Or maybe Michael Tonello one-note.
Thanks to the commenter who pointed out today's attack. Which is pretty much emblematic of what goes on at PFA.
Pick a PF poster. Preferably someone who has more money than you do (not hard to find).
Post a picture of one of their purchases (and by the way, to do that, you have to be a registered member of Purse Forum, so I guess Mr. Tonello really can't stay away....)
Pick from one of the following descriptors: scammer, fakester, counterfeiter, reseller.
(Again, we don't see why it's a problem for anyone to buy and sell things... please explain why this is an issue because we aren't getting it.) Oh, we're sure Mr. Tonello will come back and huff and puff and say, "But, but, but, reselling isn't allowed on PF!" So show us some proof that this woman has sold a single one of her items as a result of having posted them there. She seems like a person with huge bag collection to us.
And by the way, stating the obvious here ... if you were to mention purses/reselling/scams/fakes to 99 per cent of the population, they would look at you as if you'd lost it. That's how vastly unimportant what PFA goes on about is in the grand scheme of things. Why do we care? Because the name and shame approach over there is NOT right. Cyberbullying is NOT right.
Apparently, truth is not required at PFA. (But you knew that.) We looked through the thread in question ... seems like a nice person with access to a lot of nice things because her parents are well off. Since when is this a crime? Oh. I guess if you have less, the only thing to do is to point fingers, hold the person up for internet ridicule, and yell, RESELLER! Why, exactly?
And coming from reseller Michael Tonello, that is indeed the meaning of rich.
Pretty much ANY individual on TPF who TPFA had an issue with (or any of their supposed anonymous posters who don't have the balls to admit who they are but it doesn't take a forensic scientist to unwravel people's spelling formats) has been called something just to feel like they have been outted on something. Basically it's a good way for people who despise someone else for anything to gripe about it and get support and sympathy from others. Great motivating blog there eh?
luv ~ newEXPOSEDfan
A bottle of champagne to all here who have finally had the strength, the will, and the goodness to take on these miserable people.
For too long I have seen attacks on decent tpf participants, any who have simply unknowingly gotten in the way of a sense of revenge that has exceeded all reasonable bounds. I have seen venomous attacks (usually without any respect for truth) on people, their taste, their lives, and even their marriages and relationships. It has been stunning, and I still shake my head at the sheer time and energy that have gone into a protracted battle with, in the end, so little meaning and ground.
MT was, in the end, a weak marketer and a one-trick pony who just hit on an idea at a point in time when, for a little bit, it worked for him.
If he and Donna put one hundredth of the time they have put into this into doing something reasonable and good...wow.
Thank you, thank you.
I'm one of MT's victims. He plastered my name over the internet and his alter egos tore me to shreds. This blog has made my year by doing to MT (and to Donna) what they did to me.
However, since TPFAE has been to classy to call MT or Donna names, I hope they will give me the privilege by posting this.
Michael you are a no-talent hack and nobody cares about your pathetic adventures as a bitter, aging _____ in Barcelona. Your publisher may have said they'd consider a second book but honestly, you're not interesting enough to read about for free on the Internet.
Having seen the photos you posted over on TPFA, you should try looking in a mirror (and for God's sake try a skin care regimen) before criticizing anybody else's appearance.
Don't like the fact other people have more than you? How about getting off your @ss and getting a JOB? Oh that's right, you're only qualified to do hair and make-up but your personality drove away all your clients. And now your book sales are down, so there are no royalties coming in.
To quote you, "Boo farqing hoo."
Get lost, you human garbage.
Wonder is Pacific Palisades is another alias ?
Maybe someone would like to add to his Wikipedia info . Wiki is asking for more info. There is a lot of juicy info missing! :)
I really wish you could add to the fantastic service you are doing here by adding a contact. A collection of screenshots would be fantastic, and make it for Harper, Huffingtonpost, and Bob Lehtonen to connect the dots.
@9:24 Anonymous -- I feel your pain, and will drink your champagne. Michael and Donna have run roughshod over people with no regard for their feelings, their families, or business. Their quest to discredit the PF has left a nasty trail. It is wonderful that there is finally a place to share and vent, and lay a foundation for bringing them down.
Are you reading this Donna and Michael?? You made a HUGE mistake when you picked on sakara. HUGE.
Donna, how are things at Stillwater Farm ???
donna over at another forum...you can see her bag, the one she cant stand for Sakara54 to have.
You can also see that she cant let go of PF, and the lie that she was banned for any other reason than her rude and arrogant behavior toward other members.
Kudos to the effenhaute ladies for shutting her down!
Donna (duchessofh) is one of the most vile and envious people I have had the misfortune of coming across. She harassed me many times via private message on the purse forum about where and how I bought my bags.
She thought that because a particular bag or color was not offered to her it was not available to other customers of Hermes, and if there were any, they were fakes. She made up names for purse forum members and posted them up on her blog and made fun of them. She is a horrible, horrible person.
how long has D been married to Bob? Anyone know?
^ She posted on a couple of threads about pre-nups in the relationships sub forum on tPF and think she said over 10 years a few of years ago. I think she also said that she lived next door to her husband Bob Lehtonen when he was married to wife #2.
I am a TPFer who has somehow been living under a rock, because I had ZERO idea any of this was going on. I actually only accidentally stumbled across another website where my TPF screen name was being made fun of (another poster was quoting an example of how MT takes potshots by changing screen names to ridicule them) and I was stopped in my tracks! I was trying to remember when on earth I had ever been intentionally mean to anyone, ever, and yet I guess I do remember saying that I didn't think his book was that well written. Did not think that was a crime. Apparently it is.
Anyway, in a strange way I am flattered that I bothered such a guy. I don't like to call names, but when you live under the bridge ....
Brava for this blog, I have been laughing all day!
A bottle of champagne to all here who have finally had the strength, the will, and the goodness to take on these miserable people.
For too long I have seen attacks on decent tpf participants, any who have simply unknowingly gotten in the way of a sense of revenge that has exceeded all reasonable bounds. I have seen venomous attacks (usually without any respect for truth) on people, their taste, their lives, and even their marriages and relationships. It has been stunning, and I still shake my head at the sheer time and energy that have gone into a protracted battle with, in the end, so little meaning and ground.
MT was, in the end, a weak marketer and a one-trick pony who just hit on an idea at a point in time when, for a little bit, it worked for him.
If he and Donna put one hundredth of the time they have put into this into doing something reasonable and good...wow.
Thank you, thank you.
April 1, 2011 9:24 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm one of MT's victims. He plastered my name over the internet and his alter egos tore me to shreds. This blog has made my year by doing to MT (and to Donna) what they did to me.
However, since TPFAE has been to classy to call MT or Donna names, I hope they will give me the privilege by posting this.
Michael you are a no-talent hack and nobody cares about your pathetic adventures as a bitter, aging _____ in Barcelona. Your publisher may have said they'd consider a second book but honestly, you're not interesting enough to read about for free on the Internet.
Having seen the photos you posted over on TPFA, you should try looking in a mirror (and for God's sake try a skin care regimen) before criticizing anybody else's appearance.
Don't like the fact other people have more than you? How about getting off your @ss and getting a JOB? Oh that's right, you're only qualified to do hair and make-up but your personality drove away all your clients. And now your book sales are down, so there are no royalties coming in.
To quote you, "Boo farqing hoo."
Get lost, you human garbage.
April 1, 2011 11:38 AM
P.S. I KNOW HIM...he owns a company that employs like 50+ people. Do your research.
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