Monday, April 18, 2011

Correcting a misconception

We noticed that someone over on PFA complained that we did not publish their comment despite repeated attempts. Frankly, that's a lie.

Actually, we publish nearly all the comments we have received. There have been a tiny handful, perhaps fewer than 10 of the many we've gotten, that we have not made public. When we have edited a comment to further protect someone's privacy, we have stated that we have done so.

What don't we publish? As we said, personal information about Donna Lehtonen's son. Or profanity laced tirades - we aren't PFA, thank you very much, and have no interest in that kind of language as it hinders, and does not progress, any discussion. And nice to know that Michael Tonello has no issues with continuing to publish private information in his comments section about people who have nothing at all to do with him, purses or anything else.

We have not published the real names of some of the victims of PFA. We are not going to engage in any further pursuit of those innocent people.

We are not interested in publishing he said/she said tPF threads about authenticity, people's buying habits, or personal lives. We don't know those people - we don't care. And actually, we don't even care much about what goes on at PF, whether the owners make or don't make any money doing it, or people's claims and lies. If they want to make themselves out to be mega rich owners of watches, cars, bags and houses, so what?

We do care in showing the patterns that Donna Lehtonen and Michael Tonello have very clearly left all over the Internet. Their own words, their own actions. They said it, often repeatedly. Once you know their various user names, it isn't hard to see those posts, patterns, and personal obsessions. And now that he has admitted to being behind PFA, we're puzzled about all the denials (which he's now removed from the site). We also think it's quite telling that Mr. Tonello removed the link to this site he originally provided in a post saying all publicity is good publicity (something he has said as Michael Tonello on numerous occasions about other things, by the way...)
We do care in hearing your stories, so keep them coming.


Anonymous said...

Mr Tonello talking to himself on PFA...

Isn't it SO SAD that he spends a half hour writing a comment to himself, which he then replies to under his PFA alias. I idiotic is this??

Anonymous said...

The Purse Forum is a forum, and of course many things would have been said. It would not be a successful forum if members don't participate. The thing is, these things are always contextual. But it has to take bullies like Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen to scratch old threads (it must take so much of your time to use the search function and you need to be registered too. So why are you still back at tpf?), throw in their bizzare spin on things ... they take things out of context! Classic pattern of bullies. It's been researched and noted.

Anonymous said...

I know what happened, lol! Googling "Michael Tonello blog" made this blog (TPFAExposed) pop up on the first page of google search, so of course Michael Tonello couldn't stand it. He had to make sure people saw HIS blog first, before they saw this one and so he added his name to the masthead.

No matter that his blog is full of insults, name calling, racism and gay-bashing, plus the fact that reading it makes people want to's a Michael Tonello blog, so it HAS to be on the first page if one does a google search!!

Anonymous said...

If Michael Tonello thinks in his own mind that his website is meant to be a consumer advocacy site, he is very wrong. I went and looked at his site because I was curious, and thought he might provide some proof of all the bad things he claimed were happening on the Purse Forum.

What I saw was a listing of member names, with descriptions such as liar, idiot, lemming, reseller and so on. Nowhere was there any concrete proof of anyone being a liar or whatever else he described - most of the resellers sold stuff on ebay and that was not news.

There are good consumer advocacy sites and review sites. This is not one of them. This site seems to have been created by one man's hatred for one particular site, and boy, does that hatred shine through.

Yes, there are posts of people saying contradictory statements on forums. There are posts about people who have apparently not been truthful. But finally the message that comes through is "Michael Tonello Hates The Purse Forum"

Is this what he really wants people to know him for? That he hates an online forum so much that he'll pick a random member on there and bash them and bully them on his website?

Anonymous said...

Someone should update his Wikipedia page with a link to PFA.

Anonymous said...

It's so sad to see Mr Tonello talking to himself on his blog. His writing is so recognizable.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't pay too much attention to wikipedia. Some seem to think it's a source of credibility, or a big deal, when in actual fact any Tom, Dick or Harry can get an entry on there. It's a joke!!

Anonymous said...

Openly libeling complete strangers when you make your living as an author seems rather foolish.

Anonymous said...

From TPA:
Anonymous said...
Mr Tonello has nothing to profit from this blog, whereas the Purse Forum and Purse Blog has everything to gain from trying to destroy his reputation. A cursory review of the web brings up this information:

April 19, 2011 11:28 AM
I really am not interested in TPF. However, anyone such as MT and the duchess can post these comments on Rip-Off.
I would like to address why MT and the duchess seem to feel they have the right to make fun of people that don't own TPF but share a love of either bags, jewelry, or animals. Didn't MT and duchess at one time belong until they had multiple personalities and broke rules. Why are they tormenting others that aren't involved in any way with TPF except as members. I belong to a few forums which are of interest to me and no one as ever attacked posters and slander them on a blog that someone created to spew hate.

Anonymous said...

Donna Lehtonen and Michael Tonello are a special breed of crazy. They cyberstalk total strangers.

Donna's agenda seems to be whether or not people are carrying fake bags or are shoppers or resellers. If she finds you guilty of any of these heinous crimes, she will hunt you down forever and try to ruin your life. She's the Hermes resale police. Self appointed and omnipotent.

Michael just attacks anyone on PF because he was humiliated there because of a few bad ebay transactions while he was a reseller. He can not move on and instead wastes his life attacking total strangers whose only crime seems to be membership of PF. His focus shifts from attacking resellers to carriers of fakes, but really all you have to do is post a picture and he will take it and try his best to humiliate you. I think he feels gratified that he has hurt a member of PF and that is his agenda. To hurt members of PF and therefore extract some strange revenge is all he is after.

They are both dangerous and crazy. Stay far far away.

Anonymous said...

The hatred that has possessed Michael Tonello is his KARMA for whatever he has done. You realise he can never shake off this hatred? That's karma sticking its head out.

Profit? If he thinks he is doing the world a favour by outing out scammers and liars that are lurking or making their rounds on the Purse Forum, I think that's a "service". But telling lies, making up stories, accusing members that they are resellers, putting their real names on his devious blog, using profanities are nothing by evidence of cyberharassment.

Michael Tonello is not a samaritan. He is obsessed to bring Purse Forum down for banning him and with it, he wants members of the forum to be destroyed too.

Anonymous said...

If both of them are revered by the members of Purse Forum, all of multiples of hate blogs by Donna Lehtonen and Michael Tonello would NEVER ever have existed.

Michael Tonello wrote Bringing Home the Birkin because he lost the goose that lay the golden eggs. Hermes had banned him. In revenge, he wrote the book. He had no more income from reselling Birkins. His book helped extend his livelihood.

What does it tell you about his responses to events? Revenge.

Actually, he did Hermes a favour, although twisted. Sales at Hermes had never been better. Folks know better not to ask for a Birkin without purchases. AND .... because of the prevalence of fakes, customers would rather go into a Hermes store than take the risk. So it's Michael Tonello who has made resellers' lives rather challenging. But he didn't care. It was no longer the business that earned him loads of money.

Sticking to a war of words doesn't make him richer nor more famous. Effects are the opposite.

Anonymous said...

I just wish they'd remove my name from their blog. I never read over there until someone called my attention to a whole post about me. Everything said was untrue, and it now comes up in a Google search using my full name. I am a professional in a large city, and this post and the subsequent comments can damage my career. I am currently seeking the counsel of an attorney to get their cyberstalking stopped.

Anonymous said...

I had posted earlier that Sam Wong was an alias of Tonello's but due to some further information uncovered, it appears that it is actually Donna Lehtonen's alias. She used it to contact H to inform them that some SA's (specifically named) were selling to resellers!  She is obsessed with the whole reseller scenario. H is aware of some of her mischief. I'm sure she is the laughing stock of H.

Anonymous said...

"I had posted earlier that Sam Wong was an alias of Tonello's but due to some further information uncovered, it appears that it is actually Donna Lehtonen's alias. She used it to contact H to inform them that some SA's (specifically named) were selling to resellers! She is obsessed with the whole reseller scenario. H is aware of some of her mischief. I'm sure she is the laughing stock of H."

Oh, so she's using her relative's names for her own nefarious purposes?

Yay!! I used nefarious in a sentence too!

Anonymous said...

I am not surprised that Donna Lehtonen used a fake name to contact Hermes. She is totally consumed with resellers. She is the self-appointed reseller police and her best friend is Michael Tonello. That's a laugh.

Anonymous said...

Hermes produces far too many Birkins and Kellys to be overly concerned with resellers.

Anonymous said...

Donna Lehtonen = Sam Wong

That's hilarious! Get a life lady!!

Anonymous said...

Is this "Sam Wong" name used on FB to befriend unsuspecting members of pf and gather information about them?

Anonymous said...

If the SA is clueless that the customer is a reseller, I think perhaps the management would appreciate to be alerted. But tip-offs, authentic or malicious, will always come with internal investigation. No senior management of Hermes will take one letter (they would be wondering who the hell is Sam Wong) as gospel truth.

If after enquiries and finding out that the customer has been wrongly accused of being a reseller, guess what H will do. Protect their genuine customers even more. And further gossips they hear about the same customer, they will take note of these so-called whistleblowers and question their intent. H is not stupid.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Sam Wong... YES! She definitely used that name to Friend unsuspecting people on Facebook. They finally figured it out and now there are just 4 Friends... two of which are Donna Lehtonen and Michael Tonello.

Sam Wong shows their city as Fresno, CA on FB if you want to find the FB page. I can't get the link right now. The Profile info used to include Provincetown but that reference has been removed.

Yes, H did look into Sam Wong's report.

Google Sam Wong and Lehtonen and see what comes up.

Anonymous said...

Using your child's name to stalk people you don't know on facebook and the internet? Creepy.

Anonymous said...

From the duchess of h blog:
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
I haven't been posting due in part to being in Florida, and also dealing with some very threatening and worrisome comments directed at me personally, my son, and husband. I don't mind people commenting on me; but when their evil lies involve my child and husband, it crosses a line. I refuse to live in fear of the lunatic fringe; although I have taken action.

I'm not going to allow anonymous(as so they believe)individuals to curtail my freedom, or intimidate me from posting on my blog; but I will prevent them from their anonymous cowardly comments.

I blog for my myself, my family, and my friends. If anyone else chooses to read my blog, I'm very surprised and pleased.
I appreciate the readers who openly follow me, and I appreciate my friends and family whom I've asked not to.

Blogging has been a real eye opener, to say the least. Some people need to get a sense of humour and lighten up.'

Well, I think duchess should absolutely "lighten up" and stop abusing people with her false accusations. What nerve! I have "legal advisors" working on my case. She spread lies about me as did MT. I have had enough of them.
I fear that both are totally capable of ANYTHING!
So to quote Donna, "lighten up" and stop slandering innocent people.
My comments aren't threatening or cowardly. I'm sick of the both of you. If you were smart, which you aren't, you'd be a "private" person and dump your friend, MT. He'll bring you down with him.
You two just think you can go on posting all garbage about people and not get caught. You are the one who is an evil liar.
Where's your sense of humour?

Anonymous said...

Some advice to Mrs Lehtonen: If you don't want your kid to be mentioned, don't use his name to do your dirty work!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who would harass strangers using her underage child's name is too conscienceless, and too far gone to salvage. That kind of person has no concept of social mores, ethics, human interaction, or the rights of others. Someone like that cannot even be taught better. Someone like that is so far beyond the pale of normal human society that they are largely incomprehensible to anyone normal. You are a monster without conscience, without heart, without a soul, and without remorse. I hope you rot in a hell of your own making.

Anonymous said...

@6:29 pm: people who engage in that behaviour also do not suddenly begin behaving that way in middle age. It is usually a pattern of behaviour that has been occurring for years.

Anonymous said...

I know that a few people on TPA are saying that we (TPFAE) should "hold a mirror" up and that we are doing exactly what we're trying to put an end to.

I think there is a big difference between that of what Donna and Michael have done and what is being done here. There would be no need to TPFAE had it not been for the random, hurtful lies spread by those two. When many people are hit over and over, someone is bound to start hitting back. Deal with it.

How does it feel?

And to Donna.. why did you sign up on facebook using your child's name in an effort to get info on your targets? Gross.