We don't know his real identity, or care if he was bs'ing about where he went to school. But he stood up to Michael Tonello (first posting as LuxeGuru and then changing his GQ forum name to reconfortante) and he was onto his tactics way before many others. Why would he care and hound this kid for post after post after post ... why?
But this shows a pattern. An ugly one.
Here is Jason85 fighting back in 2010. (From this thread if you want to read more for yourself:
How many of you have even heard of it before this Luxe guy brought it up? I went there for a year, and made that very clear. Also, it was something I said in 2007, 2 years before Luxe joined this forum. It was in a "Tell us more about you" thread or something like that. I don't remember where I said it, since it was almost 3 years ago. If you were here last year, you would have noticed how he was stalking me, and how he read every single one of my posts dating years back. You'd think he was writing a biography about me and doing extensive research, since he would bring up things I don't even remember writing. It's creepy, and many pointed that out. He's really that desperate of a person. He has made tens of threads about me, calling me anti-semetic, or this and that, based on nothing. He's trying to get back at me for revealing what he did to those women, which you sent me via pm, btw. He has gone back and searched in his "notes" to find some dirt on me, and make things personal, but I'm not buying it. If he really has something, he would have said it last year, when he was constantly hounding me, since I said that one-third of a decade ago, and not something I randomly said last week.
I swore off responding to him, and made that clear in my last post. Actions speak louder than words. Nothing can justify what he has done by scamming people. I don't know what he's trying to prove. But if he thinks that "lying" about going to a highschool is equivalent to scamming hundreds of women by selling them damaged goods for $10,000-$50,000 and threatening them, then he truly is crazy. It's not even close of being on the same par. It is the internet after all, and no one forced this Tonello guy to reveal his name, and go all Dan Brown on us.
In a "how old are you" thread from last year, he said he was 31, but then suddenly claims he wrote that Birkin book a few months later, not that I don't believe him. It's not like he's a Pulitzer prize winner. His book is ranked #259,590 in Amazon's bestsellers rank, ha! I mean how hard is it to write a book about being blacklisted and thrown out of Hermes? In the end, he has been given way too many chances. He was also "revealed" too many times, as well. First by Hermes for re-selling bags and other goods, which is illegal, then by hundreds of members at the Purse Forum whom he ripped off, and like Hermes, they also banned and blacklisted him, and then by me.
For getting back at Hermes, he wrote a book, and revealed the "secrets" of how to buy the "exclusive" bag. To get back at members of the Purse Forum whom he ripped off, he published their names, addresses, etc., as revenge, and lastly to get back at me for posting the awful things he has done, he's TRYING to do the same thing. Don't you get it??? It's the oldest trick in the book! He truly never learns... Karma is a bitch! As I stated earlier, I swore off not only responding to him, but to not even mention his name. His name is so cursed at the Purse Forum that his last name "Tonello" is forbidden to to be used, and types star symbols instead, like *******, haha! That tells you a lot, when even computers tell you what a fraud he actually is! He can go to hell for all I care.
We need to let Jason85 know about TPAExposed.
Michael Tonello is digging around forum threads and websites to fabricate his dirt as usual.
He was just on Effen Haute "Bringing Home the Birkin" thread.
What a disgusting read. Michael Tonello should be ashamed of himself.
Check out the GQ thread. Evident that Michael Tonello hounds his victims.
After all that time, Michael Tonello still wouldn't let bygones be bygones. Tells you alot about his character.
Note Jan 20 2011 ... Michael Tonello taunted Jason and mocks that he needs an interior designer. Why so, Michael? You're an adult. That makes you a worse bully than a student bully. Laws are stricter when victims are younger.
When another forummer mm84321 complimented Jason, Michael Tonello couldn't have it and this was his accusation "It's always amusing when J85 has a conversation with himself.
(does that qualify as spam?)"
Like this blog - but must object to one of the affermations. Re-selling hermes is not illegal!
Someone should add a link on effenhaute directing them over here. To show them what kind of person they're encouraging on their forum.
Michael Tonello is out of touch with Hermes. He constantly talks about no waiting list like it's universal. That is not true, MT. Get your facts right.
I won't even bother with alerting the members of Effen Haute. I read the comments and I've a suspicion one of two of them are actually Michael Tonello talking to himself.
LOL!! He seems to have built up a little fan club over at effenhaute!!
*barf* good they can have him at EHF - lots in common . . . . I posted there a few times, they seemed to be a little obsessed w/ tPF too and it's way too slow and dull there.
Yeah, and Effenhaute has a buying/trading section which is not open to members of the public, as well as some authentication.
Wonder why Michael Tonello gets all hot and bothered about the Purse Forum and its authenticators, but happily participates and posts in Effenhaute, another forum where they authenticate via photos and also have a marketplace? What is sauce for the goose should be sauce for the gander too!!
Re Effenhaute ... that's where Michael Tonello can act out his delusion. Stay there if it makes you happy, Michael Tonello. But we all know that's not good enough for you. Because you still won't be loved and embraced by the thousands on the Purse Forum. It's all your own doing. Don't blame other people for your plight.
It only makes sense there would be a pity party at EH, considering that it’s where all banned TPF members go to wine and dine. These are some of the same people who still have friends who haven’t gotten banned from TFP who are doing the free advertising by posting their banned and non-banned TPF and EH friends auctions. They enjoy ripping each other off, giving each other the chance to buy or trade each other’s bags only to find out they were lying to each other about their condition and then having to flip them immediately. They do continue to obsess about TPF on EH, those who still have membership in both help feed their need for updated drama or information. Have you even seen their selling section, or how about their specific designer sections? They have about a small portion of the traffic that TPF has on one of their lowest viewed designer sections in one day as their full week or month. Some of them that got banned were people I would have never considered buying an item from after they used it to begin with, their dishonesty with others was already enough key to stay far far away. God forbid an individual consider doing a secret exchange with them, I hear they give away the mailing info to their friends and buddies on there if you are deserving of some targeted attention. Have too many bags, make too much money? Hope none of them have your information (online Id's, real name, mailing information, facebook?), you can just about consider it public knowledge now.
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