You don't have to be personally affected by bullying to step in and stop it. To reach out, help others, and declare that something is wrong. Would you walk past a mugging without trying to help or summon help?
What is going on at PFA is a mugging in progress.
It is a personal grudge, Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen's personal grudge against The Purse Forum. They have allowed The Purse Forum Advisory to be a place where anonymous commenters are free to say whatever they like about whomever they feel wronged them at The Purse Forum. They have continued their attacks using pseudonyms on various forums. PFA is not the only blog Mr. Tonello started in this vein; it just happens to be the one that gained traction. In our opinion, the only intent can be to cause harm and distress.
We've said it repeatedly and we will say it again. What they are doing is wrong. They are free to have opinions. They are free to hate PF. They are not free to make accusations of misconduct against people they have never met, with absolutely no proof. And worse.
That is why this blog started and why we will continue for the time being.
This comment (not written by us - we sign all of ours) expresses it perfectly; thank you.
I guess I see this blog as an attempt to right, or at least marginally equalize, the wrongs done to so many strangers over the years by Michael and Donna. Most of their victims either had more money, more freedom, more bags, and more intelligence than those two, bless their evil, black hearts, or else they publicly called them out on their eBay or tPF lies. Either way, their grievance didn't call for 4+ years of stalking and hate spewed over the Internet, where it will be documented for eternity. This blog stands in contrast to that, and offers back Michael and Donna's actions and words, pseudonyms and nasty comments, to anyone who would like to understand who they are and why they have been so unkind to so many. They hid for years. This blog is about not allowing them to hide. If they still want to be sociopathic, narcissistic assholes, no one can stop them, but EXPOSED will be there to document their every nasty move.
I don't see this blog as a general hate-fest, to be used for mocking anyone who disagrees, under the thin guise of "consumer advocacy". PFA and Michael Tonello have chosen that role. He is welcome to it, IMO. No one sane would want that as a life's work or monument to their memory.
What a truly lovely post this was. It seems like it is a war of GOOD VS. EVIL. Osama was caught ... GOOD prevailed. I know the Tonello situation is not in the same league as that, certainly, but nevertheless, in the case of Tonello we are indeed dealing with EVIL. The GOOD folks here are trying to rid us of it.
There is a new post on TPA basically saying that our predictions, about Michael Tonello's next move, were wrong. I was one of the people who thought that the prediction sounded spot on, but that's only because I thought Michael would be ashamed to truly admit he owned the blog (you know, after lying about it for so long.) I guess he doesn't mind owning up to his lies and his hateful agenda.
I'll admit, I was one of the people who was wrong on that one. I guess MT is worse than I even thought. Who knew that could be possible?
"I'll admit, I was one of the people who was wrong on that one. I guess MT is worse than I even thought. Who knew that could be possible?"
He is quite nasty. And unfortunately he takes pride in his nastiness. Have you ever heard of any other ebay seller who pursued a buyer for four, almost five years just because they made a thread on a forum complaining about the seller?
He doesn't know when to quit. He just doesn't. He doesn't understand that people watch him and think "What is WRONG with the man that he has to harass people so, and drag their names through the mud again and again" So of course he'll go on with his nastiness until he is able to, until something external stops him.
Carrying on his agenda of hatred is good IMO because it lets the world know what a mean and awful piece of work he is. He can continue his updates, that only serves to make more and more people understand how truly evil he is, and how much he hates people.
He bashes resellers. He publishes comments insulting gay people. I can't imagine how much he probably hates himself for being the person he is.
^The gay-bashing' is what I'm confused about. Isn't this man gay himself, so why and where has he bashed gays?
May 2, 2011 11:51 AM
A sample can be found in PFA's post of March 4, 2011, where he allows posts making fun about the appearance of a gay tPF member. He has made/allowed other derogatory remarks towards this member on his forum.
One of his favorite ways to anonymously insult other obviously heterosexual male members of the forum by calling them "gay".
Anonymous said...
^The gay-bashing' is what I'm confused about. Isn't this man gay himself, so why and where has he bashed gays?
May 2, 2011 11:51 AM
When he mocks tPF owners on PFA, one of his ultimate insults is to refer to Megs as a beard and call or imply Vlad is gay. Gay is one of Michael Tonello's ultimate insults, up there with "reseller." The self-loathing in that man must be overwhelming to the point of suffocation.
I would feel more compassion and empathy for what has to be enormous psychic pain, but he's spent too much time purposely attempting to inflict pain and humiliation on others. In numerous places, both posts and comments, he uses or allows, racist slurs on Asians, gay-bashing, etc. The man is beyond redemption.
He also made the same types of comments on the GQ forum when he went after that Jason kid.
"When he mocks tPF owners on PFA, one of his ultimate insults is to refer to Megs as a beard and call or imply Vlad is gay. Gay is one of Michael Tonello's ultimate insults, up there with "reseller." The self-loathing in that man must be overwhelming to the point of suffocation. "
I have thought the same myself. Why bash other people by calling them what you were/are?
The Purse Forum Advisory E******
This (tPFA) blog is full of truths.
Yes, we know that sometimes the truth hurts.
Jumping up and down and writing bullsh*t doesn't lessen the truth that is written here. In fact, all it does is call attention to it. (thank you!)
If someone has issues with what is written here, then sue us.
(We welcome our day in court.)
.....sez Mr Tonello.
Yes, we do know that sometimes the truth hurts. Isn't that why you're writing stuff like the above on your blog? Truth about why you call people resellers and other names? Truth about what you do to shill your book and all your fake IDs promoting yourself and bashing your enemies?
What truth have YOU written on PFA? All those accusations of people reselling and all that name-calling?
Truth does hurt. And it's hurting YOU, Mikey.
Michael Tonello is the definition of a self-loathing homosexual. That is one of the many truths he has revealed about himself. He uses "gay" as a universal pejorative. His spew is never ending.
See? He taunts. He mocks. Sue him, he says. He has no regard for the need for truth. No conscience. No morality that PFA is plain wrong.
His intention to persist in bullying people from the Purse Forum shows his defiance and lack of respect for criminal laws. He is a persistent bully.
"Jumping up and down and writing bullsh*t doesn't lessen the truth that is written here. In fact, all it does is call attention to it. (thank you!)
If someone has issues with what is written here, then sue us.
(We welcome our day in court.) - PFA"
People at tPF could have written this about Mr Tonello's blog, lol. If he was so annoyed at what was happening on tPF why didn't HE go to courts and sue them instead of starting a blog that called attention to tPF?
What IS Michael Tonello's truth anyway?
1. He picks random members on the purse forum, posts pictures of their (expensive) bags and calls them resellers.
2. He says the authenticators can't authenticate using photographs of a bag
3. He picks photographs of random PFers bags and calls them fake (note his assertion in (2) )
4. He calls out members of tPF on allegations that he cooks up, and when asked to provide proof he goes silent.
5. He bashes people by calling them names and referring to their sexual orientation.
That's Michael Tonello's truth.
Looks to me like Michael Tonello is leading the race in jumping up and down and writing bullshit. Dude. All EXPOSED is doing is walking around with a big sign saying "watch the douchebag have a tantrum" and making sure that you no longer post your nasty, near-illiterate hissyfits without some balance on the scales.
Truth hurts, Michael Tonello. And here's some painful truth for you: you're a small-minded bully whose moment in the sun has passed. You'll die unmourned and unnoticed. Except for those of us who will feel momentary relief that your nastiness is over. But that won't last. You'll be forgotten minutes after we hear the good news. That is the truth of what happens to people who build their lives around constant, calculated unkindness. All they leave behind them is a bad smell and relief at their passing.
Now that Michael Tonello has uncovered one bad seller at PF, I suggest he take on Bonanzle and Ebay. Michael Tonello is hardly any defender of justice and honesty. He just found the one bad seller (Japster) and wrote endlessly about it. And, by the way, has anyone come forward here or on PFA as being a victim of Japster or was anyone even truly ripped off?
You can talk and talk and talk but it doesn't make it true Michael.
Why is Michael Tonello so concerned with the buying and selling of bags? Did he get ripped off or something?
I think if Michael Tonello wants to bring down the Purse Forum, he is going to try a bit harder to find more shenanigans and nefarious goings on than one bad seller.
One bad thing that happened to PF was allowing him and Donna Lehtonen to join.
Why doesn't Michael Tonello investigate Donna Lehtonen's cyberstalking and cyberbullying instead of trying to find out if someone posted a fake bag.
Fake bag on PF. Big deal.
Cyberbullying. Crime.
Michael Tonello needs to get a life. His one man mission to bring down the purse forum is totally pathetic. Does he truly believe that if there was no purse forum there would be no fakes? What about ebay and his favorite bonanzle (since he was banned from ebay!) hahahahahaha.
As Michael Tonello lives in Barcelona, Spain, his bravado is commendable. It would be very costly and troublesome to sue him from the US. I wonder if he would be so brave if he was in the US?
"What IS Michael Tonello's truth anyway?
1. He picks random members on the purse forum, posts pictures of their (expensive) bags and calls them resellers.
2. He says the authenticators can't authenticate using photographs of a bag
3. He picks photographs of random PFers bags and calls them fake (note his assertion in (2) )
4. He calls out members of tPF on allegations that he cooks up, and when asked to provide proof he goes silent.
5. He bashes people by calling them names and referring to their sexual orientation.
That's Michael Tonello's truth."
You are correct but let me add to this. He doesn't just stop at TPF. He has various usernames all over the internet where he has harassed and bullied other unsuspecting members. It's not just TPF... his evil has no boundaries.
I will repeat: His evil has no boundaries.
Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen both have a difficult time grasping that there are people other than Mrs. Lehtonen who have money. They think all the bags on TPF are purchased for resale or are fakes because they can't believe anyone would just buy them because they love them and perhaps save money in order to afford them. They are very small minded individuals.
Fake bag on PF. Big deal.
Cyberbullying. Crime.
BRAVO!!!!!! Best post ever.
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