Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sorry seems to be the hardest word

Why can't Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen admit they were wrong?

Frankly, we shouldn't be surprised that they don't get it. But we kind of are.

Michael Tonello said for a very long time that he had nothing to do with running PFA. Donna Lehtonen said she had no idea who was behind it. And now her feelings seem hurt that people are on to her games. We don't recall her protesting at all when her good friend Michael did the exact same thing to people on PFA. Oh, correction. DOES the exact same thing.

Now he's come forward as the blog owner. So ... why wouldn't they just take down all the personal information they know they were wrong to post? Yes, all you PFA fans. Wrong.

We'll say it again. You can hate PF all you like. It doesn't give you or Michael Tonello the right to arbitrarily dig up personal information and make incorrect assumptions about people.

We might have a shred of respect for him if he admitted his agenda here and did the right thing.

We aren't holding our breath.


Anonymous said...

From TPA:

Anonymous said...
anybody know what ellie's real name is?

April 26, 2011 9:33 AM

Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...

" Ellie Mae on tPF is a total b*tch. She thinks she knows everything there is to know about ebay!!

April 25, 2011 11:38 AM "

Why would you post this Michael? That's pretty rude as she is your friend (and admin) on Effen Haute.

Looks like the honeymoon will soon be over at Effen Haute.

MT Barnum said...

The circus at EH is just beginning.

Anonymous said...

lol. Mikey is reading this. He deleted all posts about Effenhaute on PFA, including the ones critical of Ellie and Choehandbags.

What he doesn't understand is that these people used to be members of tPF. When they were there they were good enough to poke fun at and bully. But if they say they hate TPF and have left (which some of them haven't, they continue posting on there) then they are good to associate with and their blogs are great places for Michael Tonello to visit and post.

Why the double standard, Mikey??

Anonymous said...

ellie at eh appears to be duchess's new bff. lay down with dogs and you pick up a few fleas.

Anonymous said...

"lol. Mikey is reading this. He deleted all posts about Effenhaute on PFA, including the ones critical of Ellie and Choehandbags.

What he doesn't understand is that these people used to be members of tPF. When they were there they were good enough to poke fun at and bully. But if they say they hate TPF and have left (which some of them haven't, they continue posting on there) then they are good to associate with and their blogs are great places for Michael Tonello to visit and post."

No you are wrong. He most certainly does understand the connection. That's the attraction of course.

Why badmouth Ellie? All she did on tpf was help people with ebay claims and investigate scams. There was no bullying. Chloehandbags also investigated the scams. She did have an issue with HG and posted that she sold fakes. Hey, that is a fact.
The others did bully the scammers you people did not ban.
None ever stated they hated the tpf. Where was that said?

If Ellie is discussed here, it's obvious the only reason is jealousy.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for being alert and capturing Michael Tonello's comment about Ellie Mae on his vile blog before he sneakily removed it. Bet he didn't know the Ellie Mae-Effen Haute connection.

Anonymous said...

What has Ellie Mae done to Michael Tonello on tPF that he gets to call her a bitch?

Effen Haute welcomes Michael Tonello as the Hermes expert.

Confusion switching between Dr Jykll and Mr Hyde again?

Anonymous said...

Same pathetic pattern - finds a target, digs for the target's real name, stalks their comments on the purse forum (which he hates so much), and then makes evil comments about them in his playground, the PFA.

These victims don't even know him. So you tell me why shouldn't the authorities go after this man?

LOL. Evidence always speaks for itself. Don't say Effen Haute hasn't been warned. There is no loyalty. Michael Tonello will sing praises of you if you continue to let him play in your playground. It's a time bomb with lots of pretences I feel. When he's not happy, he will diss Effen Haute and spew evil on their forum.

Anonymous said...

To Anon @ 3:40 pm - a) no one here represents PF, I don't think so "we" didn't "ban" or not "ban" her. And I think you misread the comments. I don't think anyone is saying anything indicating jealousy of Ellie Mae - just that she should watch her back when it comes to Tonello and Hermesmerized/Donna.

Anonymous said...

It is not clear that you were quoting what someone posted on PFA. There is no proof "Mikey" wrote the comment about Ellie Mae. It's possible he allowed someone else's comment under moderation without reading it.

"To Anon @ 3:40 pm - a) no one here represents PF, I don't think so "we" didn't "ban" or not "ban" her. And I think you misread the comments. I don't think anyone is saying anything indicating jealousy of Ellie Mae - just that she should watch her back when it comes to Tonello and Hermesmerized/Donna."

You misunderstood. The others mentioned as past bullies on tpf were bullying scammers the tpf (or you, the owner of this blog) did not ban and allowed to comment and cause drama.

Anonymous said...

Mikey gets his knickers in a twist again. Someone says something about making bags in China, and he gets all het up, only replies as anonymous. lmao.

Anonymous said...
"Of COURSE the China makers buy a real bag and copy it!! WTH is wrong with you people? Having a few idiot authenticators on TPF saying they won't give out tips is like saying they can't give out grandma's 'secret' recipe. Hell, half those 'authentic' bags are made by the same people who make the knockoffs anyway.

Grow up!"

You really are the idiot.
Grow up? You've got to be kidding.
What does "grow up" mean. Can't you think of anything better than that.
You do not have any idea what I know or don't know about counterfeits.

April 26, 2011 1:15 PM

PFAExposed said...

Folks, play nice, please.

To clarify - we are not in any way affiliated with PF. Except as having visited occasionally. That's it. No power to ban.

Anonymous said...

"Why badmouth Ellie? All she did on tpf was help people with ebay claims and investigate scams."

This is a good thing for tpf. Helping the whole purse community? No one says you can't be a member of tpf and also participate in your own forum or help in your own friend's forum. (whichever is the case)

It would be childish and naive to think that a person can only be exclusively at one forum. People have choices. They can go wherever they want to go.

The owners/Admin of Effen Haute didn't go anything evil. Did they? It's no crime talking about purses, you know. Or in direct competition to tpf.

Good that you've warned them about Michael Tonello and duchess. The rest is simply up to them. It's their turf.

What is criminal is cyberbullying. So let's stay on our course, shall we?

Anonymous said...

why all the sudden interest in effenhaute? why pick on the lovely people there? they are trying to avoid the mistakes made on tpf by being honest and upfront about things, asking members what they want and just being the nice people they are. everyone is so mean why?

Anonymous said...

Effenhaute is the current hunting ground of Donna Lehtonen and Michael Tonello. They are sniffing out the fakes and the scammers! Wait til they find someone and then it will be PFA all over again. Those two need to get a life. If you want to show off your bags, then make a few friends Donna.

Anonymous said...

"why all the sudden interest in effenhaute? why pick on the lovely people there? they are trying to avoid the mistakes made on tpf by being honest and upfront about things, asking members what they want and just being the nice people they are. everyone is so mean why?"

If effenhaute can make a good forum with lots of resources for members, more power to them.

The situation as I see it is this:

Someone (or Micheal Tonello) posted a comment on PFA calling a person a bad name. There was no reason attached to this comment, it was just a name and an expletive. Someone else then asks for her real name. Michael Tonello, though he moderated all posts, figuring this was something to do with TPF, published this. He didn't care who he was hurting, he didn't care about name-calling, he just wanted to destroy someone, just because they were a member of TPF.

Turns out the person is a member of TPF and Effenhaute. So Tonello goes back in and deletes all the posts referring to this person.

So does this mean one is only safe from Tonello if one is a member of TPF as well as some other place where Tonello posts his views on life (as this person is)?

Anonymous said...

Most comments here are copied from Michael T's hate blog to prove a point. I think the folks here are just trying to warn Ellie and the others about these two lunatics.

Anonymous said...

As it turns out, Mikey's column for the HuffPo was an unpaid gig: http://www.abajournal.com/news/article/huffpo_bloggers_sue_seeking_payment_for_writing/?utm_source=maestro&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=tech_monthly

I guess this explains the endless book-shilling around the internet.

Anonymous said...

Its a no brainer that the administrators and moderators at EH have been reading Purse Forum Advisory and here. They don't seem to be very concerned that Tonello is now admitting he owns PFA, even after Duchess denied it on their forum. Best of luck to the members and admins at EH in their dealings with these two, they are going to need it!

Anonymous said...

Michael Tonello is a snake and it is in a snake's nature to turn and bite. Anyone who thinks they are his "friend" is very foolish.

Anonymous said...

Hohoho! Kaching! PFA has fallen into a trap. Date and time stamp and screen captured. Off it goes as evidence once more. Thanks to attorney's advice!

Anonymous said...

To 4:57 pm --- congrats on getting your evidence. I sure hope you can put a stop to him.

Anonymous said...

Ding Dong the witch is dead!

PFA is down. Hopefully for good.

Anonymous said...

What kind of trap? Michael Tonello is not very bright. This isn't the first trap he's fallen for!

Anonymous said...

Effen Haute is a joke.

Anonymous said...

"why all the sudden interest in effenhaute? why pick on the lovely people there? they are trying to avoid the mistakes made on tpf by being honest and upfront about things, asking members what they want and just being the nice people they are. everyone is so mean why?"

I don't think anyone cares that some TPF members split off and decided to create their own (nearly identical) forum. The problem, as I see it, is that they think they are better. They do everything with their noses in the air, thinking that they will do things right to avoid the mistakes.. blah blah blah. The fact is, they can't possibly judge how people run a forum of TPF's size until they've actually done it. It's easy to think they can do things better or differently when you've got only a hand full of members.

It's an entirely different situation once you've got hundreds of thousands of members. You can't "ask them what they want." You'll get a hundred thousand different answers. I can only imagine that when dealing with a community of this size you have to make some tough decisions along the way and hope they work out. I have no doubt that every decision made by the mods and admins had TPF's (and it's members) best interest at heart. A happy and healthy forum is what's best for TPF admin. Why would they want anything else?

You simply can't please everyone (especially with a community of this size!) and people are bound to disagree with decisions made. It is literally impossible to please everyone in such a large group. That is my point.

The fact that mods & admin think they can accomplish this is a bit naive, but I do wish them well. Can't blame them for trying but until they have a forum of the same size, I don't think you can compare the two.

Anonymous said...

Plus EH swore they would never edit comments and they've already done plenty of that.

Because the truth is they will also get members who don't jive with what they are trying to accomplish, whatever it is. It will be interesting to see how they develop. My guess is they will also have to edit, ban and warn members. It's just the way it is on a large public forum if any kind of order is to be maintained. Otherwise, you get a rude free for all.

Anonymous said...

My guess is they will also have to edit, ban and warn members. It's just the way it is on a large public forum if any kind of order is to be maintained. Otherwise, you get a rude free for all.

April 29, 2011 7:15 AM

Aaaaand this is the segue back to PFA.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Effen Haute is a joke.

April 28, 2011 5:03 AM

I'm not a member there. I doubt I would be of any interest to them, but I think it's not fair to call them a joke. They want to make a forum where they can all hang out together? That's cool. They want to base their initial template on an established and successful forum and let it evolve separately after that? Again, that's cool. And as far as inconsistency and hypocrisy, that is an unfortunate aspect of the human condition. Every one of us battles it from time to time. That is a separate and far less troubling issue than the nasty bullying and hate-filled stalking perpetrated by Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen.

If the members at Effen Haute prefer to find out first hand why those two are eventually dismissed from everywhere they go, that is their right. Their forum, their choice.

I guess I see this blog as an attempt to right, or at least marginally equalize, the wrongs done to so many strangers over the years by Michael and Donna. Most of their victims either had more money, more freedom, more bags, and more intelligence than those two, bless their evil, black hearts, or else they publicly called them out on their eBay or tPF lies. Either way, their grievance didn't call for 4+ years of stalking and hate spewed over the Internet, where it will be documented for eternity. This blog stands in contrast to that, and offers back Michael and Donna's actions and words, pseudonyms and nasty comments, to anyone who would like to understand who they are and why they have been so unkind to so many. They hid for years. This blog is about not allowing them to hide. If they still want to be sociopathic, narcissistic assholes, no one can stop them, but EXPOSED will be there to document their every nasty move.

I don't see this blog as a general hate-fest, to be used for mocking anyone who disagrees, under the thin guise of "consumer advocacy". PFA and Michael Tonello have chosen that role. He is welcome to it, IMO. No one sane would want that as a life's work or monument to their memory.

Anonymous said...

Michael Tonello is a low-life snake.