the good fortune of enjoying fruits of hard work, in material things. The meanness is in your heart. How can you ever be happy?

This blog is in defence of all the victims ridiculed by Michael Tonello in his malicious blog packed with lies.

Anonymous said...

"You should since MT contacts those he "loves to hate" employers.He and his GF, duchess are low class trash!"

The world would have pretty much left these 2 human beings alone. There's so much else out there for every single person, including them. But instead, they wrap themselves up in filth and walk on this earth in sins. Karma hits as far as 3 generations. Good luck to them and those who join them, you know who you are.

Anonymous said...

MT is EXTREMELY clever. His niece is a Moderator at tPF.

Anonymous said...

He has a niece as a moderator at the PF? OMG, there's another Tonello on the loose?? Who is she? This explains where all the 'leaked' info comes from then.

Tell us more!!!

Anonymous said...

7/31 2:10pm

Part of something like TPF, when only the mods are to blame for their nastiness? (Who cares? Most of them are very cliquish even though they go to great lengths on TPF to say they aren't. Clue phone is ringing - Life is cliquish.)
That is a huge stretch to think everyone on tpf is to blame. Good luck living a life where your thinking is all or nothing.Yeah that really works. Hyuck Hyuck Hyuck