Wednesday, April 20, 2011

So now that Michael Tonello's name is on PFA

and he's openly acknowledging ownership .... we'd like to ask him why?

As in, why continue? That blog is nothing to be proud of. So why, after all the strenuous denials, come forward now? Well, as we wrote earlier, we think we know the answer to that one.

But in the meantime, he's up to his old ways. Everyone is "f'n" this and "f'n" that... he thinks it's funny to post personal information about people he's never met and who probably don't even know who he is but have a tenuous association with PF.

As we've said before, disagree. Dislike or even hate PF. Putting his name to it just confirms what a lot of people already knew. What name do we put to it? Pathetic.


Anonymous said...

Wow. Lots of press this week on narcissistic jerks who use aliases to promote themselves in online communities. While Michael Tonello can only dream of being a fraction as successful as Dilbert's creator, he certainly is every bit as accomplished at narcissism and general assholery.

Anonymous said... comment is too long, here it is in a tinyurl

Anonymous said...

Excerpt from article linked above

"Anyone can be anyone on the Internet, and for many, anonymity offers a freedom and safety necessary for self-expression. But when someone deliberately misrepresents himself, because he claims his own adoring "invisible friend" is an "unbiased messenger," when he lies about who he is because it's "fun" playing the "vigilante," it's a profound statement of cynicism about the nature of online community and contempt for his readers. "

Anonymous said...

By putting "Michael Tonello" in the masthead of PFA, he's probably hoping that any google search for his name brings up PFA and not PFAE.

He still wants to dish out dirt on purse forum because he hates it so much.

Anonymous said...

He probably wrote the last two anon comments on his blog. First saying someone likely hijacked the blog (just as PFAE predicted he would say) and then an "adios". I think he is gone.

Anonymous said...

"By putting "Michael Tonello" in the masthead of PFA, he's probably hoping that any google search for his name brings up PFA and not PFAE. "

I feel really sorry for him if he thinks that being seen as the owner/blogger of PFA is going to paint him in any kind of flattering light. All those insults, swearing, awful use of English, plus the sheer anger and vindictiveness are mind-boggling. I doubt any publisher will want to touch him with a ten-foot bargepole now.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
He probably wrote the last two anon comments on his blog. First saying someone likely hijacked the blog (just as PFAE predicted he would say) and then an "adios". I think he is gone.

April 21, 2011 3:54 AM

He will never be gone. He's a human cockroach. He and the other repulsive, carapaced vermin will be all that's left after a nuclear holocaust

Anonymous said...

From TPA:
Anonymous said...
"Interesting how some people desperately try to explain to all of us that this blog is not needed... there must be a reason for such frantic activity.
Well, I can only say that this blog is very important, and very good from the moral point of view. Not only Michael Tonello took on one of the biggest brands and won - they had to get rid of their mysterious waiting list - major change! But also MT helps people to escape the insanity of shopping obsession and start having real, valid dreams in life, not birkin dreams!
Whatever the gain for MT may be financially, but for us his blog SAVES money, whereas TPF invites us to waste money, overspend and get obsessed with countless bags - so much that we forget along the way that the artificially cultivated "dream" of birkins(and other bags) is not more real than Santa, and much less interesting than the old man in red.
Freedom from shopping for bags! Isn't this a good thing? Of course, TPF is unhappy, their apparent function of inciting shopping addictions in us may be endangered by Michael, his book and his blog.
The book is well written and fun, by the way!
I would look forward to see more new themes on this blog!"

April 20, 2011 3:19 PM

This post is a beyond idiotic. I bet I know who wrote it.
I look forward to the demise of TPA!

Anonymous said...

Hermes' waiting lists have NOT been removed. Michael's information is inaccurate. Simple economics of demand and supply. He has not been to every H store in the world. He succeeded in scoring Birkins in countries where demand for them were lower. He never went back to countries that turned him away. He is one person. Hermes is a dynasty. Profits have gone up. What do you think? Did he write his book after his reselling "goose that lays the golden eggs" was slaughtered? Hermes turned him away and refused to sell him bags. By his own admission in his book. He knew he was doomed.

Anonymous said...

That comment above is t.o.t.a.l.l.y Michael Tonello. He can't help pimping himself at every chance he gets. Shameless.

Anonymous said...

Many of these comments are such accurate descriptions of Michael and Donna. Nothing I can write can say it any better! Bravo!