Saturday, April 30, 2011

Aw. Cute!!

It's really quite adorable that a commenter over at PFA thinks we're obsessed with Michael Tonello. Nothing could be further from the truth. We've never met him or Donna Lehtonen, and have absolutely no desire to. Nothing would make us happier than never hearing either of their names again, or having to see their poisonous posts on PFA or other forums, or the even worse comments he allows on his blog. Interesting that he's proud to put his name on the spew over on PFA.

No, what we ARE obsessed with is trying to end the bullying that goes on over there. We don't see any of PFA's anonymous commenters being forthcoming with their Ebay names, real life names and contact info even as they're baying for the same content for PFers. Funny, that.

We'd really like to see them both decide to do the adult thing. Which, in case we haven't made it clear, would be to let go of their grudges against being banned from PF and, in Michael Tonello's case, get over a couple of Ebay sales gone bad from YEARS ago. Really, we think it would do them both good. Come on over to the light side. See how it feels to treat people right for a change. You both might even enjoy it.


Anonymous said...

Odds are good that the commenter suggesting EXPOSED has an obsession is Michael in his "Anonymous" persona. He and Donna are likely the only souls on this earth who find him interesting enough to obsess about him. The rest of us are more obsessed with righting years of inflicted wrongs at Michael's and Donna's hands. Since some of their damage cannot be undone, the next best solution is to spread the word of their mean, evil hearts as best we can, in hopes of reducing his credibility and opportunities to hurt future, yet-untargeted victims. Because no matter what, death is the only thing that stops an evil like Michael Tonello or Donna Lehtonen. EXPOSED, while doing a brave and heroic service here, is unlikely to stop such overwhelming hatred, envy, and cruelty.

Anonymous said...

I've made comments over at PFA.
I have never been banned from tPF.
I have never bought a purse through any internet auction sites.
I think you're all a little wacky.
Those two for never letting it go.
The same here on this side.

I keeping seeing posts about giving evidence to attorney's.
The U.S. government can't even manage to stop Pirates Bay from operating.
But any second now PFA will be shut down?

Anonymous said...

Do not flatter yourself, Michael Tonello. No one is obsessed with you. It is justice that is desired here. To all the kind-hearted readers with our shared goal, thank you for your kind mention to your respective authorities. If you're new here, and you haven't, please use your best ability to make this right.

Anonymous said...

Michael Tonello is getting himself all very confused. He can no longer trust if anonymous posters are playing him up on PFA ... posting to deepen his trap. He knows that IP addresses are traceable. He tracks posters on PFA, so he knows. What you know, authorities can find out too. Do you know if some of your posters have already been contacted? He doesn't know that he is being betrayed. He can name-drop all he wants. He is trying to use the elimination method, to see if there are any responses here that may give away the clues he wants. GRABBING STRAWS. Do you need help? Start with letter A and end with Z.

Anonymous said...

The commenter is more then likely, duchess or MT. It's easy to spot their style of writing.

Anonymous said...

The arrogance that Michael Tonello's vile blog is untouchable. He mocks the limitations of cyberstalking and cyberbullying laws. That's why he still refuses to stop nor close his blog. If you're a law enforcer, what do you think?

Anonymous said...

Some people are driven away by hatred, others by silence. That blog perpetrated by sub-human scum who call a child ugly is trying to drive people away by hatred. They can be driven away by silence--don't buy the drivel they publish, don't click on their blogs or websites, don't waste your eyesight watching them on TV.

Anonymous said...

I shall say upfront that I do not expect this comment to be published, and if it is NOT, then I shall post it on PFA.
The blog posts and comments HERE on PFAE are no different than that which you accuse PFA. Your ONLY justification is that "PFA started it", which is both immature and reprehensible. And if this PFAE blog is condoned by the ADMIN, MODS and members of PF, then you are no different then the person you point your finger at. When you point your finger, take a good hard look at the 4 other fingers pointing back at you. You are 1 in the same, and 2 wrongs does not make a right. If you want MT to "knock it off", then YOU need to take leadership in that. HE has not posted of late, only YOU have.
I will never, ever again log back into TPF. And quite frankly, as long as this behavior continues, I will only encourage others to do the same. You are beating your own dead horse.

Anonymous said...

The comments at PFA are all Michael Tonello's voice. Whether he posts as anonymous himself, edits comments or is just selective about what comments he chooses to publish, they are all his voice.

Michael Tonello is basically alone in his hatred of all things Purse Forum. He hopes to create a mob of haters, but so far only one person has joined his mob. Donna Lehtonen.

Let them enjoy their shared hate.

But the bullying will stop, one way or another.

Anonymous said...

Please contact Bravo and let them know what Michael Tonello is up to.

Anonymous said...

To anon @ 10:32, the blogs are very different. PFA was started for revenge and out of spite at PF. So in their minds, anyone who posts there is fair game - their real names and contact info, their Ebay names, their work places, ugly name calling and threats. I don't see any of that going on here and the blog owner here (kudos!) has not allowed any of the name calling and says clearly that the purpose is to get them to stop what they are doing at PFA. All that seems to be happening here is that the owner is providing links to and information on what they have said. Big difference to me. People are perfectly entitled to not like a web site or a person. That same entitlement does not extend to harassing them because of that dislike. Which is the sole purpose of PFA and many of Tonello's various alter ego posts online.

Anonymous said...

"If you want MT to "knock it off", then YOU need to take leadership in that. "

Why should victims have to give in the PFA? Why don't you tell MT to give up PFA first? I'm sure PFAE would be gracious enough not to demand for an apology even.

No one cares if you don't wish to login to tpf. It's nothing to do with tpf visitorship. It's everything to do with wanting Michael Tonello to stop bullying.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous at
April 30, 2011 10:32 PM:

You are wrong. If you were one of MT victims you would be singing this blogs praises. It isn't fun to be "outed" by a raving mad man consumed by hate and his side kick, duchess (jealous/envious), POOR rich 3rd wife.
My information had repercussions on my family. My honesty was compromised by hateful lies. This will always be out there. I wish it on you for being so naive.
I have never made comments on TPA nor do I post on TPF or any of duchess's blogs. I do not read them. Of course everyone can find it and informs me. They are nasty like you and enjoy the drama, as long as they aren't victims.

Anonymous said...

Tonello picks on people he doesn't like, for whatever reason, and then posts whatever he likes about them. Hiding behind "purseforumadvisory". And allows comments that are racist, homophobic, and slanderous. Why?? Oh, yes. Some twisted notion of revenge.

PFAExposed said...

We've said it before but we will say it again. We (and there are several people writing the posts here) have no affiliation with The Purse Forum. We are not moderators, owners, or more than occasional (very occasional) posters. We do have one thing in common. We just really loathe what is going on at PFA and the fact that Mr. Tonello is using a personal grudge to post personal information about people he has never met. Whether he posts it himself, or approves comments with foul language and questionable information, he is equally responsible. It's wrong. When his blog disappears, we will be happy to shut this down. We have yet to see believable proof about a single allegation made on PFA. So for those who prefer to believe PFAs propaganda, sorry to tell you, but Father Christmas is a lie, too.

Anonymous said...

"Whether he posts it himself, or approves comments with foul language and questionable information, he is equally responsible."

EQUALLY RESPONSIBLE. By allowing the comments, he's endorsing the messages.

Anonymous said...

Anon@5:49 AM.
PFAE was also started for revenge. By persons who felt wronged by MT. Exact same type actions as PFA.
Commentors here have called for IRL info on persons/entities other than PFA or MT. And made deurogatory comments against persons/entities other than PFA/MT. And those comments were published. Therefore by publishing those comments, PFAE is endorsing the same type behavior as it protests against PFA.
Can you not see the similarities?

I don't condone anyone anywhere either requesting or publishing any other person's IRL info. And you have just proven my point about retaliation and revenge on this blog being directed at person's other than PFA/MT by stating that you wish that I become a victim of the same.

@PFAExposed... I doubt that his blog will disappear, as you daily give him further reason to continue by your own retaliation.

I do not defend nor condone PFA or PFAE. All of this started long ago on the PF Hermes forum, over discussions of purses and a book. And has evolved into two "hate blogs". The grudges are long and deep. None of this should have ever escalated to a point that it affected anyone's real life. And yet despite many already being hurt, it continues. The responsibility goes all the way back to the beginning. NONE of this is justifiable or right. JMO.

Anonymous said...

Revenge means punishment.

Justice means equitableness.

Not the same things at all....

Anonymous said...

This blog is admirable for its bravery in fighting against Michael Tonello, the cyber stalker and cyber bully.

There was no where to turn to before and he has plenty of victims, who have been united here.

This blog is doing what is right by trying to stop PFA.

Anonymous said...

Nobody here called for IRL information of anyone. There was a comment about someone's IRL info, but that person was quoting a PFA post, not asking for information.

and also, Anon @10:32 - Michael Tonello's been at this for 4 years. People didn't react to him, ignored him and hoped he'd lose interest. He didn't. He escalated his vile behavior. So what do you expect his victims to do? Lie still and practice good vibes and positive thoughts towards him while he slags them and spreads vicious lies about them and hunts them down in real life?

Unfortunately law enforcement has not approached cyberharassment the same way they approach physical harassment, and Michael Tonello takes full advantage of this fact. However, the world is a place full of people who are not entirely sane, and he should be glad that there are only fingers pointing at him.

Anonymous said...

From PFA:

Anonymous said...
Mistikat seems to me to be a very
unpleasant, aggressive, impatient bully. Judging by her posts, he/she seems to have a really ugly personality in real life, with low moral standards, in my personal opinion.

May 1, 2011 12:21 PM
Mistikat is a lovely and intelligent person. MT and duchess are ugly with low morals. This is my personal opinion.

Anonymous said...

Mistikat is a great person.

Anonymous said...

It is remarkable what people will say under the guise of "anonymous". Frightening really.

And for Michael Tonello to publish all these hateful things just tells you more and more about him.

Most of the anonymous comments on PFA are just Michael Tonello talking to himself.

Pathetic and cruel.

Anonymous said...

For Donna Lehtonen, Michael Tonello and all the other "anonymous" cowards at PFA:

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.


Anonymous said...

"Mistikat seems to me to be a very
unpleasant, aggressive, impatient bully. Judging by her posts, he/she seems to have a really ugly personality in real life, with low moral standards, in my personal opinion."

In my person opinion, the person with the above comment has low moral standards and acute shallowness to think that it is perfectly acceptable to make judgment about anyone whom they do not even know.

What is your agenda? Thinking that posting such comments would change the minds of what her friends in real life would think of her? Then you are shallow. If you think you can cast a doubt in the minds of other people who do not know her, I say that's a possibility. But over time, truth prevails.


Anonymous said...

LOL! What I think it that Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen are now so nervous about how to craft their words to avoid sounding libelous by inserting "in my opinion".

Do not forget that all your earlier comments and blog posts do not disqualify you for being libelous. After going back to selectively delete the old posts, there are still too many. You may as well close your blog. Oh. No chance of eliminating all the vileness. Why? Google's cache.

Anonymous said...

Just a word of objectivity here - do not be lured into discussion about specific members from the purse forum. Michael Tonello is trying very hard to see how commenters here respond. He is desperate.

If you all want to protect one member, be consistent to protect and speak up for all. That will further confuse him. He won't be any wiser.

Otherwise, don't feed the troll.

Anonymous said...

I think you're all a little wacky.

^_^ Anonymous I like that it made me rofl