Lots of racist and homophobic crap because Priscilla Wadsworth and Michael Tonello believe in allowing any and all comments, no matter how offensive or verging on hate speech.
Lots of nasty comments about pretty well everyone on PF. Jealous much?
Priscilla will continue to bray about the evil on PF, conveniently neglecting to mention that she apparently was (much) less than a stellar seller on Ebay herself - but, oh, riiiiiiight ... she's exempt from criticism. Though using PFA/TonelloLogic, this must mean ALL of Ebay is evil and full of scammers because that's what she tried to do to her buyer. Nice that she's following in the footsepts of her mentor, Michael, "no longer a registered member" Tonello. We're sure it's only a matter of time before she starts selling scarves with rips and stains and decides that equals mint condition. If the mint was chocolate covered.
Lots of whining about PF in general by people who appear to have been banned. Why they keep going back is a mystery to us.
Next week?
More of the same.
Blah, blah, (insert epithets here), we hate (insert name of poster or brand name here), those people are (add yet more epithets).
Because PFA believes it's their role to add more hatred to the world. Newsflash, P: dissent doesn't mean disseminating hatred. That doesn't change the world. It just contaminates it.
How many times do we have to tell you that not everyone over there is a previously-banned member?
I find the whole Priscilla as the leader of the anti-tPF crowd amusing. Posted on PFA is the following statement - which I would guess Priscilla would support:
"nothing good can come of a Purse Forum member. Nothing!"
And yet, from Priscilla posting on tPF in April 2011: "yes, thanks to a lovely purse forum member You do some great work ". I've left the tPF members name off.
Although Priscilla is now banned and has joined the hate-tPF bandwagon, she did receive much support and help from tPF members and has acknowledged that. So - are all of those members also evil scammers - have they always been that way - or did they just morph into evil scammers about the same time Priscilla was banned?
Hilarious that PFA disses this blog for the "lack of evidence"! PFA is infested with lies ... it's self-evident! But of course, they are so wrapped up in their self-fabricated lies that they can no longer separate the truth from the lies. Goes to show the lives that they lead - no truth. no love. empty.
Never expected a single person being capable of some much hatred until I saw PFA. That blog is infested with very unhappy people.
Vlad, i think the fact that you have given up on actually writing anything of meaning or even anything that defends against what is being said at tPFA speaks volumes about how much of what is being written about is true.
Vlad, i think the fact that you have given up on actually writing anything of meaning or even anything that defends against what is being said at tPFA speaks volumes about how much of what is being written about is true.
^^This is the problem with the logic over there: apparently, simply printing something renders it "true". So I guess Priscilla Wadsworth really is a racist pig, since that was printed there and she allowed it to be published...
So it must be true that DL's H collection is fake.
PFAE printed it.
So will you be arrested for lying, harassment, stalking.
So different yet, exactly the same.
^^This is the problem with the logic over there: apparently, simply printing something renders it "true". So I guess Priscilla Wadsworth really is a racist pig, since that was printed there and she allowed it to be published...
^^Screen shots dont lie.
Things in common with MT, DL, PW
No real meaningful lives. So they stalk people on the Internet.
They were banned from a purse forum because they were troublemakers.
They can't deal with that rejection.
They now want revenge.
Evidence: read all of PFA. Whoever's singled out and ridiculed are collateral damage. They don't even know their victims but fabricate stories like they live next door.
The level of craziness just continues over there.
Someone has decided to stalk lightdays on tPF and has posted the names of a large number of her threads. Her crime - the PFA poster thinks she is a "nut job". I think a nut job is someone who spends a lot of time dredging up someone else's posts for no apparent reason other than to have something to rant about on PFA.
Then there is the new nonsense about chanel*liz - implying that she is a scammer in waiting and that she has been chosen by tPF to be a "star" so that she can scam. Her crime - she is young, blond, pretty, affluent, has a lovely home and enjoys shopping.
It baffles me that someone can be so bitter and empty that they need to spend time searching around on the internet trying to find people to denigrate.
So, first PFA had the claim that chanel*liz has been chosen by tPF to be a star - implying that she will then being scamming and tPF will somehow benefit from her scamming.
Now it has been posted that chanel*liz had a picture of a fake in her Hermes collection thread and that a Mod edited the post to remove the fake - the Mod commented that only authentic items were allowed.
Just goes to show how crazy they are over at PFA. If tPF is grooming chanel*liz to be a scammer - why would a Mod remove a picture of a fake and ask for only authentic items to be shown? Why would tPF point out that their "next great scammer" has something that is not authentic.
The folks at PFA should at least get their "theories" straight. Or maybe in their universe something can be true and not true at the very same time depending on who you want to trash at any given moment.
"It baffles me that someone can be so bitter and empty that they need to spend time searching around on the internet trying to find people to denigrate."
Same sentiments exactly. They are usually also cowards, living with nothing. A person who's happy will know how to embrace life in its gifts and pleasure. Cowards because all of what they spew on PFA, they have no place to say to anyone in real life. So they take it out on faceless people on the internet. Pitiful souls. Xmas is coming. Santa knows you have been so bad. Can you imagine them going to a Xmas party, all jolly even but the moment they reach home, they feel empty all over again. And then they attack people on PFA once more. That's your life. Sad.
The mean spirited posting is definitely coming from Michael Tonello. Only Tonello would go to the trouble of finding an address and phone number and posting on the PFA. As I recall, any comments made about Tonello as a reseller were made to illustrate that he was not a very good one. No person ever posted his address or personal information. What he is doing is so over the top, unnecessary and mean. To say that he is not normal is an understatement. Priscilla, this includes you because your name is attached to that blog. You are in the brown up to your eyeballs. Good luck with rehabbing your future reputation.
Wow - Priscilla is reaching new lows with what she is posting now.
After having a fit that MT posted her name and other information about her, she has now posted Vlad's home address.
Her level of irresponsibility is staggering. She has no idea who the people are who post on PFA. However, it is clear that some of them are unhinged and hate-filled. Who knows what they are capable of - and yet she provides someone's home address and at the same time encourages people to get all worked up about that person.
At some point one of her "followers" is going to go too far and do something damaging and she will be responsible.
When she is sued, or arrested, I'll bet not one of her so-called supporters provides any money for her defense. She'll be left on her own to twist in the wind and reap what she has sown.
Priscilla Wadsworth lied again. She posted on PFA that her address was posted in the Comments section. Where, so where is the screenshot? Since she claims to be the owner of PFA, she has the power to moderate that very post and not allow it to be made public. And if the post made it to public view, that means she has agreed to have it shown to everyone.
If she's accusing this blog of posting her address, I haven't seen it and the people here won't stooped so low as she. The only time I have seen any mention of her so-called address, was someone saying she's from Alabama. And I believe the information was posted by herself all over the internet and in her own blog.
Such habitual creatures to always twist the truth.
Laughable that PFA would make a big deal of other people's rental. You ain't seen nothing yet. Of course, because you are not in the upper echelon's league.
On what basis can you possibly make judgement of what one person can or cannot afford. MYOB!
I like what Vlad has done. He has explicitly requested for his harasser to remove his detailed address. And this polite request has been rejected and mocked. That is the evidence that is needed. Good move, Vlad.
It is direct, one-on-one communication. That link is made.
Time to set the police and lawyers on her; for harassment, stalking, violating of personal privacy, fear of their safety, malice, mischief, libel ... the list is so long ....
Priscilla is now proving that she is a liar and scammer herself.
Her latest post provides Vlad's home address. She justifies doing this because he posted her personal information along with that of other innocent victims.
I have asked her several times now to be clear about where and when Vlad posted this information. Her response: "Someone keeps asking me where my address was posted. It's easy to find. It's from the first time I revealed myself to be PFA's owner and writer, and a post was made about me. Someone did it in the comments section just as someone posted something in the comments section here."
I asked her to please clarify whether she meant the PFA comments section, and if so, how she had proof that Vlad had done this. I also reminded her that she had accused MT of doing this before she revealed herself as PFA's owner.
Again, she has not responded. I believe she won't respond because she has no proof and because her story just doesn't hold water. By not responding, she is continuing to mislead and lie to her readers.
^ it is here
I just tried to find P's address online and it was easy. Her family owns a limo business which is listed on the www. (Presumably its probably licensed with the state also?) I wonder how limo clients would feel knowing P abuses the personal information of total strangers this way?
Priscilla is a piece of work. I commentd one more time on PFA stating that she apparently had no intention of posting my question about how she know that Vlad posted her personal information. I also asked again for clarification of whether she was referring to the information that had been posted on PFA.
A few minutes later, my comment was published at the bottom of the list of comments - but with no reply from her answering my questions.
So, I checked a few minutes later to see if she had answered and - my comment was gone. I guess she hit publish by accident and then rushed back to remove it before anyone could read it.
And yet she just published a comment from someone congratulating her on letting folks know that PFAE published her name and address. PFAE???? Of course she can't prove that because it didn't happen.
If anyone needed any additional proof of what a dishonest person she is - there you have it.
She knows she can't answer my questions because her assertions are lies. So she can't post my questions because other folks might begin to want answers.
Guess she needs to be a little more careful with her publishing.
I belevie that Vlad was the one who posted his address on the internet not Priscilla. By doing a simple search of vlad, megs or midley inc its not hard to come across this information. Even if Priscilla took it off her site it would still be out there for everyone to see. I know i certainly saw it a long time before Priscilla posted it.
- Tiffany123
...mt/dl is behind tpfa. they control it so not pw...
PFA has just gotten too toxic. I've tried to make some sensible comments there and ask for proof for claims and now my comments don't even get posted. I guess they get in the way of the vendetta being run over there.
So, I'll leave Priscilla to her VERY SMALL group of hate-spewing lunatic sheep who will believe anything just because someone posts it on PFA. It must be awful to have that much hate and bitterness inside.
"And yet she just published a comment from someone congratulating her on letting folks know that PFAE published her name and address. PFAE???? Of course she can't prove that because it didn't happen."
So someone did finally respond and indicated the offending post was in the Sofa King Banned thread on PFAE. I read that entire thread. What I discovered was that someone had mentioned that living in Sterrett, Alabama must be boring implying that that is where Priscilla lived. This is hardly an address. She published Vlad's full address - number, street and city along with what is supposedly his cell phone number.
I googled Priscilla Wadsworth and Sterrett and found that it is not even the correct PW - this one is 49 years old. Elsewhere on the internet, PW is identified as a flutist from West Blocton, Alabama - so her town is hardly a secret.
For those of you who read both PFA and PFAE please take note of the following before you put any trust in what she says or publishes.
I commented to her again with what I had found 1) only Sterrett was mentioned on PFAE and that is not even the correct PW 2) her town name is published elsewhere on the internet in articles about her as a flutist 3) there is no evidence that Vlad provided the Sterrett information on PFAE. Did she publish that comment - you better believe she did not. She wants to continue to mislead people that she has direct proof that Vlad posted her home address and so it is only fair that she do the same thing to him.
She willfully lies, misleads and chooses what to publish so that only information that supports her unfounded assertions is available to readers of PFA. If you read PFA you are not getting the truth - you are getting PW's manufactured version of events. Her posts are much like reading the tabloids - there may be a grain of truth somewhere in the story - but the bulk of the story is sensationalized fiction. Do not believe ANYTHING that you see on PFA. I tried to be objective about what was being posted on there. However it has become obvious to me, having had my own interactions with PFA/PW, that it is a careful construction of lies and misleading garbage.
11/27/11 4:54am
Only in your world of craziness does this statement make sense.
None of us take what is written on TPFA as anything but lies,lies, and more lies.
Nice try Mike Turd/Donna Lie-tonen.
"I hope they all get dictionaries for Christmas."
Send them to MT and DL first. They didn't understand the meaning of parody.
"Spending hours taking pipictures of luxury goods, is not "embracing life for it's gifts and pleasures." It's spending hours reveling in materialism. "
Whoa! DL has a whole blog on that.
I cant believe how delusional and sick you people are. Vlad has done a great job sucking you in. Most people who actively contribute to tpfa have found that place through their own experiences, they dont need Priscilla to post something to make them believe. THEY ALREADY KNOW.
What is ever sicker is that there is a whole bunch of commenmts for poor vlady's address being screen captured and posted on a website and how wrong that is and everybody is a stalker and priscilla is going to get arrested and go to jail and be sued THEN SOMEONE STARTS POSTING ABOUT WHERE PRISCILLA LIVES, THAT HER FAMILY OWNS A LIMO BUSINESS etc etc but thats ok for some reason? ????? WTF?
oh and talk about comments not being posted, most of mine dont get posted here
"I cant believe how delusional and sick you people are. Vlad has done a great job sucking you in. Most people who actively contribute to tpfa have found that place through their own experiences, "
Vlad has not sucked me in - I don't visit tPF much - don't post there and really have no particular relationship with it.
I'm not sure what "experiences" people have had that have led them to PFA. It is true that there have been some scammers there - but it does not sound to me like most PFA posters have personally been scammed. Most PFA posters seem to be highly annoyed by other tPF members posting about their reveals etc - the kind of thing that a rational person would just ignore if they didn't like. But the PFA posters do not appear to be rational for the most part. Rather than having a sensible discussion about something, they resort to name calling if someone disagrees with them. They resort to assumptions and then treat them like they are true.
"What is ever sicker is that there is a whole bunch of commenmts for poor vlady's address being screen captured and posted on a website and how wrong that is and everybody is a stalker and priscilla is going to get arrested and go to jail and be sued THEN SOMEONE STARTS POSTING ABOUT WHERE PRISCILLA LIVES, THAT HER FAMILY OWNS A LIMO BUSINESS etc etc but thats ok for some reason? ????? WTF?:
Vlad's full address - number, street and town were posted. Someone mentioned that Priscilla must be bored living in Sterrett, Alabama (I think not even the correct town). Posting a town is not the same thing as posting a full address. And, Priscilla's home town and state are published in easily accessible articles about her as a flutist - hardly the same thing.
The other big difference is that while folks here do not respect what Priscilla is doing, there is no rabid hatred of her as there is on PFA towards Vlad. Given the nasty, hate-filled level of discourse found on PFA, posting someone's home address is not a good idea.
I personally don't think that posting that PW's parents own a limo service is a good idea - don't even know if it is true - and don't really care. My belief is that posting personal information should not be done on either side.
I do think that PW is a hypocrite in posting personal information about Vlad. She made a huge fuss when MT was posting her personal information on PFA. While she claims that Vlad posted her address here - there is no evidence that Vlad did any such thing. And she keeps saying that her address was posted. I don't think a town name is considered an address!
"Most people who actively contribute to tpfa have found that place through their own experiences,"
I believe that most active contributors flocked to PFA because they have been allowed to say whatever they want no matter how vile or untrue.
Priscilla does seem to have cracked down on the personal attacks. Before that, most of the posts were vicious attacks agains individual tPF members whose only crime was to post a reveal or share some personal story about something that they were happy about, worried about, etc. Since the posters were prevented from posting their rants on tPF, they turned to PFA as a forum for launching vile attacks on others. Now that those appear to be weeded out and not published, I'm not really sure how many "active" PFA posters there really are.
Now people whine about having to click on ads - it's easy - don't click.
People whine about the mods being mean to them - really? Maybe the mods were not allowing them to post their vile rants.
People whine about Vlad making money. It is a business - if you don't like it don't patronize it. tPF needs income to offer the features it does - otherwise it would be a featureless blog like PFA or PFAE.
People have made allegations that Vlad profits from fraud perpetrated by scammers on tPF. Where is the proof? And don't trot out the Japster dead horse. Yes she scammed people - but there is no evidence that anyone on tPF aided her or profited from it.
People claim that somehow Vlad benefits from RAOK. How on earth is this supposed to work? Do those members who receive gifts send Vlad some cut - half of their chocolates? Or do people think all of the ROAK packages are going direct to Vlad and he - ??? sells it all on eBAY?
Most of the claptrap on PFA is hysterical conspiracy-theory nonsense.
^^ As i said delusional.
I dont know what is so hard to understand that VLAD POSTED HIS ADDRESS ONLINE NOT PRISCILLA. Priscilla simpled posted a screen capture of it.
Yes Vald/megs/purse forum profited from japster - some of the cost of the charms sold was going towards 'running the purse forum' - once again, screen captures of this.
RAOK - recently haved changed, in preivous times the money would go to a pay pal account set up and run by vlad and megs so who knows if something was taken or how much was actually sent it.
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