Thanks to another commenter who asked to have their story told. We encourage you to please write us. We will not publish (nor are we interested in) identifying details.
OK, I'll go too. Thanks to comments published about me and personal information published about me, I received threatening telephone calls to my home. Referencing PFA. As you can imagine, my family was upset and scared. And why?? Because I posted some innocuous comments on PF? That's my guess. It's difficult for people to even understand this stupid situation when I explain it to them. I deleted as much personal information as I could from as many public places as I could - and this had a negative impact on my business. What bugs me the most is two things: that someone I considered a friend would betray me in that manner, and that Michael Tonello thought it would be fun and cute to post information that has nothing to do with anything in his life. I asked that my info be removed - no reply, of course, and the comments were never published on PFA.
Please understand that of course my name is online - probably yours is, too. But it's online in professional and personal contexts where I'm ok with it. To have it associated against my will with some scummy blog and to be threatened personally as a result? That is so not ok. I spoke to the police and they thought the comments crossed a legal line. I'm considering my options. So thank you to PFAE for allowing me to express my outrage here. Whoever is behind this, I'm very happy to have a place to speak out about what PFA is all about.
You should make a post with the title "Bringing Home The Birkin". Then this blog will pop up when people google the book.
Donna Lehtonen,
Do you enjoy reading about what a negative impact you have had on people? Is this your way of getting back at people who have more than you? Are you that insecure? Didn't your facelift make you feel any better about yourself?
Enjoy the long read Donna Lehtonen.
You are a pathetic and deceitful individual. If only Hermes could catch a sniff of your horrible behavior. I'm sure someone at Hermes will discover this blog in time. Everyone at Madison Avenue already knows you are a bitch.
You should keep shopping at your little Naples store.
I don't need anymore proof than you have already given. ONLY Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen are bitter and ugly enough to attempt to extract revenge on PF by hurting random members of PF. It doesn't make sense, but if you are small minded and cruel like those two, logic does not always prevail. They just like hurting people for no particular reason. Maybe it makes them feel big. I hope they are happy in their dysfunctional friendship. What a pair.
Falsely accusing people (of what? buying bags?) and publishing their personal information is wrong at best and possibly illegal. But, most of all it is totally pathetic to attack people that you do not know. Did you think that no one would figure out that Donna and Michael were behind PFA? Most people knew it was the two of you all along, but were to afraid to come out because of how horrible you both treat anyone who disagrees with your false accusations and ridiculous opinions. I hope you pay dearly Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen. You are disgusting people and you deserve all that you get on PFAE and much much more. I hope this is only the beginning of your payback.
Bringing Home The Birkin! What a great idea. The author Michael Tonello is the owner of the blog The Purse Forum Advisory, his bitter tirade into hating people who buy purses. How ironic! I guess it was just a matter of time before he turned around to bite the hand that feeds him. Oh forgot, book sales are way down! hahahaha
Good luck with your purse line. I'm sure it will be every bit as ugly as you are. I hope Donna is not helping you design, because her custom hermes bags are hideous.
Bringing Home The Birkin by Michael Tonello is the worst book ever written.
Dear poster, I sincerely hope your holding up well. Your family and friends who love and believe in you, will support & give you strength - when you have proven yourself beyond any doubt of all the lies that were said of you.
It's deplorable that our names and personal info are plastered on the web. But we did nothing wrong except being bag addicts. Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen made use of the internet to spew their venom of hatred for Purse Forum and dragged random members in. These actions cannot be pardoned.
Victims UNITE. Let the police take notes. They can track IPs. They know the accounts here are not fabricated out of the same few posters. AMEN.
Everyone's comments are a joy to read. It is so nice to know there are so many of us who are fed up with the antics of Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen.
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