Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Through a mirror, darkly

PFA and Michael Tonello are just full of contradictions. To the point that this post should probably be called "what I hate, I love".

Hates resellers? Check!
Is one? Check!

Hates PF? Check!
Can't stay away from it? Check!

Is gay? Check!
Publishes comments that are derogatory to homosexuals? Check!

Says you can't authenticate anything from photos? Check!
Calls out bags as fake from photos? Check!

Takes down his personal information and that belonging to Donna Lehtonen? Check!
Allows anyone else's on his blog? Check!

Says he isn't behind PFA? Check!
Says he is behind PFA? Check!

Claims to be out after scammers? Check!
Posts as other people all over the internet? Check!

Claims that everyone at PF is a bad and dishonest? Check!
Is no longer a registered user on Ebay? Check!

Really, we just don't understand how Michael Tonello remembers who is he is from one day to the next. Well, here's a helpful offer. If he forgets, as he seems prone to do, he can just clip this out and put it where he can see it. It will save him the trouble of making all the visits he pays to us, though as ever, we do appreciate the traffic.


Anonymous said...

"To the point that this post should probably be called "what I hate, I love"."

It should be "What I hate, I am"

Anonymous said...

Michael now feels he is an authority about Hermes production. When he was questioned on Effenhuate by a member, this was his response:

"Perhaps you should arrange to take a tour of the Hermes atelier at Pantin. You are aware that it's possible to tour the facility, aren't you?"

And then, in complete contradiction to his above statement he wrote:

"Unfortunately they no longer offer this tour."

Michael can not even keep his story straight on his own glorification thread on Effenhaute!

Anonymous said...

He is the most incessant, self-appointed Hermes expert with his illusion of grandiose. Hermes must despise him and the staff talking bad about him through and through. The arrogance.

Anonymous said...

Will be remembered after death due to the publishing of an amazingly good book? CHECK

Sour grapes by all the humanoids at TPFAE that this is so, when they, themselves will be forgotten 10 minutes after their wakes have finished? CHECK

Anonymous said...

Will be remembered after death due to the publishing of an amazingly good book? CHECK

Sour grapes by all the humanoids at TPFAE that this is so, when they, themselves will be forgotten 10 minutes after their wakes have finished? CHECK

Hyuck hyuck.

Somebody thinks they are a really great author, huh? lmao. Probably hasn't read anything other than fashion magazines, if he thinks so!

He should build himself a monument at that mausoleum of bad taste in Schomberg.

Anonymous said...

In his own thread on EH, someone dares to say something questioning Michael Tonello, to which he replies saying "well, in case you just climbed out from under a rock, I wrote a book.."

See, everyone HAS to have known about Mr T's book. Because, you know, he's about as well known as Charles Dickens. If you claim ignorance, or question any of his statements, by God the man turns into a nasty, ranting b!tchy character...

Anonymous said...

"Will be remembered after death due to the publishing of an amazingly good book? CHECK"

DUH. The book will go out of print. DUH.

Anonymous said...

Amazingly good book. Someone has very low standards.

Anonymous said...

We have an abundance of closed friends and loved ones to remember us in their hearts when we die; for all the contributions we make to family and the community.

Not by a frivolous book about Birkins. Michael Tonello on the other hand, will be remembered and researched for being a cyberbully of women with HANDBAGS! What's on the internet is forever.

Sour grapes ... Hardly. You could have lived your life if you had been honorable and let others live theirs. Do not forget that you're the cyberbully here. You tell lies about your victims.

Anonymous said...

Ouch to 9:30pm comment! We are devastated by this.LOL! That best selling book was bumped from the $1 rack to the it's free please take it off of our hands rack at the bookstore.

Mikey, there won't be anyone at your wake. By the time the Grim Reaper comes for you, you will have killed off any relationships that you thought you had. Check.

Anonymous said...

Amazingly good book? Mikey had an idea and wrote a few notes, that was all.

The final proof, once completely re-written by someone else (who had an education), would have no more resembled the original draft than Arnold Schwarzenegger resembles a priest.

He will lay claim to having written the bible next

Anonymous said...

So why doesn't Michael Tonello do as he preaches. Since he goaded people on to use their real names when posting on PFA, why doesn't he sign in his Google Account and post as himself? So why, Michael Tonello? One set of rules for yourself and another set for others?

PFA is vile. Just vile. For those who choose to partake in it, have gotten your lives soiled. Watch your karma.

Anonymous said...

Friday, June 3, 2011
The Purse Forum Mentality
"Donna you'll never have half the collection of melliesmom".

"And why would you want to?
Why would anyone in their right mind need a couple hundred handbags and a few hundred Hermes scarves?
(Especially someone who never leaves the house?)

Note: The photo is of floppykelly wearing the new Birkin 90cm Paper Bag edition. Someone forgot to tell her though that it was created to be worn over the head (after all, it was inspired by BaltoBagLady), not on the shoulder".

MT writing some more lies about someone he never met or knows anything about. Melliesmom has no need to compete with anyone and doesn't. I was a guest in her house, it's lovely. No one knows what she has, very private and elegant woman. She hasn't been member of TPF for a long time.
MT and Donna are so envious. I guess being wife #3 isn't in her case that great.
MT check your sources info next time. This one knows nothing.

Anonymous said...

"Donna you'll never have half the collection of melliesmom".

And why would you want to?
Why would anyone in their right mind need a couple hundred handbags and a few hundred Hermes scarves?
(Especially someone who never leaves the house?)

Note: The photo is of floppykelly wearing the new Birkin 90cm Paper Bag edition. Someone forgot to tell her though that it was created to be worn over the head (after all, it was inspired by BaltoBagLady), not on the shoulder.

posted by THE PURSE FORUM ADVISORY at 10:55 PM on Jun 3, 2011

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't she leave the house - is she guarding her valuable collection?

June 3, 2011 11:12 PM

Sounds like MT is replying to his post. Idiot, I heard she has guards for a valuable collection. Therefore, I know she can and does leave the house and travel the world to add to it!

Anonymous said...


Wishful thinking.

Absolutely no evidence karma exists.

Next you'll tell us a fat man in a red suit will leave us a lump of coal.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you who doesn't believe in karma. No evidence? No wonder you're never successful.

Anonymous said...

Mikey is spending more time writing comments here, than on his own blog! He ought to get a real job. Oh wait, he can't! he is an illegal alien in Spain!

Anonymous said...

"duchess of junk"

Hmmm. Was that coincidence that you named her that, or did Donna phone and tell you about the Junk she purchased to sail from China to Hong Kong?

If the former, then time for you to enter the State Lottery because your luck is astounding.

If the latter, then how could you be so callous to betray her confidence by advising everyone (even if surreptitiously) of her personal purchases? Shame on you if this is the case.

Anonymous said...


Wishful thinking.

Absolutely no evidence karma exists.

Next you'll tell us a fat man in a red suit will leave us a lump of coal.


Karma is what you do to yourself, and what is inside your head right now, and knowing all the negativity inside Michael Tonello's head, does anyone even want to be him or envy him? Nuh-uh.

Living an unhappy life hanging on rich people's coattails, envying them and hating them at the same time is karma enough. So is not having a proper job or a rewarding career. Even his tours of Barcelona seem to have no takers, and no-one is buying his used clothes.

I read his book and it's sad - he says he has to put a birkin on several credit cards to buy it, or take money from different accounts...if he were wealthy enough he wouldn't have to do all that juggling, would he? He tries to make it sound like he's some kind of Robin Hood, but all that comes across is a sad man scrabbling for money. That hasn't changed at all.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"duchess of junk"

Hmmm. Was that coincidence that you named her that, or did Donna phone and tell you about the Junk she purchased to sail from China to Hong Kong?

If the former, then time for you to enter the State Lottery because your luck is astounding.

If the latter, then how could you be so callous to betray her confidence by advising everyone (even if surreptitiously) of her personal purchases? Shame on you if this is the case.

June 3, 2011 8:30 PM

Hiya, Mikey, love your post!

Anonymous said...

Didn't bother to buy his book and I never will. So reading your comment her "I read his book and it's sad - he says he has to put a birkin on several credit cards to buy it, or take money from different accounts..." is simply hilarious.

I'm guessing it was a croc birkin. At that level, it's cash, Amex. No rollovers even. It's clearly out of his league.

Anonymous said...

Donna is junk and she bought one? Priceless. It better be strong to hold her fat husband.