Remember that kids' song?
Well, the corollary to that is NOT if you're unhappy post untrue and slanderous things about people online.
You're all free to hate the Purse Forum, its moderators, owners and posters. You are free to hate anyone or thing you like. But sorry kids, there is no huge scam going on there that we can see. So if you don't like this web site just don't frequent it. Shockingly, that simple act is pretty damaging in itself. Traffic, ya know.
Not liking a site doesn't give you the right to threaten people anonymously. Or post their personal information against their will.
And that "free speech" thing they like to trumpet over on PFA? Only if you agree with their fakes/scams world view. Don't dare say anything critical about Michael or Donna. Oh, no. Everyone is fair game but them. Hmmm. Funny how any negative references to them or personal information is whisked away.
By the way, the only comments we won't publish (and there have been some) are racist or homophobic or accusations we think are untrue.
What will make US happy? Seeing Michael Tonello exposed as the person pushing the erroneous content and curious obsessions over at PFA...
Sakara54 is a reseller? Really? As usually, there's no proof whatsoever but I'm sure there are plenty of fat, skanky people who will ask for some later today. Moe, Larry and Curley and Betty Ann will have loads of (dis)encouraging remarks directed at anyone who comes to Sakara's defense.
It seems the biggest crime you can commit is to buy something -- anything -- and Mikey will crucify you for it.
There's a word for that.
Thanks so much for this wonderful website, PFAE. You're making the internet a safer place.
"It seems the biggest crime you can commit is to buy something -- anything -- and Mikey will crucify you for it."
Isn't he scaring away his own customers in the process? The ones who might buy a Hermes Scarf Book from him? Oh, wait. He doesn't have any customers. That explains it.
Good grief NO she is not a reseller. She is a 17 or 18 year old really sweet kid in Thailand who shares a love of H with her mother. She has posted their entire vast collection of amazing bags and accessories.
If you're MT and you know it say "counterfeit!"
If you're MT and you know it say " they scaml!"
If you're MT and you know it and you really want to show it
If you're MT and you know it say "It's fake!!"
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