I would love to take you up on your offer. I am not sure how to without identifying myself to Michael and Donna, and potentially subjecting an agency I love to being ridiculed and reviled. It's not safe. Michael and Donna are neither safe nor sane. And going up against them is scary. I'm really scared. But here goes: I trained for a career that pays a mid to high six figure salary. Instead of following that traditional pathway, I work for peanuts in a small, inner-city nonprofit, helping those who are indigent and ill, some terminally. I was shocked and distressed when Michael and Donna held me up for ridicule and encouraged others to pile on. I drew courage from my clients who face far worse than that every day, but it was painful, unjustified, and unexpected. The worst part was that I had weeks of terror, fearing that Michael and Donna would find out my name and my agency, and try to take it down. There are hundreds who might die if we don't exist, but I don't think Michael or Donna care about that. Thanks to those two, I was forced to go to my Executive Director and Board with a request to be removed from all websites and internet references to our agency. It broke my heart to ask to disassociate from a place I'm so proud of and have given so much of my life and soul to. The day Michael and Donna decided to make fun of me, I sat in my office and cried. I was still crying off and on when a client dropped in to talk to me. I talked to her for an hour about her life now, and she thanked me for helping her be brave enough to admit that she's HIV positive. She said that because of me she's able to go to local hospices and tell her story. So EFF YOU, Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen. I'm going to keep on helping people. You go ahead and keep on tearing them down and laughing at them. I have far less money than Donna, but oh boy, am I richer and more loved. Let's just see who leaves a better legacy, you jerks. So screw you, you pieces of human garbage. I hope this blog and your own words follow you to your graves. Oh, and my crime that was the reason I got "exposed" by PFA? Back in 2007 I bore witness to Michael Tonello's and Donna's lies, in real time, as they happened. I refuse to allow them to subsequently lie and deny their vile actions. If you're brave enough to bully, take your medicine when you're pushed back, Michael and Donna. Like most of those who are posted about on PFA, there was no proof given of any wrongdoing on my part, not in the original post, and not even after requests by commenters for proof. But that didn't stop those two.
Keep doing what you're doing. You're the better person. Remember one word: KARMA.
You won't publish your proof that MT owns the blog because you have no proof.
Your no better than DL or MT or PFA.
Accusing with no proof.
^Agree. Anyone who googles Michael Tonello or Donna Lehtonen will find this blog, and a litany of their ill deeds and the hurt they've caused so many people, just because those people were part of an online forum that Michael and Donna were banned from .
It's a great legacy for both of them to leave behind, i'm sure. Their friends and relatives will be so proud of them!
Thabk you for speaking out! That must have been hard for you. What a terrible thing to go through. I'm really sorry that you have suffered at the actions of Michael Tonello, and possibly Donna Lehtonen, but just know that you are not alone. Finally people are fighting back!
Hang in there!
There are a few Barcelona IP addresses used by Mr Tonello that Google right back to his address.if we publish them, we leave him open to the same harassment as he has subjected others to. We would not have started this blog if we DIDN'T have that proof.
Mr Tonello has also made it clear, by the people he repeatedly targets, like grands fonds on PF, that he is behind PFA. No one else cares about a 7 year old scarf transaction gone bad. And we can't understand why he does, either.
Michael Tonello sold a charm to Grands Fonds, not a scarf. Which is why he asks in one of his posts about what happened to her and wonders whether she choked on her charm.
He leaves a nice trail pointing back to himself, because his anger and envy are so great that he lacks any common sense required to cover up his tracks.
To Anonymous @ 10:54am -
Actually, TPFAE is waaaaaaaaaaay better than TPFA, proof or not. I haven't seen a single post here calling someone fat, skanky, etc. There are no personal attacks. His home address (since that's his workplace) hasn't been posted. The names of his friends (if he has any besides Donna) have not been posted. Nobody has mocked his appearance (though God knows, it's been a close thing for me), nor his speech (as evidenced in a YouTube video almost as bizarre as something Charlie Sheen might have posted, nor any of his columns for HuffPo.
Compare that to what he's done under the guise of TPFA to all the people he's outed. And for what reason? A bag charm?
Playing devils advocate here, and I don't know WHO MT and DL are as I didn't frequent the Hermes forum when they were around, but could they have possiblly told whoever owns the PFA these stories, rather than them starting the blog? Just wondering.....
Anonymous Anonymous said...
You won't publish your proof that MT owns the blog because you have no proof.
Your no better than DL or MT or PFA.
Accusing with no proof.
April 7, 2011 10:54 AM
Oh yeah. Looks like Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen are finally commenting here.
Might be cruel to say, but I hope this permanent affects Michael Tonello's career. He has tried to ruin many lives through PFA and he deserves nothing more than to lose any and all credibility in every aspect of his life. He will be remembered for this only.
It was another poster who had problems with Michael Tonello and a scarf. He cheated her over a stupid piece of crap scarf. She chimed in with her experience to amplify what Grands Fonds was describing, to say that Michael had a history of cheating others, not just that sole poster. In the subsequent rants and drama created by Mikey, the incidences seemed to get merged.
Michael Tonello is the worst kind of bully because he did all of these things anonymously . . . until the great person here outed him. Great work TPFAE! We appreciate knowing the truth of who is behind PFA. What a rat.
I too had unwelcome visitors @ my place of employment. The contact originated from 2 IP addresses:
This information was also included in reports to the authorities.
++++blog owner feel free to edit the IPs if you need to protect yourself, but i wanted to prove that the harassment was coming from spain and canada +++++++++
Thank you so much for starting this blog. I am sure there are so many of us who would see the nasty remarks on PFA and feel helpless. This venue is a godsend.
I hope you will take the other poster's advice and add his book title to a blog post, so it will show up in a search of his name.
For anyone who wants to get more information about the IP addresses that were shared in a prior comment, go to www.ip-adress.com (just one "d" in "address" in the url.
To the person who shared het story--- My heart goes out to you. Hugs,
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