1. We know you'd like to believe otherwise, but we aren't affiliated with Purse Forum. We HAVE seen our friends slimed on your blog, though, as well as other people we also presume are just as innocent. We didn't care for it. As we said the other day, you don't have to be mugged to know it's wrong and try to help if you see a mugging in progress. And since your PFA propaganda mugging blog doesn't allow opposing views, we feel this blog is necessary. Also, since up to very recently you denied (and denied, and denied) being the owner of Purse Forum Advisory, we felt it was important to highlight that lie. Why? Because ...
2. You may not like it but all we are doing is drawing attention to the things you yourself have written for many years. Maybe you needed a better editor.
3. No one believes there is a higher purpose or noble calling behind PFA. Except, sadly, you. It's obvious that your rationale for running PFA is simply to create havoc in people's lives. And as long as your readers were unaware of that, they might have been more likely to buy into your BS. Remember folks, this is all about a bad Ebay sale from years ago. And being denied posting privileges on a forum about purses. Seriously. It is to laugh. That's it. Obsess much?
4. Now that you've owned up to being the person behind PFA we still have to ask (yet again) ... WHY? Tons of people always knew it was you behind PFA and we really don't see the merit in you continuing to publish people's nasty, racist, homophobic, curse filled and lying comments and the seeming pride you take in it. We just hope that by keeping PFAE going, more people will see this side of you. After all, since you seem so very proud of it, why shouldn't it be brought to the widest possible audience?
5. The things pointed out here are the things you said online, Mr. Tonello. You've left quite a trail ... when you posted as advent and centralparkwest and reconfortante and luxeguru and larambla17 and God knows how many others where you initially coyly sidestepped being Michael Tonello. Because it seemed to us that you admitted to your true identity several times in the course of many of those alters. What are we missing here?
6. The answer? Not much. We feel for you, Mr. Tonello. We really do. We can't imagine spending our years (never mind our days) focused on something petty like this. On going after people relentlessly online for .... what, again? It makes all of us here feel good to give the people your blog has harmed a place tell their side of the story - the truth. We have compassion for you and hope you can find it within yourself to move past this childish vendetta and use your life and your time for a better purpose. That would be truly wonderful to see. And no, we aren't being sarcastic.
Oh, and thanks for driving traffic here. We truly appreciate the thousands of visits we've had. The more people who see a mirror held up to your words and posts, the truth of what you're trying to do, the better.
MWAH! Hugs and kisses!
Thank you. Someone had to tell Michael Tonello how it is. This is the truth and you should face what you have done and stop Michael.
Your posts are always wonderful .... taking the high road and trying to stop evil.
However, I really don't think he is going to change. Certainly not because all of you good people think he should. HE JUST DOESN'T GET IT!
Just think how hard it is to reform criminals... they don't change just because they are told to or even after being in prison. You cannot present a rational argument to an irrational person and it have an impact on them.
PFAE Is a wonderful blog that gives victims a place to share and to feel better. But as far as it being a place that is going to influence Tonello to change his evil ways. I don't see it happening, unfortunately.
People have commented on PFA asking the URL of this site, which he keeps making reference to and he gave them a bogus link to one that he apparently owns.
www.thepurseforumasvisoryxposed.blogspot.com (same as this one but he left the "e" off of "exposed".
The only thing that is going to stop him is an orange jumpsuit.
If you go to any of Michael Tonello's blogs, please be sure to hide your IP address.
Michael Tonello does not care about anyone but himself.
In 08 Michael Tonello said he never dwells on the negative. I think his whole blog is negative, and that he is dwelling.
MT: Don't get caught up in the drama and negativity! It's a slipperly slope and fruitless. When presented with an obstacle work through it and move it. I never dwell on the negative and I always see the glass as half-full.
There's no stopping MT or duchess. I hope whomever is behind TPFAE remains at the helm.
Thank You!
So pathetic, this Michael Tonello. Blogging all the evil doesn't bring him the moolah. He has no decent job and wastes his life on the internet. What have you achieved for yourself? On Judgement Day, there is only one place for evil.
I think I should say one thing. I do not agree that MT is homophobic. These are other posters who he has allowed on his blog. I agree whith much said on TPFAE, but MT is gay and doesn't seem ashamed.
I think he started something on tpfa that got out of control. Donna seems like she has borderline personality disorder (or some kind of disorder).
I am a reseller and can vouch that many of the accused people on TPFA are real clients with real bags. I would think Mr Tonello would know this too if he were really the super re-seller he claims to be. The truth is that he was merely a supplier to other resellers. I looked at his auctions for years on ebay and was convinced HE was a scammer (the ebay id seemed like a scammer). I was wrong that one time - he has been wrong many!
His book was poorly written and full of falsities about retail prices and re-sale value. Also the timeline was askew.
A word of warning....by writing MT's name out so much you are actually helping the google rank of any other web content about him! I would stick to MT.
I once had respect for Michael Tonello, the author. But, I realize now that his book was not that successful and he has no fame or money and that is why he is attacking strangers out of spite and anger. Michael Tonello is an unfortunate man who has achieved almost nothing and is very bitter. Bring up his name in almost any context and see if anyone outside of TPF has even ever heard of him. I don't think you will find one person. Even most PFers haven't read his book or know his name. He is worthless and his opinion are pointless. Michael Tonello is only motivated by revenge and bitterness.
Anonymous said...
I think I should say one thing. I do not agree that MT is homophobic. These are other posters who he has allowed on his blog. I agree whith much said on TPFAE, but MT is gay and doesn't seem ashamed.
I think he started something on tpfa that got out of control. Donna seems like she has borderline personality disorder (or some kind of disorder).
I am a reseller and can vouch that many of the accused people on TPFA are real clients with real bags. I would think Mr Tonello would know this too if he were really the super re-seller he claims to be. The truth is that he was merely a supplier to other resellers. I looked at his auctions for years on ebay and was convinced HE was a scammer (the ebay id seemed like a scammer). I was wrong that one time - he has been wrong many!
His book was poorly written and full of falsities about retail prices and re-sale value. Also the timeline was askew.
May 6, 2011 1:45 AM
I would respectfully disagree with the assertion that he isn't homophobic, based on his constant use of "beard" to insult M & V on tPF. He is the one either stating or implying homosexuality as the ultimate insult in those blog posts. He says it in more than one of his posts. His blog, his posts, his homophobia.
That's clear-cut to me, even without going into the ethics of whether you own comments you allow to be posted under your name.
I feel sort of sorry for resellers associated with MT. I know that I have come close to buying from Createurs de Luxe more than once, but based on his glowing, positive reviews and other commenters' suspicions that his information on tPF posters originates with her, I will stay as far away as possible.
He tarnishes and diminishes everything he touches.
And yes, Donna clearly has a Cluster B personality disorder, but whether it's pure Borderline or a mix of Borderline, Histrionic, or Narcissistic is difficult to untangle. She seems to lack the charm that many Borderlines can achieve. Michael is every bit as Cluster B as she is, based on decades of observing the personality type.
I won't buy from CDL because of the MT connection either. I unsubscribed from their emails, too. "The friend of my enemy is my enemy."
I third the comment about not buying from CDL anymore. I do not want my information to be compromised; I don't want to take the chance that it might happen just because I trusted it to someone who seems very close to Michael Tonello.
OMG. I could never figure out how MT got my personal information. Now I am connecting the dots.
Regarding the homophobia: They really skewered allanvrj over there at PFA. He hasn't posted on TPF since then. They were merciless. Just horrible.
It is the Feb. 21 posting and they skewer a lot of people. That is one of the most hateful and vile rantings I have seen. There sure are really mean people over at PFA.
Message to all the people who had been skewered by Michael Tonello, as a victim myself, I want you all to know that after getting over the shock of being bullied on PFA, getting back to live our lives pre-PFA attack is key. The bullies there will never ever enjoy a fragment of what our real lives are. With loved ones. With integrity. With sound morality.
Trash all you want, Michael Tonello. If a barometer of happiness is used on you, I bet the gauge froze years ago.
Let's get this straight once more. If there is no PFA, there is no need for PFAE.
PFA = aggressor / bully / lies
PFAE = defendants / victims / truths
can i post links in the comments? http://www.nataliedee.com/index.php?date=050411
i have stopped the posting on the purse forum it is not safe with the advisory blog running it is a good idea to stay away. There is a facebook instead
Is all the name calling and reseller accusing just a guise to protect CDL? What is Michael Tonello's relationship with CDL?
The poster on May 7 at 2:01and 2:09. It is pretty obvious who that is. He is so transparent!
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