Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Another day, another day of inanity at PFA

Let's see ... are they still name calling? Why yes! Still a group of oh so shocked (add descriptor here) clutching their pearls because people are frequenting a purse forum? Spending money on expensive bags? Shock! Horror! We especially loved the junior legal beagles and their skewed interpretation of sexual harassment. We're glad we aren't your workmates.

Still spewing racist and homophobic hatred? Still refusing to take it off your site? Sadly, yes. Still trying to get us to print their spew in comments here? Check - ain't gonna happen, though. We don't stoop to your level, Priscilla Wadsworth and Michael Tonello. And plastic mascot Donna Lehtonen. Bullies one and all.

It isn't fair comment or "parody". It's just a joke. A sad, bad one, made repeatedly by sad, mad people.

Can we suggest some new year's resolutions? Maybe turn your time to something truly productive (no, that doesn't include rummaging through other people's internet posts, though we know with your limited skills that may be all you're capable of). Something that would add some good into the world instead of envying others and hurling hatred?

But we're sure that's never crossed your minds. And if it did, it probably wouldn't find any room in there to take hold.


Anonymous said...

Life's verdict is very fair. We have truly blessed families who love us. They will never know what it is like because they don't possess the good fortune. Too much evil being done. And their lives will only meet more obstacles.

Anonymous said...

From PFA: "Dear Vlad;

VERY lame retort on your copycat blog today. Incredibly so! Trying the old diversion trick in order to draw attention away from all your crimes, lies, filth, porn, scams, etc, "


Priscilla and her PFA commenters may want to pay close attention to the $2.5M judgement just issued against Crystal Cox. I know it is great fun to spew all sort of accusations - but at some point actual evidence is required.

Priscilla may be the next Crystal Cox and, if so, it will be well deserved. She is not the least concerned about porn, scams or anything else. Those are just excuses for trying to destroy someone.

If she is truly concerned about protecting women, then surely she would also want to protect them against the vicious attacks made on her blog. She would be campaigning against porn and trying to warn about a variety of scams. And yet she doesn't. Why? The reason is obvious - she really isn't concerned about those issues.

She either has a pathological hatred of Vlad and tPF - or a cynical and irresponsible disregard for Vlad and tPF, using PFA as a launch pad for her own "career".

And so Priscilla presides over her clutch of hate-filled followers. I wish her the success she deserves.

Anonymous said...

No amount of threat is gonna make a difference unless Vlad and Megs actually spend money to sue. About time already. There are enough evidence now. Go for it!

Anonymous said...

It is so ironic how the mean posters on pfa talk about tpf posters who they see as mean, etc. Yet the things the pfa posters say about those people on tpf are much more hateful than anything I've ever seen on tpf.

This article helps explain all the hate on pfa:

Anonymous said...

"It is so ironic how the mean posters on pfa talk about tpf posters who they see as mean, etc. Yet the things the pfa posters say about those people on tpf are much more hateful than anything I've ever seen on tpf."


I couldn't agree more. It amazes me that PFAers will spend who knows how much time trolling around a web site to look at pictures of other people - and then run off to PFA to say how hideous those other people are. They complain how the pictures "hurt my eyes", "I can't stand to look", "they should stop posting pictures" - and yet the PFAers keep running back to look at even more pictures. I can only assume they enjoy self-inflicted pain if the pictures are so awful to view.

And they complain about how mean tPF people are - all while they are viciously tearing tPF people apart.

The only PFA person anyone can actually see is PW. I am not going to comment on her looks - is she or is she not pretty, skinny, fat whatever.

However, given her latest picture on PFA I do think the old sayings "The eyes are the window to/of the soul" and "the mouth is the door to/of the soul" are apt. I see lifeless eyes and a cruel mouth. Her appearance does indeed reflect her actions.

Anonymous said...

^ Oh so how do you explain the kim k thread?

Anonymous said...

So much for hoping that the new year would bring a change to TPFA.

Face it, since it takes so much ugliness to get kicked off TPF, the ones that do have issues with social interactions. So they found a home at tpfa where they can let all their ugly anti-social behavior hang out.
And be amongst their own kind. Haters and liars.

Anonymous said...

Priscilla proves again what a hypocrite she is. She screamed when someone published her "address" here on PFAE. That address was actually just a town name and apparently not even the correct town.

Now, her cyberstalking minions have zeroed in on a young member of tPF and have posted her actual home address (number, street and town), her husband's name, information about her husband's business etc. Priscilla approved those posts and allowed all of that personal information to be published on PFA.

And what awful crimes has this young woman committed that caused the PFA gang to attack?

- Her shoes look too big so they aren't really hers.

- The pictures of her closet look photoshopped. Bet you didn't know the PFAers were such photo forensic experts.

- They don't like her modeling poses.

Meanwhile, she appears to be a pleasant young woman who is always polite and kind in her pots.

PFA has become a pathetic joke. Priscilla's latest prize-winning scoop consisted of more screen shots from 10 years ago with some lame theory that Vlad was trying to cybersquat. The discussion on that fizzled out pretty quickly and the personal attacking began again.

My only question is what on earth Priscilla is getting out of this? Is she really that miserable of a person that she gets satisfaction out of setting her "hounds' on innocent people? Or is allowing posts by cyberstalking nutcases the only way to keep her ridiculous blog alive?

Anonymous said...

They can post all the ugliness they want.
It's a reflection on the posters who chooses to live this way, pathetic bitter meaningless existence.
We are laughing at them making fools of themselves. But we have enough class to keep it to ourselves.

Anonymous said...

I am so nauseated by the recent PFA attack on chanel*liz that I took, what for me, is an extreme step.

I contacted Shopstyle to alert them that they are prominently linked on PFA. I mentioned my concerns about the blog and told them to take a look to judge for themselves whether they want to be associated with a cesspool like that. I also told them that I will not purchase from them as long as they are linked to a site like that.

I suggest others do the same. I also plan to contact Luxury-Shops with the same concern.

Anonymous said...

Or is allowing posts by cyberstalking nutcases the only way to keep her ridiculous blog alive?

*Oh, the irony.

Anonymous said...

"Now, her cyberstalking minions have zeroed in on a young member of tPF and have posted her actual home address (number, street and town), her husband's name, information about her husband's business etc. Priscilla approved those posts and allowed all of that personal information to be published on PFA."

Those who are friends with this young victim, can advise her to seek legal help, and put PW behind bars. From what it seems, her husband has the means and most certainly connections to put PW out of her blog, and make sure in the prosecution, get MT and DL too.

Anonymous said...

How to explain the celebrity threads? People with lives so empty/meaningless they live through others. TPFA isn't any better.

Just like the dynamic dud-o of MT/DL. This year is the tenth anniversary of the scarf transaction that went wrong. Many of us can only remember the highlights of 2002. Not MT, who knows exact date, time.
Can we get an e-card in bitter yello to mark such an occasion?

Anonymous said...

Is Priscilla really this clueless. She is lamenting that most PFA comments are related to attacking chanel*liz and others on tPF. From PW: "I personally wish we could get back to the real issue at hand.... but that's just me."


I think by now it is obvious that most commenters on PFA have no interest in 10-year-old screen shots.

Most PFA commenters are interested in attacking women on tPF. tPF is moderated and they can't do it there, so they have taken their grievances to PFA. All of the cyberstalking and trash talking is not helping PFA's cause, whatever that might be.

If PW really wants to focus on "the real issue at hand", then she can choose not to publish the cyberstalking and attack comments. She will probably lose some readers - but they are only there to stalk and trash - so no great loss.

If the best she can come up with are 10-year-old screen shots, then maybe there is no more real issue for PFA. People have now seen what Vlad did 10 years ago and can make their own decision about whether that bothers them enough to avoid tPF.

Bottom line - the PFA blog and its cyberstalking, trash-talking contents will be associated with PW's name forever. Is that what she really wants? Does she want someone months or even years down the road dredging up some of the crap posted on PFA to prove why people shouldn't: hire her, patronize her blog, attend her events (whatever career goal she might have)?

Her choice is simple. If she really believes there are serious issues with tPF, then focus on those and don't publish the other garbage. If she continues to publish the other garbage, then she really has no "real issues at hand". She just wants to try to wreck tPF via any means possible. If that means allowing people to cyberstalk and make vicious comments, then it is clear that her only goal is to try to destroy tPF by making people afraid to post there. From what I see, it isn't working. Yes, people may have removed pictures, and will probably be more careful about posting personal information (actually a good thing). But everyone is still enjoying and posting.

So, mission not accomplished.

Anonymous said...

Why is MT in business with a reseller if they are so awful as he repeatedly states?

A new place for DL's evil mind. New place for her to find new victims for her stalking activities.

Anonymous said...

Personally I am offended that Vlad was involved in porn. It is a dirty industry where women and children are exploited. He can be very pushy - so this combined with the fact that he was a porn developer makes me think that he does not have a good opinion of women He is just exploiting them to cash in with TPF.
I think TPFA is full of crazy posts and enjoy TPF, but I do not like Vlad. He actually stole the whole idea of his forum from the fashion spot. He would make stupid posts there on the Hermes thread with his blog on his signature trying to steal members. He did. I was a member who went over to TPF because it was more specific and I feel the mods were/are better. Many of my friends switched over too. No big deal. I just don't see why he gets so offended when people have links to their own blogs when he was the first to do it!

Anonymous said...

Very disappointed this blog has not been updated in so long. I hope the author is OK. Looks like P is about to begin another session of Let's Stalk the Mods at TPF.

Anonymous said...

Don't know if anyone reads this blog anymore. But if so, here is an update on my thinking about PFA - I've left PW this comment about her involvement with PFA.


So it is now obvious to me that you will not post anything that is critical of hermespurseforum.

I have wondered for a long time why you would waste your time with PFA when it is pretty much nothing but a bunch of trolls who stalk and then trash posters on tPF. It is now clear to me that the sole purpose of your blog is to bash tPF and promote hermespurseforum.

What a pathetic scam on your part. You claim to be for free speech and have criticized tPF for moderating comments and banning people for what they say. And yet you do the same thing.

I hope you are well compensated for your hypocrisy. The funny thing is that I seriously doubt most of your posters are the target demographic for hermespurseforum's business. So it seems the only use you have for your posters is to get them to participate in the CDC "giveaway" so that they provide lots of free advertising for hermespurseforum.

You are as scummy and scammy as you claim others to be.

Anonymous said...

CDL has openly posted on pfa. For someone who is selling such a classy item she lacks the quality which describes her merchandise.
Where are the blog writers here?

Anonymous said...

PFA exposed, you need to revive your blog!!

Anonymous said...

have you joined the forum yet? Miss Kris helped Priscilla start her very own forum, and MT has continued his crazy stalking there. Some of the posters there do not know the history of the PFA, and are happily going along with his ranting and ravings.

They have revisited the Porn Past of vlad, and endeavored to assist Corri McFadden and Edropoff with her ill-advised lawsuit. It is a bigger mess than ever, and posters do not see that they are worse than the PF. Members have already been banned from their "freedom of speech" forum, LOL!

Priscilla and Miss Kris have helped Michael Tonello sink to a new low, if that was even possible.

I think its time to rev this blog up again.

Anonymous said...

I don't have any interest in the PF anymore for various reasons, including the Porn link, but that's my choice. What disturbs me is the incessant rants, and stalking from MT and Priscilla, that seems to have gotten worse. When you read MT's posts in the forum it ALWAYS comes back to HIM, and the way HE was treated, that's why I do not engage in any convo, as I think he's a parasite! Frankly, he accuses the PF of an agenda, and exploiting women, but IMO he's doing the same with his book sales, trying to garner more popularity, and attention. Unfortunately, his twisted obsession runs so deep, that he will stop at nothing, and drag as many members down with him!