Friday, April 22, 2011

Can't let it rest

Posting as advent, Michael Tonello said this in December of last year on Perhaps it's time to move on? But then he'd have to stop promoting his name under a different user I.D. At least Scott Adams was just talking himself up and not tearing down anyone else.


Anonymous said...

What's left of his name to promote? Google "Michael Tonello" and "Blog" and up pops this blog and PFA. Neither of which paints him in a very flattering light at all. This blog reveals what he's been up to, and his blog at this point is basically ravings of a mentally unstable person.

He's now gotten so confused that he even posts comments critical of him and doesn't even attempt to give his usual answers which he and duchess think are soooo witty.

Anonymous said...

Please do not stop being watchful. Michael and Donna have stopped only briefly. If Exposed walks away, they will pick back up with renewed hate.

These 2 will never learn. Empathy is foreign to them. I realize that in the greater scheme, all of this is small, but for those of us who have benefited from Michael and Donna having their hate speech shut down, please don't let it go. Please keep up your vigilance. I am forever grateful to Exposed for revealing to the world the true vile characters that are Donna Lehtonen and Michael Tonello.

Anonymous said...

I want to add my extreme gratitude and thanks to PFA-EXPOSED. You are wonderful!!!

Anonymous said...

All great posts. Please keep up your wonderful blog, ThepurseforumAdvisoryEXPOSED. I am deeply indebted to you.
They are both intolerable and sorry excuses for human beings.

Anonymous said...

So, Michael Tonello was the supplier of coveted Birkins to most of the reputable eBay resellers. Now he is so against resellers and continues to put them in a bad light. Why is that? He made tons of money living in a pretentious life from reselling Birkins after all.

The only reseller that he speaks highly of, and has a link on his vile blog is CDL. How has she escaped his ridicule? Thank god I've never bought anything from her. Else she would have all my personal information.

Anonymous said...

So Michael Tonello hates the purse forum because he was banned for bad conduct and attacked strangers?

Has anyone thought if it is just hatred and revenge that he is after? Of is there something else? Jealousy and envy as well? That there are genuinely happy people with happy lives but that eats him up?

Anonymous said...

I often speculate that CDL gave MT my personal information.
I wonder what he has on her, must be something besides being one of her suppliers in years past. I think being advertised on his blog would now deter anyone from making a purchase from CDL.
I heard that MT wasn't recognized at Hermes NYC until duchess told a SA the name of her "friend". They weren't happy about it.

Anonymous said...

Who knows why Michael Tonello wastes his life like this? Why he condemns the purse forum, yet he is completely obsessed with it? Why he and Donna Lehtonen can not move on with their lives? Why he wants to hurt strangers?

He is damaged goods. He must have had a very sad childhood. He is a pathetic individual that hates anyone who is happy or successful, as he is neither.

Anonymous said...

Apparently "Anonymous" on PFA doesn't even care if MT is a serial killer, as long as he exposes all what's happening on the PF.


Anonymous said...

Here's what I still don't get - exposes exactly what on PF? So people lie about themeselves or the bags they buy? Big frigging deal. I mean, why does this matter to the point that people are attacking others and publishing their personal information? They talk a lot about jealousy over at PFA - sounds like they're all a jealous bunch to me who just don't like that they can't afford whatever it is people are buying on PF.

Anonymous said...

I have no objection to MT or duchess blasting TPF. I just don't think it's fair for their posting about innocent members to seek revenge for being banned on old, imagined or valid, negative comments towards them. That's my issue with them. I hope both will stop this aspect of their or Tonello's blog.They brought that on themselves by outing no one really involved with TPF, just made the mistake of joining or posting there. I believe that's why so many collectors no longer post or are active members.
It's up to the individual if they wish to participate with TPF.

Anonymous said...

"Here's what I still don't get - exposes exactly what on PF? So people lie about themeselves or the bags they buy? Big frigging deal. I mean, why does this matter to the point that people are attacking others and publishing their personal information? They talk a lot about jealousy over at PFA - sounds like they're all a jealous bunch to me who just don't like that they can't afford whatever it is people are buying on PF."

Michael Tonello just can't help it...he considers himself the Julian Assange of ladies pocketbooks.