Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen's fascination with the buying habits of total strangers is flat out strange. They pore over PF, look at old threads, make judgments (usually erroneous) about what people have chosen to spend their money on ... and then proceed to do exactly the same thing. Post pictures of their own clothes, bags, homes, cars and junk ...

God forbid someone says a single negative word about anything they choose to spend their time doing, or their money buying. It won't be tolerated. And yet, they feel they have the right to spread lies about other people, post as others on forums, harass them at their places of work and homes. And encourage others to do likewise.

Why is this ok? Well, quite simply, it isn't.

But hey, it's just another example of TonelloLogic, where what they do is ok (authenticate from photos, post pictures of their possessions, etc., ad nauseum) but what others do is the predictable twaddle of nefarious, scam, blah, blah, blah. PFA has become a predictable blur of internet white noise - the same names over and over (all of whom Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen went after on PF and other forums and continue to pursue) so even though he's taken his name off the blog, it's clear with every post and comment that he's still behind it.

Not surprising, really. Just rather pathetic.


Anonymous said...

Lol what is the purpose of this post???

Anonymous said...

There is no doubt in my mind that Michael Tonello is behind PFA. He is the only one who has some bizarre misplaced vendetta against the same members that get mentioned over and over and over again. Nothing new. Same old Tonello.

Anonymous said...

Donna Lehtonen is a very insecure woman who happened to play her cards well and married into wealth. She has no class. All Donna has are her suspicions and prejudices. Her wealth has made her the definition of entitled. She's a cruel, bitter, angry woman with a black soul and no friends.

Anonymous said...

Imagine a totally different scenario, where Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen were actually adored, worshipped and complimented on tpf. All of the crap and deviousness that exist of PFA would not have existed. Because why? They would have beaten the drums, raved about tpf and sang glorious tunes about the best handbag forum in the world.

In reality, it is the exact opposite. So the duo wants to make life hell for the forum owners. And everyone else they target is collateral damage.

Isn't it already obvious what the two of them are made of?

After all these days, they are still at it. They still harbor the wish that the more lies they dish out on PFA, they will destroy tpf in due course.

Very sick.

Anonymous said...

Took the time to read through all the past posting on PFAE.

How can anyone whose informed themselves think a positive thought about DL & MT? These are really dark individuals. But so are the people who side with them.
2 headed snake to be exposed very soon.

Master of projection. Everything they accuse others of, they are guilty of themselves. They think the rules don't apply to them. Wake up call coming soon.

MT & DL are cyber stalkers. Lucky for us, there is plenty of media interested in real life cyber stalking stories. Story is especially interesting since it involves so many individuals in different countries.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wake up MT. There are new cyber-stalking laws in the works in Spain and they are going to use you as their poster boy for wrongdoing. You are perfect. You are not a Spanish citizen and can be deported as an enemy of the people. Pack your bags. Maybe you can go live with Bob and Donna.

Anonymous said...


Who cares! Please don't wake up!

page_six said...

WHICH rich housewife was the subject of much entertainment this summer after her gregarious benefactee dished the dirt about her personal life at numerous fashion industry parties?

Anonymous said...

@ 8:16 a.m. Yes! Please STAY ASLEEP,

Anonymous said...

Page Six -

Not surprised to hear what you state. MT would stab anyone & everyone in the back. See post about sociopath characteristics. (The sociopath post would make a great thread.)

Maybe if DL knew what he said, she'd rethink her insane obsession with him.

Why is MT at fashion industry parties anyway? They need to raise their standards. Are they aware of his cyberstalking? He needs to be exposed for the snake he is.

Anonymous said...

page_six said...

WHICH rich housewife was the subject of much entertainment this summer after her gregarious benefactee dished the dirt about her personal life at numerous fashion industry parties?

Oh please. This can't be about those losers MT and DL. They would never make it onto page six! LOLOLOLOLOL!!!

Anonymous said...

I can assure you that MT is never invited to any fashion industry anything. He is not a part of the fashion industry. Just ask anyone in the fashion industry! He's a nobody just like Donna.

Anonymous said...