Saturday, October 29, 2011

Makes sense to us

From our comments section...

It is becoming increasingly obvious that Priscilla is the puppet of MT and DL. She is obsessed with bashing Hermes and hates the same tPF ladies that they do. Coincidence? I think not. Here is her latest attack on Hermes. This is in a post about feeling cheated if you buy a Garden Party because she KNOWS that the Garden Party is not made by Hermes. Again it has the MT hallmark of lots of innuendo but little fact.

Apparently Priscilla was doing extensive googling and found a resume of one Volker Koch who is a leather craftsman.

Quoted from Priscilla: "Hmmmm..... he specialized in contract-work for Hermès under a company by the name of Maroquinerie Thierry in France. Looks like Hermès doesn't do all of their work alone because they need help from other companies, apparently!" This in reference to a resume of one Volker Koch which she found through extensive googling.

Too bad while Priscilla was googling away, she didn't do a more rigorous job. Of course I seriously doubt she was so concerned about the Garden Party that she was driven to google and just happened to find Koch's resume. Methinks someone may have put her up to this.

If you look at the Hermes annual report you will see that Hermes owns about 44% of Maroquinerie Thierry and Hermes Sellier SAS is one of the administrators.

Reading the resume of the craftsman she cited, it appears that he trained at Hermes and then worked in the Maroquinerie Thierry work shop.

So it appears that Hermes owns a significant interest in this work shop, trains at least some craftsmen, and controls part of the company/work.

I have no idea if they do the Garden Party work - or other work.

I do think her post is quite misleading as Hermes is significantly involved in Marquinerie Thierry - and it is totally unclear if this has anything at all to do with the Garden Party.

I honestly felt so sorry for Priscilla when everyone on PFA was bashing her early on. I am now baffled about why she is letting herself be a mouthpiece and front person for all of the trash that goes on at PFA.

Some day in the future when someone else is doing extensive googling, they are going to find her name and the garbage she spews and condones. I seriously doubt that it will serve her well unless she is applying for a job on the Jerry Springer show.


Anonymous said...

I do not feel sorry for Priscilla. If she wants to be used by Donna Lehtonen and Michael Tonello, let her be. No one cares about her "Garden Party" research. Hermes buys all the leather it uses from outside sources, so with her logic, no Hermes bag is made with Hermes leather because there is no Hermes produced leather. So every Hermes bag is not Hermes! What an idiot! She clearly does not understand the very basics of fashion production, but no one is surprised here. She does not understand much.

Anonymous said...

Priscilla Wadsworth, Flutist, understands hatred, stalking and internet bullying. And that's about it. She's a lunatic.

Anonymous said...

Her Garden Party blog spot smells of desperately wanting to tell an Hermes scoop, and of course she is doing so badly at it. Told you, MT doesn't have the tenacity nor patience to know all the facts, and his trademark has been to jump the gun, and says as it is, the way he sees it, in his myopic eyes. The comments section is dominated by him - the same writing style.

The blog post insinuates that people are 'cheated' by Hermes buying the Garden Party. Funny that it comes out like this. What this hints of, is of DL's arrogance. I think she wouldn't touch the GP with a 10 foot pole, because it's not a birkin. That's why!

Anonymous said...

The PFA blog should institute a name change: Much Ado About Nothing.

Anonymous said...

Why is 'she' picking on Hermes now?
Sounds like an MT or DL issue. (Perhaps DL has had her supply cut off. H is well aware of her internet nastiness.)
TPFA is not '60 Minutes' or 'Dateline.' They expose lies or non issues & act like they discovered the holy grail.
When H has its own cattle farms is when they produce their own leathers.

Anonymous said...

I really don't care about the GP bag, always thought it was an overpriced piece of garbage. However, I do wonder if Duchess Donna will sell hers now that the speculation is that Hermes doesn't make this item. After all their negatives posts about Hermes, I would imagine Donna will be unloading all her Hermes crap!

Anonymous said...

I am not even quite sure what PFA is even still about. The commenters indulge in talking shit about tPF members and Priscilla lets them (she moderates entries and selectively allows comments through).

In the meanwhile, the blogs are about stuff nobody cares about (other than perhaps Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen).

What the PFA crowd does not grasp is the fact that their negative obsessions in all matters tPF still generates income for the site owners (who they claim to despise so much). More site loads, more banner views. Even if you block their ads, you still contribute to the site traffic that is valuable to advertisers in the long run.

Loyal PFAers couldn't call others anonymously c*nts if they didn't visit the forums and had something to obsess about... oh the irony.

Anonymous said...

Lawyers checked on ownership of TPFA, still belongs to MT. Which is all that matters legally, the facts & what can be proved.
Who MT claims he assigns to run the blog is just more lies. Words fall from MT's mouth like sh!t from a$$.

Anonymous said...

All Donna's Hermes bags are bad fakes! Guess she can't afford the real deal.

Anonymous said...

Sad lives, really. Consumed by hatred. I pity them. They need to learn how to liberate themselves from this senseless stalking and bullying. How to forget about being banned from a handbag forum. Can't believe it means the world to them. They will always not be accepted, no matter what they do because they have done too much malice to be respected. That's the debt they owe the innocent people they sought and hurt.

Wonder what meaningful things happen in their real lives. If they even have a happy one.

Anonymous said...

I just lost any remaining hope that Priscilla would clean up the PFA. The most recent set of posts about Charles and others at tPF are truly malicious. She could have chosen not to make those comments public - and yet she did.

Let me say that I have no idea who Charles is - or who the other targets are. I have no idea what they posted on tPF. Maybe their posts were in questionable taste - maybe not.

But posting comments about Charles and others, like those on PFA, borders on actionable. They may even be actionable.

I will not return to read anything on PFA again.

I will leave Priscilla to preside over her cesspool and to reap her just rewards.

Anonymous said...

Hang on people.
DL & MT will get their just rewards.
It takes time. With each day the damages get bigger. Have patience.

Anonymous said...

Re:the Charles posts...

You won't beleive how low Priscilla stoops...i heard she actually CONTACTED Charles girlfriend on Facebook to alert her to her thread on PFA...stalking much?its so below the belt,it's unbelievable....I see many lawsuits in their future if they continue to harass and lie....
They continue to make false comments about someone there I know as well and if they had any idea how far off their lies are...they would know that the people they are accusing of things are truly clutching their sides and exploding in laughter at the ABSURD ludicrous comments
They once had some interest when they brought up fakes and such but they blew it when it became a gossip hate site.
Karma has a bad way of biting them in the rear......just wait.

Anonymous said...

@Nov. 1 – 6:50 pm
I feel the same way. I don’t want to read those nasty posts and have those words in my head… KWIM? I am done with going there. If there is something about that site that we need to know, I assume you good folks here at PFAE will alert us to it.
It’s so funny that Michael Tonello will post, or direct Priscilla Wadsworth to post, the typical range of his favorite topics but the comments keep going back to one thing and one thing only and that is bashing people who post on the Purse Forum. They trash them, tell lies about them, speculate about them and post the most vile and hateful remarks. It’s like there are two conversations going: One from Tonello about “his” topic and the other which ignores his topic completely.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"They trash them, tell lies about them, speculate about them and post the most vile and hateful remarks."

Same old. Same old. Such bullies. All because of? Being banned from a forum about handbags. And of people who dared to stand up against them. PFA was set up to thrash these people's lives.

I never knew something like this carries so much importance in a normal person's life. I guess I just said it myself. NORMAL. Life must be such a torture. Waking up thinking how much they hate the very victims they want to hurt. Pathetic.

Anonymous said...

"You won't beleive how low Priscilla stoops...i heard she actually CONTACTED Charles girlfriend on Facebook to alert her to her thread on PFA...stalking much?its so below the belt,it's unbelievable"

She is the pupil of MT and DL. They have done far worse in stalking tpfers on Facebook. They trawl FB groups in search of tpfers they want to bully. I know of tpfers who deliberately unfriended other tpfers to stay out of these 2 persons' clutches, in case other people aren't so mindful of their FB privacy settings. The friends of friends connection on FB is a very dangerous one. Eg Purseblog, Rose, MaiTai, Vanportrait ...

For the mischief they create, they well deserve the penalty of losing everything that they have left. And some. They need to be publicly shamed.

Anonymous said...

Everyone know that TPFA is a hate site that posts lies. That has been proven repeatedly.
If one chooses to believe that stuff they post, one needs to check out their own soul- as it is dark & evil.

Anonymous said...

Agree - it is getting more and more hate-filled.

The latest post slamming a mother for posting about her pride in her daughter's martial arts achievements is particularly mean.

I decided to go to tPF to read the thread myself. It is a lovely story about a mother being proud of her daughter's achievements and about how the mother wants the daughter to value and honor the daughter's heritage. Obviously a number of readers appreciated the thread and offered their congratulations.

So - what do you find on PFA? A post that ridicules the mother for being proud of her daughter. The poster goes on to say "who cares" - not quite so nicely though.

Well - the poster obviously cares enough to take the time to read the thread and then to go back to PFA to bash the thread. What a miserable, bitter, hate-filled person the PFA poster must be.

Let's see - you have a choice a) a mother proud of her daughter, b) a young girl with many accomplishments or c) someone who apparently is so hate-filled they can't stand to witness another's success. Which ones would you like to know?

And all of this in a thread that is supposed to be about tipping SAs at Hermes. OT much? Of course Priscilla just lets these posts through as usual. I guess if she didn't, she would rapidly lose her audience. The only thing keeping most of her followers around is that she allows them to post this kind of trash. If she cracked down, I think she'd be left with herself, MT and DL.

Anonymous said...

Bob & Donna Lehtonen are part of the 1%. The hacker group Anonymous loves stories of corporate greed and the people behind it.

Anonymous said...

Someone 'inside' at TPF is feeding MT & DL info. (Priscilla is just a patsy.)
How would they know who Charles is? Its not like he posts in the H thread. And to find his Facebook page! How would they know his last name? Inside info.

Anonymous said...

Donna Hine Lehtonen doesnt have her friends list hidden on Facebook either. I wonder if her sister knows about her online 'activities'?

Anonymous said...

I'm not a cheap person, but I truly do not understand why I should need to slip someone money for the chance to buy $10,000+ bag. Is it really that amazing of a bag? And how does that work with the people who can't afford to do anything other than put it on their CC?

At least with the 2008 'formula', you didn't just piss away your money and you got something for it. If I really wanted a Birkin, I'd rather put 2k towards some scarves or small leather goods than put cash in the pocket of the salesperson.

October 31, 2011 1:33 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Guess that's why Donna wear Hermes, "old lady bag", she qualifies!

Anonymous said...

Those who have only vile things to say and malicious lies to tell, have very little. Spiritually and materialistically. They have no blessings of their own or lost sight that they have them, so they count others'. When they turn their focus on others, their own souls die. They continue to lead very unfulfilled lives, wondering how others can have so much and they, so little. They get angry and try to justify others' good fortune. Facts of life. Accept it. You should open your hearts to see how black they are. Then you know why you are where you are. Keep your own mouth in check.