What does the harrowing ordeal of Elizabeth Smart have to do with Michael Tonello? Lots, as it turns out.
Poor Mr. Tonello simply cannot get over an Ebay transaction from 2002. In his blog, he asks a commenter if they would be able to get over someone breaking into their home and stealing their electronics.
Ms. Smart, as many of you may know, is the young American lady who was abducted by a deranged man at 14 and raped nearly daily for 9 months before she was rescued. When you see her in the media talking about her ordeal, she is the embodiment of grace, resilience and the human spirit. She is focusing on positive things in her life. Where no one would blame anyone if this had crippled them emotionally, she has been able to move on.
Mr. Tonello, on the other hand, simply cannot get over some Ebay transactions that did not go to his satisfaction in 2002. He cannot get over his experiences on a purse blog. These terrible things are clearly gnawing away at him, to the point where he has remained rather focused on the people who bought from him and were apparently unhappy with their purchases. Focused to the point of writing a blog whose comments and posts harass many of the people who spoke out at the time of these transactions years ago by printing personal information and threatening comments.
In the end, it's embarrassing to put Mr. Tonello and Ms. Smart in the same sentence. One of the worst things you can possibly imagine happened to one of them. One has the wisdom and maturity and grace to see a situation for what it is, not allow it to define her life, and to seek satisfaction and happiness (by helping others, as it turns out). That person is 24 years old.
Somehow, we think a break in or a bad Ebay deal wouldn't even be a blip in her day.
What did they do to him on a purse blog? Hit him with a virtual handbag?
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Does Melliesmom10 aka floppykelly have dementia?
I received an email today which was most enlightening.
(Shout out and big thanks to S.F. in H.)
It seems that I received the following feedback from "Melliesmom10" aka "floppykelly" aka "******-edition" for the only two transactions I've ever had with her (she bought two Hermes scarves from me).
It's very interesting how totally contrary this feedback is to her claims about me on the Purse Forum (that she bought two Hermes scarves from me and "never received them").
I really have to think that floppykelly (or whomever she is these days) should consider changing her handle to L*nntheliar.
Positive feedback rating A seller with great merchandise! Another beautiful scarf & easy purchase.Thanks! Buyer:
Member id ******-edition ( Feedback Score Of 1113Red star icon for feedback score in between 1,000 to 4,999)
Jun-01-02 08:22
-- (#877648904) --
Positive feedback rating A beautiful scarf and easy transaction! Thank you! Buyer:
Member id ******-edition ( Feedback Score Of 1113Red star icon for feedback score in between 1,000 to 4,999)
She never received one scarf. The emails from MT were threatening so she left feedbck to stop his harrassing.
Donna, you could only wish to live the live that she does.
I am the only one that has seen her fabulous collection of not only bags but other beautiful objects.
She is a fabulous and generous woman.
A close family member.
Michael Tonello posts some ebay feedback from someone and claims this person said on the purseforum that she never received the goods she bought.
1) We don't know if the ebay ID he gives belongs to this person, or if he randomly pulled an ebay ID out of his...hat.
2) Even if it were the right person, we don't know if this was the right transaction. It may have taken place under another ebay ID, if the items were never received maybe they didn't even leave him feedback for the transaction.
So just randomly posting a couple of feedbacks on your blog does not count for anything, nor does it prove anything, Michael Tonello. You would realize the holes in your argument it if you were capable of thinking rationally, but we've already established that you aren't a very rational person at all.
Ooooooh mamma!
If that wasn't the mother of all b!tch slaps!!!
Woooo sister, you just made me shimmy like a teenager at the prom.
You go girl!
May 27, 2011 9:01 AM
Blogger theduchessofH said...
This is the member who blatantly lied on the forum, and I questioned why she didn't contact Ebay, or Michael to complain about not receiving her two scarves.
She called me a stalker, for following her posts and commenting. If a member isn't allowed to search other posts, on TPF, without being accused of stalking then why does Vlad have that feature?
Well now I know for sure she WAS lying.
And she was trying to make tPF members believe that Michael was a crook and an Ebay seller to avoid.
Nice melliesmom. Real nice.
Case closed. Moving on.
May 27, 2011 12:01 PM
You are the evil jealous liar! It has been noted on all your blogs as well as others. You spread lies that her bags were fakes in private messages on TPF. You posted lies about her on your blog and Bagsnob and called her "smelliesmom". You are green with envy. I wouldn't place your name in the same post as this lovely woman. You are the vicious demented person.
Get a real life!
"Focused to the point of writing a blog whose comments and posts harass many of the people who spoke out at the time of these transactions years ago by printing personal information and threatening comments."
Yes, you're 100% spot on in your comment. Michael Tonello has a grudge against ALL of those who made comments about that very forum thread discussing about Michael Tonello as a reseller. At that time, no one really knew who Michael Tonello was. Many of the tpfers commented according to what was presented at that moment in time, in that very thread. Mind you, all of them were just being normal, casting personal opinions. I was there when the fiery exchanges took place. It was awful. Michael Tonello made sure he remembered everyone who posted unfavorable comments. He took revenge of all of them in his vile blog. He stalked them, went to great lengths to dig for information about them, baited other people to give him information about them and then spun tales about them all on his blog.
MT and Donna are stuck in life on the year 2002. They both are envious and liars, big time. Donna even posted a bad remark about MT on TPF before his awful book and she met him at a signing event.
How about using Donna using melliesmom's ID and joining a dog talk blog and posting with her ID, Hermes/Herpes. She has no class!
Bob L. really needs to hire a new babysitter for his wife. Mike T. does not seem to be doing such a great job.
People on purseforum have, on occasion made negative comments about Luxury-Zurich. They are sellers too; and they also have unsatisfied customers. On every such occasion they have come forward, offered to sort the matter out and handled the issue with grace and good customer service.
Compare that to Michael Tonello who goes apeshit the moment someone dares, yes dares to criticize him. He starts posting people's information, he threatens, he tries to scare people into keeping quiet.
No wonder L-Z is still going strong while Tonello was forced to shut his operation down and start selling Hermes booklets on Bonanza!
Melliesmom was coerced to give a positive feedback to Michael Tonello, thinking that he would then leave her alone? Instead, he saw it as an act of weakness?
Help me out here. The feedback were given in the year 2002? The Purse Forum only came in existence in 2996? What was going on back there??
Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen count for nothing, known liars with many ID's.
theduchessofH said...
"Well now I know for sure she WAS lying.
And she was trying to make tPF members believe that Michael was a crook and an Ebay seller to avoid.
Nice melliesmom. Real nice.
Case closed. Moving on."
May 27, 2011 12:01 PM
Donna Lehtonen, You don't know anything. The case should be closed but isn't since neither you or Michael Tonello will ever move on. You are stuck in the ancient history of lies created by your MULTIPLE PERSONALITIES.
Donna nice going, You are not and never will be really nice just GREEN with envy!
This case isn't closed nor moving on.
I read that "Case closed. Moving on." post made by Donna Lehtonen and what does a sale between Michael Tonello and melliesmom or anybody have to do to her?Is she a silent partner with him in his ebay business? You wouldn't need to move on Donna if you minded your own business in the first place.
"She is a fabulous and generous woman.
A close family member."
Family bias (and possibly sucking from the breast that feeds) does not make for a very believable case IMO.
Duchess and Michael win this round.
Mr Tonello's now taken a leaf out of your book and is publishing negative feedback received from other resellers on the recommended list of the purse forum. He doesn't realize that some of those sellers have once been recommended and then been removed, and there have been negative commentary among members, which some of the sellers attempted to resolve (nicely, unlike Mr T)
Also, none of the feedbacks mention any of those sellers calling the buyer a sucker or freaking out on them when a transaction went awry. You CAN receive negative feedback both as a buyer and a seller, and you can have problems both with buyers and sellers. It's how you handle it that counts.
Maybe those sellers did get negative feedback, but did any of them try to start up a website to stalk their buyers and publish defamatory details about them? No. Did they publish the names and addresses of the buyers who gave them negative feedback and try to make their lives hell on earth? No. They took their negative feedback and hopefully sought to improve their ratings. The fact is that they are still on ebay AND SELLING on ebay, while Michael Tonello is NOT, and has been forced to sell his scarf books and used clothes on Bonanza. Sour grapes, anyone?
"theduchessofH said...
"Well now I know for sure she WAS lying.
And she was trying to make tPF members believe that Michael was a crook and an Ebay seller to avoid.
Nice melliesmom. Real nice.
Case closed. Moving on."
May 27, 2011 12:01 PM"
For the sake of argument ... let's say this is ONE such eBay transaction that turned awry and there were issued. How do you explain for REPEATED bad ones that occurred to DIFFERENT buyers who didn't even know one another?
And instead of settling the unhappiness between seller and buyer, why did Michael Tonello lash out and attack all the bad transactions? eBay sellers must know that, due to people's different expectations etc, problems can occur. But ideally, one needs to be professional, over board and settle amicably.
Donna, you seriously need to assess your own judgement. You're still blindly believing one person when there seem to be stacks of evidence against your friend.
This was forwarded to me at the date posted on this email since I informed melliesmom10 about her ID being stolen. The IP address was checked, I know who posted it. I found it in my saved emails.
Pet Talk:
June 27, 2009
Someone stole my ID "melliesmom10" and joined your forum with a dumb
post. I found it when I googled my ID melliesmom10 after a friend
told me that melliesmom10 and my name were all over google with trash.
I request that you please delete it if possible since it's a stupid post: Hermes/Herpes. Since finding your forum I joined with another ID so I could request this post be removed. I would appreciate the imposter's IP address as well.
Thank you!
duchess does this jog your memory or do you have dementia!
Sadly, I believe every word that is written here about Donna and Michael. They are miserable people who should be living their own lives instead of obsessing about others, but that is clearly not what they want. I hope they choke on the dreck they produce.
I wanted to respond to Michael's Bob Chavez/Hermes post. What he failed to include was that the SA of the Bellevue Hermes told a client that her bag was FAKE and in all likelihood was wrong because the SA was undereducated in the style of the KELLY bag, the most famous Hermes bag. Of course he would leave out this fact, because it does not pertain to his agenda of I guess trying to hurt the purse forum. Keep trying. No one cares!
Don't Michael and Donna have anything better to do than report on every ebay seller that has been approved on the purse forum?
Michael Tonello was taken off the list of approved sellers not because of negative feedback, but because of cyberstalking and threats and publishing private personal information on the purse forum.
Every seller can have a few bad deals, but the mature adults deal with them. Michael Tonello is crazy. No one should ever do any kind of business with him in the future. If it goes wrong, he will try to ruin your life.
I would like to congratulate Michael Tonello. You have proven that there are bad things about PF. Big deal. There are bad people in the world. Bad ebay deals. Don't even get me started with AT&T. Do you really think you were the only one to take notice? All of the members of PF realize there are good things and bad things about it.
Thank you. Mission accomplished. Now get on with your life. We gladly stay members and accept the good with the bad. If you don't like it, then why obsess so much about it.
Ditto Donna.
By the way, Vlad apologizes for not creating the perfect Utopia of a purse forum.
"Family bias (and possibly sucking from the breast that feeds) does not make for a very believable case IMO.
Duchess and Michael win this round."
Proof once again of how the siamese twins think and the stuff that comes out of their mouths. Any wonder they are the most miserable people on earth?
I hazard a guess this is written by Donna. She's probably too afraid to type out her own name.
I'm not understanding the contents of the saved email.
Mind if someone explain what Donna Lehtonen did? What did she do to impersonate melliesmom? I lovvvvvveeee melliesmom's fabulous collection of 25cm Birkins. The cutest I've ever seen. She's a fun lady and an elegant one that Donna can never be. Her efforts would be futile as her heart is black.
Of course everyone at PFAE missed the point of this post. The point is quite simple. If Elizabeth Smart can recover from such a traumatic event, perhaps Michael Tonello can consider moving on from a bad ebay deal and having his reputation damaged on the purse forum. Obviously he doesn't seem to be able to do so.
Am I the only one utterly horrified by your crass comparison of MT and Miss Smart?? To compare something as trivial as a dummy spit on eBay to a woman traumatized and brutalized is utterly beyond me. Your point is made but it has been done in a very poor way. You need to get as much perspective as most tpf members and remember it is dealing with HANDBAGS not emotional trauma (unless you next try to convince everyone that a bad experience on eBay is as bad as being raped multiple times) For goodness sake GET A F****** LIFE
I'm not understanding the contents of the saved email.
Mind if someone explain what Donna Lehtonen did? What did she do to impersonate melliesmom? I lovvvvvveeee melliesmom's fabulous collection of 25cm Birkins. The cutest I've ever seen. She's a fun lady and an elegant one that Donna can never be. Her efforts would be futile as her heart is black.
May 28, 2011 2:07 AM
Donna joined another forum with the ID melliesmom10 and made posts about Hermes/Herpes. Donna's husband Bob was the person who kept nagging Donna with the Hermes/Herpes comment, and she was upset by this and posted about it on several different occasions, in multiple places. So she takes the ID of a person she hates, puts it together with a comment that hurts her and posts it elsewhere. Nice!!
Posted at the PFA:
I've just deleted two comments which were posted Anonymously. I re-posted them and deleted the surname of an individual and replaced with ****.
Please, if you post a comment in this area, refrain from using this person's name. I feel it's best to protect the names of the innocent.
I've also edited this person's name from the original TPFAE.
May 28, 2011 6:36 PM
LOL! Mikey, every person who had their real name posted is innocent. Are you and Donna the judge and jury? You need to go back and do a lot of editing out of personal information. So glad you posted all these EU resellers as once they see how you libeled them in print, they will be doing the flamenco on your head.
Do you think that posting the names of longtime reputable sellers and some purported negative feedback will make you look good by comparison. How stupid do you think people are? These people still have customers and you are history. You pissed off so many people, no person would buy a Birkin or a scarf from you even at a bargain price. Stick to selling scarf booklets as that is about your speed.
I found that one reader comment, in particular, showed bias.
In that comment, the reader admitted being a relative of the 'generous' buyer under the spotlight.
I wonder if the poster was suckling off the bosum of wealth that her relative no doubt exposes to the otherwise unsuspecting world?
The lines are drawn, Michael, and I want YOUR caress.
May 28, 2011 2:46 AM
Dumb post made without any knowledge. Duchess obviously doesn't know anything about her target. Eat your heart out!
To the relative / family friend of melliesmom, Donna's accusing you of biasness. The thing is, you know melliesmom and she doesn't. I bet Donna has never come close to melliesmom, let alone be privy to even a fragment of melliesmom's real life. So stand up for melliesmom. Don't let the bullies win.
Gee. Why is it completely unsurprising that Michael and Donna can't see the point of this post? No one is making fun of Elizabeth Smart. People here are saying this is a woman (a girl when it happened) who experienced something truly awful and still found a way to move on in a productive way with her life. Why can't Michael Tonello do the same thing over some scarf sales that didn't go the way he wanted them to? THAT'S what this post says to me.
Michael and Donna deserve each other. They are the most pathetic people I have ever come across. I wish they would just leave everyone alone.
I am disgusted and disappointed with this post. S*xual assault, kidnapping and rape have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with any drama in connection with handbags, purse forums or ebay.
You could have made the same point without bringing up the horrific REAL LIFE ordeal of a young lady whose life was forever changed from rape and kidnapping.
Shame on you.
"Bob L. really needs to hire a new babysitter for his wife. Mike T. does not seem to be doing such a great job.
May 27, 2011 9:26 AM"
Does he even know she's been misbehaving and dragging down his family name?
You could have made the same point without bringing up the horrific REAL LIFE ordeal of a young lady whose life was forever changed from rape and kidnapping.
Shame on you.
May 28, 2011 11:18 PM
Isn't it Michael Tonello who should be ashamed? He's turned ebay transactions gone wrong into REAL LIFE ordeals for people. He stalks them, he finds out information about them, he harasses them at work and in their private lives. You think those people aren't scared? You think those people don't fear for their jobs and their families because some ebay seller has decided to make their lives a misery?
Shame on Michael Tonello, that's what.
so much of what tonello & donna write is focused on issues around money & screaming about scams. so typical that people with the same issues in their pasts want to project that onto others!
If you Google, Donna Lehtonen Bully this appears:
"Donna Lehtonen
Anonymous comments about Donna Lehtonen. ... Ugly Stalker and Cyber Bully that hates everyone "300%",from her own post. 47 days ago 0 0 ...
The 2 siamese twins keep scores to the point of being ridiculous. Where it doesn't matter except aiming hurt at their victims. For the world of Hermes where they have their self-appointed illusion of grandeur, do stop for a moment and think DOES HERMES CARE? Not a bit. Are you genuinely adored when you walk into your store? Or are you the subject of sniggers but couldn't care less because you've a thick skin? Whichever. But it really doesn't matter. It's ridiculous to hold such great importance to a HANDBAG. Shows your priority or the lack of it. Balance and imbalance. Reality and denial. You are free to choose your life, or even make a fool of yourselves. But what you are not free to do, is to cyberstalk and cyberbully.
"Mr Tonello's now taken a leaf out of your book and is publishing negative feedback received from other resellers on the recommended list of the purse forum. He doesn't realize that some of those sellers have once been recommended and then been removed,"
Appears to me that this man is obsessed with his past. A bad one that is. A normal person would want distance with his past by staying out of trouble and keeping a low profile and doing something good with his life to put all of that behind. Instead, he does the very damaging thing by living his life in cyberspace and dragging his own name in mud.
eBay banned you. Based on multiple complaints. eBay is history. Move on. But you don't want to. You chose to take revenge on your customers whom you thought did you in.
Hermes banned you. Based on your track record. Hermes is history. Move on. Instead, you decided to squeeze the last penny out of Hermes by writing that book. Hermes doesn't care. In fact, you have made things easier for Hermes. Their sale of scarves, small leather goods, porcelains, shawls have all hit all time high.
tpf banned you. Based on your rudeness and personal attacks on forummers who disagreed with you or posted their opinions. tpf is history. Move on. But no, you created PFA to seek revenge.
How come you hadn't taken responsibility for anything? That it was always other people's fault?
From TPA:
'Ugly and Pathetic !
You might not like some of the information on this blog, but the fact of the matter is, to the best of our knowledge all of it is true".
The above quote from TPA is a lie!
MT and Donna are ugly and pathetic. They tell lies and what they post on TPA is painful to so many, all they care about is destroying reputations of complete strangers. Their posts are mostly written by themselves or other mentally disturbed individuals.
TPFAE was making a point that if a poor girl now woman could heal and go on with her life after an horrific ordeal, why can't Donna and Michael move past a stupid thing he did in 2002 that he can't let go off. He's a low life and his partner in this is a deranged individual. She is so jealous of all that she doesn't realize that she should be happy with her own life.Donna is so manipulated by this creep!
Donna and MT linked their blogs to a young woman that shares Hermes bags with her mother, Donna had one of the same bags in a smaller size and she turned on her as she did with another lovely person, male, who was a friend to her on TPF. I won't even touch what they did to melliesmom. MT and Donna are beyond evil.
Yay to progress in cyber-policing.
Proof of MT's obsession. It's Memorial Day. Respect is paid to the men and women who gave their lives for America. And what did he do? Create a blog post on PFA.
"she turned on her as she did with another lovely person, male, who was a friend to her on TPF."
The one who owns his own hairdressing salon? Yes, why? They were friends. Is it because Michael Tonello doesn't like him, and so Donna Lehtonen had to shift her allegiance?
Shame on YOU TPFAE. Shame on YOU.
To drag the name of woman who was kidnapped and abused into your feud with Michael Tonello and compare her ordeal with an eBay transaction gone wrong? Who's crass and vulgar now?
As a commenter was mentioned, the point was made, but it was made in bad, awful taste and with a lack of perspective.
If you think you were in some way honoring Elizabeth Smart in what was written here, think again. You actually cheapened and devalued her gruesome experience and her grace and resilience in the aftermath of it. She derserves more than to have her behavior compared to that of man with a grudge over a handbag.
She never received one scarf. The emails from MT were threatening so she left feedbck to stop his harrassing.
Donna, you could only wish to live the live that she does.
I am the only one that has seen her fabulous collection of not only bags but other beautiful objects.
She is a fabulous and generous woman.
A close family member.
May 27, 2011 6:24 AM
I've been following all of this. In 2008 she wrote on Purse Forum that she didn't receive two (2) scarves.
Is the above quote: "She never received one scarf. The emails from MT were threatening so she left feedbck to stop his harrassing"
the final story?
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