Sunday, July 10, 2011

He loves us not, he loves us

Must be, since yet again, Michael Tonello is hiding behind someone else's name Only this time, he picked ours! Thanks for obsessively reading us, Michael. Though we still don't understand your rabid fascination with your poor Ebay trades and being booted off Purse Forum and Ebay. Really dearie, it's time to move on.

But for all your braying about truth, it's rather predictable to see you revert back to your natural state - lying yet again.


Anonymous said...

Guess he is frightened of all the lawsuits coming his way.

Or perhaps with his multiple personalities and id's, he is thinking up another name to attach to his pathetic site. Although he has only 2 individual posters on his saddo site, answering themselves and congratulating themselves left right and centre ie. him and the duchess of scum, I guess he will have to use one of his alias's that he also posts under or one of the multitude of other individuals bouncing around in that ugly crazed head of his - he does after all have many to chose from.

Doesn't matter as google still throws up lots of links to his vulgar site with his name attached to them.

If he is hoping google will throw up your site now instead, KUDOS - everything on here relates to him and his repulsive behaviour, so either way, anyone googling still sees how disgusting and repugnant he really is and he gets all credit due to him.

Anonymous said...

5th request.
What is his Bonanza ID? I need HS booklets.

Anonymous said...

5th request.
What is his Bonanza ID? I need HS booklets.


Rumor is that he's banned from Bonanza too.

Anonymous said...

wonforthe$ = Michael Tonello

Michael Tonello said...

Dear "tpfaExposed",
I would like to thank you for repeatedly writing about (and publishing comments about) how no one reads my blog and the only one's commenting on my blog are "duchess" and myself. You have single-handedly provided me with the best defense for all of those lawsuits that you also write about.

Anonymous said...

Guess its a slow day at TPFA

Anonymous said...

You have no defense MT for your disgusting behaviour and posts villifying anyone you perceive as having wronged you. Don't know why you think you are so special or even special at all; special needs may be?

Your lawyers will no doubt advise you, whether you have a membership of 1 or a million, the point is you are posting your trash on the WWW. The fact no individual people want to post on your blog is a testament to the crap you put on there, so its understandable that you have to keep answering yourself