We want to thank you.
For sharing your stories.
For standing up to cyberbullying and cyberharassment.
For treating each other politely and with respect. There have been only two comments we did not feel were fit to publish because they were basically just name calling. And a handful more (maybe 4) that either levelled accusations we were not comfortable allowing to post, or were speculation about people selling fake merchandise (they may well be - we are not qualified to say so we didn't want to post these) or wanted us to go after Donna Lehtonen's son - by name. We've already explained why we will not do this.
Even in disagreement, people have been civil and that is much appreciated.
We couldn't help noticing that even though Michael Tonello has not updated the content on PFA he has allowed several comments calling people the usual awful names. WHY? He has to approve every single once of those since he has comment moderation on. How do you feel good about hitting "permit" on a comment that calls a stranger a c__t. It's bad enough if you at least know the person, but a total stranger? For the amusement of other strangers.
It's just wrong. And no grudge can make that right.
Is this one of Donna Lehtonen's blogs?
"forumpurseblogrealpurse"...wow, she can't get purseblog off her mind, can she?
This is Donna's blog. She mentions that her son's bedroom will be in the basement of the awful mansion.
My sixteen year old son wanted to have his bedroom in the basement, and I figured why not?"
Very admirable that you did not publish certain information here. Unfortunately not all people have such ethics- some have no problem using a family member's info to harass total strangers on facebook.
Enchanting people! A Mummy who cyberstalks & has BFF who harasses people they've never met. A child who tosses around the "n" word on FB like they're Mel Gibson. Must be a family tradition! Mummy & her friends certainly have no problem labeling people they do not even know as liars, thieves, scammers and Nazis!
To the commenter over at PFA who insists that calling someone a c--t is not cyberstalking ... it IS cyberharassment in my books if you attach a name to it and call that person out by name and attach other nastiness to their name. Which they did. Over and over. Ever met that person in real life? Bet not. And regardless, is it necessary to call someone that? Really? That's the only way you can express yourself? Seems to be a favorite word over at PFA. Along with other nastiness. Disagree all you want with someone - no one has to talk like that to get their point across.
It is so nice to read comments that express exactly what I have been thinking about all this. Exactly.
I bet he is up to something. He will not take this without fighting back and fighting dirty.
When the issue first happened on PF and he lashed out, I thought we were dealing with a normal person who had just gotten angry. But now that we are seeing him all over the web and some of the things he is doing, andthat he has held grudges for YEARS, I am concerned that we are dealing with someone who has serious mental health issues. There is no way to get someone like this to understand right from wrong without professional or institutional intervention.
Just want to point out that Michael Tonello has once again (LEOPARD DOESN'T CHANGE ITS SPOTS) proved his default response : retaliatory.
He has started a new blog, again not being able to shake off the purseforum name.
Same pattern. He has no conscience. How many people in the world truly care about you? You don't care about the people you vehemently choose to attack.
^ Well said. I think the lower the IQ the more profanity to come out of ones mouth. Clearly this is the case at PFA.
I do credit PFAE with forcing Donna Lehtonen to make her blog private. No one needs to be subjected to her anymore.
Maybe she will even stop harassing people. Isn't there a permanent way to block her from TPF? I wish there was. She's a horror.
Michael Tonello has a very limited vocabulary when he is attacking strangers.
Mentally stable human beings do not stalk strangers for 4+ years on the internet.
Your "we're better than PFA because we don't call each other names" is a bit sickening. Your aim is pretty much the same as that site itself - accusations with no foundation and the carrying on that you won't use names because he's a cyberstalker. If MT is that bad, why don't you all band together with a class action? This whole thing about "we're proteacting ourselves" is just overdramatic hype.
Your "we're better than PFA because we don't call each other names" is a bit sickening. Your aim is pretty much the same as that site itself - accusations with no foundation and the carrying on that you won't use names because he's a cyberstalker. If MT is that bad, why don't you all band together with a class action? This whole thing about "we're proteacting ourselves" is just overdramatic hype.
Oh, before suing him we'd like to give him a taste of his own medicine first. We also accuse with proof.
We are protecting ourselves. Tonello is scary. He stalks people and holds grudges for many years. He hounds people, puts up their information all over the internet, people who did nothing wrong except be a part of a forum he was banned from .
"If MT is that bad, why don't you all band together with a class action?"
This is a criminal case. Stalking and harassment are crimes.
There is a lot of evidence that Michael Tonello is behind Purse Forum Advisory. And if it is not true, why has he not defended himself on this site? Come clean Michael. We would love to hear how and why you started PFA and why did you stop posting so suddenly?
To April 10, 11:51pm
^Actually there is FULL BLOWN evidence that Michael Tonello "owns" (for lack of a better word) that blog site, TPFA. You may choose to not believe it but that is a separate issue.
Yeah, so bring on this FULL BLOWN EVIDENCE you are talking about. It's just too easy to talk about it - PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS and get it over with already.
"Yeah, so bring on this FULL BLOWN EVIDENCE you are talking about. It's just too easy to talk about it - PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS and get it over with already."
Why are you getting so hot and bothered about a blog that is about someone else? ..well, that is, unless you ARE Michael Tonello?
I'm sure the full blown evidence would be produced if Mr Tonello were to inquire about it himself. I, for one, am truly surprised that Mr Tonello hasn't posted on here denying that has anything to do with TPFA. I guess he doesn't have the courage to deny it anymore under his name but as usual sends his alter egos to do it?
That's the funniest thing I've heard all day being called MT!! I am truly honoured but also gobsmacked. I'll say it again, where is all this evidence you keep carrying on about?
I honestly thought that PFA would be a somewhat decent blog when I first read it (after reading here first - oops, out of order I suppose). I was intrigued by the jewelry story, and some of the others. But then you go to the mudslinging comments sections, and wow! I can't even keep reading them. There are some foul-mouthed people up in there! I just don't think that people need to get so personal in their attacks.
You don't like a mod? Or Vlad? Okay, why can't you just state your case, rationally & without the personal attacks? Why can't you control your keypad from typing those words? Those people detract from their own arguments when they do that, because I just assume that PF had a right to ban them... since they probably used those attacks/language while over there, you know?
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