Thursday, April 28, 2011

God bless Google

We've noticed and been alerted to the fact that Michael Tonello has been busy pimping out his links to PFA and his book. Gee - unemployed much, Mr. Tonello? But people haven't been too busy to come here.
We want to thank all of you for looking for us, too ... and for your readership.
What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right? Or more to the point, what's good for is also good for


Anonymous said...

Readers must know that if there is no vile PFA, PFAE would never need to exist to speak the truth.

Anonymous said...

I am so grateful for TPFAE! It prints the truth about MT and duchess.

Anonymous said...

PFA's obsession is with The Purse Forum, evident by its long time stalking of members and fabricated lies. PFA thinks bullying their victims is fun, and has no regard for people's privacy and personal lives. Readers who even have an element of doubt about this blog trying to put things right, should analyze the beginnings of PFA. Read every blog post, every comment (Michael Tonello posts anonymously as well as in his own name) from day one. You be your own judge. Compare how long PFA has been in existence and when this blog came up.

Anonymous said...

Yes he posts both as Anon and himself. There is a comment in the most recent blog post on PFA in which he targets the sweet PBC, trying to make something out of nothing. First the comment was from Anonymous and it got no " takers". Now the author has changed to "PFA".

Anonymous said...

Everyone here should contact Bravo and tell them about Michael Tonello and Purse Forum Advisory. It's an awful thing he created and he should take full responsibility. I wonder how Bravo would feel about that?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Everyone here should contact Bravo and tell them about Michael Tonello and Purse Forum Advisory. It's an awful thing he created and he should take full responsibility. I wonder how Bravo would feel about that?

April 30, 2011 4:50 AM

Have you watched the short YouTube videos Michael Tonello put up? The one as Larambla17 is linked here. The other is easy to find as it's under his own name. In both, the man proves he's not good TV. It's almost painful to watch his halting, droning speech, aimless movements, pontificating tone, and rodent-like expressions. There's a long long way from talks and confidentiality agreements to an on-air slot, and I can't imagine he won't get canned well before. I'm sure they think they've found the perfect trainwreck who will melt down and pitch hissy fits on command, but his repertoire is too sadly limited. How many tantrums about eBay, purseforum, and random strangers are a general viewership likely to put up with from this singularly boring and uncharismatic man? Face it, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy crew he is not.

A reality show with Michael Tonello would be a cross between the museum tour from hell and watching your manicurist or hairdresser or sales clerk pitch a fit every week. Once or twice of that is all I would put up with from an acquaintance. That number drops when I can change the channel on the little weasel. Bravo execs aren't stupid. They will see the same off-putting crap everyone at tPF and some at PFA saw. He'll be tossed early in the process, I'm thinking.

So bottom line, Bravo likely needs no help to eventually decide to stomp on the roach in the kitchen that is Michael Tonello.

Anonymous said...

Michael Tonello is desperately fishing. He is trying to bait anyone to give information, citing rumours. Anyone can hide behind the name of "rumours" to tell tales. People are not afraid anymore, Michael Tonello. With PFA and PFAE juxtaposed together, it's clear as day who has the vendetta and has every intention to hurt innocent people. You have been asked more than once to stop. But you had ignored the call to back off. Instead you think it's fun to continue in your evil ways.

There is no reason you should be allowed to go scot-free.