Monday, July 18, 2011

Who's behind this blog

Since there seems to be some confusion and speculation (perhaps you are new to our blog, as we've discussed this before), here is what we can tell you.

None of us (and yes, there is more than one person at Exposed) has ever been mentioned by Michael Tonello on his dirty little blog. Not real names, not screen names from anywhere. Not one of us is a moderator or an owner or even a very frequent poster at PF. Nor have we met Michael Tonello or Donna Lehtonen. Therefore, we will not publish guesses about who is supposedly behind this blog (and nearly all of them have come - surprise! - from Michael Tonello, especially the most recent where he continues to target the lady who called foul on the scarves he sold her TEN YEARS AGO on Ebay. Mr. Tonello clearly has a hard time getting over traumatic experiences.)

If you saw someone getting mugged on the street, wouldn't you do something to help, even though the victim would be a stranger? This is the exact same situation. We don't have to know the people targeted by Tonello + Lehtonen to know this is wrong. Obviously, the good Samaritan concept is unfamiliar to Michael and Donna.

We were approached by people who had been targeted by Michael and Donna over a period of years, and listened to their stories. And we were disgusted. And we believed then and now that people needed to know that the Michael Tonello who was presenting himself as some kind of refined luxury expert was in fact someone who tracks IP addresses, publishes personal information, makes wild and unsubstantiated claims about people, and then does this at their homes and places of work for years. Joined by his friend Donna Lehtononen, who has been similarly guilty of setting up fake accounts in other peoples names across a broad spectrum of forums/blogs/internet sites to post as them, and harassing people. Not so refined, in our opinion.

That is at the heart of why we have no intention of revealing who we are. Why set ourselves up to be stalked like these poor souls? And no intention of publishing the details of any action being taken against the two of them - why would we?

We have also been very clear since day one about the purpose of this blog, and when we will stop. If fact, it will give us great pleasure to stop this blog as that will mean Michael Tonello has also put the lid on his PFA garbage can. (And no, him removing his name from PFA doesn't count.)

We're ready to see the PFA garbage taken out for good.


Anonymous said...

Great post PFAE. Don't forget that he targets people with whom he has had no dealings at all. Anyone who posts on the Purse Forum is considered fair game to him.

Anonymous said...

As a victim on PFA ~ get this ~ I have never met Michael Tonello nor Donna Lehtonen. I have never bought anything from Michael Tonello before he was banned by eBay. I have never bought his book (why should I?!) and the only common thing was that he was on The Purse Forum as a forum member, as I was. What he posted about me on his stupid blog was despicable. He stalked me on the forum by tracking all my posts, as did Donna Lehtonen. So many lies were spun about me to humiliate me. If not for real friends who have known me for years and know me for me, I would have been mistaken as the person he painted me to be.

For the asshole that you have been - you deserve life's worst punishment.

Anonymous said...

He targets who Donna tells him to target. He must be paid in plane and car rides.

Anonymous said...

I hate both Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen. They have done the same to me, stalking and tracking my posts on TPF. I am sorry that I ever became a member. They have posted lies about me and my family. I hope they both rot in HELL!

Anonymous said...

Donna can only reel in vermin by giving them perks. She is
so obnoxious no one would want to know her but a creep like Michael Tonello.

Anonymous said...

Michael and Donna continue to talk to themselves over at PFA in an effort to appear that they have followers who believe in their bizarre cause of "destroying" the purse forum. Totally pathetic. When you get kicked out of anything, it is always best to move on and learn from your mistakes and try to improve and make a positive change in the world. All they do is dwell on their inadequacies and attack those they perceive as enemies. Michael and Donna don't actually have any enemies. Their persecution complex stems from some indulgent narcissistic fantasies that they are much more significant than they actually are.

No one in the literary or fashion circles takes Michael Tonello seriously. He's just a bitter one note writer who got lucky. I doubt it will happen again. And he won't find anything but detractors for any new project because of all of his wrong doings.

Anonymous said...

Michael targets ANYONE. He is not particular. He does not like anyone. He is alone in the world and deserves it. He likely has no friends left in Provincetown, because he has proven that he is a hideous person with no regard for common civility.

Anonymous said...

Targeting people is a sport for MT. He does it to amuse himself and because he is mean spirited and bored with his sorry little life. Continually shilling a book that no one wants to read anymore. He might have had some interest with it when it first came out, but that day is long gone.

Anonymous said...

To those who've been stalked by MT & his stupid sidekick.

No one with working brains takes anything these clowns say as the truth. Just bitter jealous hags who have nothing going on in their lives but spewing BS about others.

Guess being married to a very fat man isn't worth the money he offers. She's got to try to drag others down.

Don't let them get to you.

Anonymous said...

Michael Tonello will be remembered for a blog he created for telling lies about people that he knows nothing about. This is not something to be proud if. Donna will be remembered as the over the hill betch who is bitter and lied about being married to her son's father when In reality she herself posted years ago that the moose was her first husband. He keeps this 3rd wife on a Hermes budget. MT and DL are two of the ugliest people I've had the misfortune to encounter through TPF. They have a following of morons.

Admin said...

To whom it may concern,

Just a short note to inform you that neither Donna Lehtonen and/or Michael Tonello are the owner(s) of The Purse Forum Advisory.

What a difference a day (or a few weeks) makes.

The Purse Forum Advisory

Anonymous said...

Michael Tonello is indisputably the owner of TPFA. He claimed that piece of **** a while back. Screenshots are a bitch!

Anonymous said...

"To whom it may concern,

Just a short note to inform you that neither Donna Lehtonen and/or Michael Tonello are the owner(s) of The Purse Forum Advisory.

What a difference a day (or a few weeks) makes. "

Yeah, right. Ha!

Even if you have technically sold the website to someone else for a penny but actively manages the site still make you the operator of the site. So don't go on technicals about not owning. And I catch you on your choice of words.

Anonymous said...

So, dear Admin,

Your Blogger account 'Admin" was just created this month, probably a few days old. And the weblink to PFA is in your profile. That means that you are claiming to be the new owner of PFA.

You are responsible for everything that gets posted on PFA going forward, whether as a blog entry or for all the comments that are posted (afterall they are moderated, that sure responsibility).

So this is accountability. Shall see how you explain yourself when PFA continues to post lies and libel claims about innocent people.

Anonymous said...

LOL! He has no shame. He is not even "approved" or "endorsed" by Hermes. The brand he so much loves to brag about. Life's ironies.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, July 21, 2011, 2:28 AM:

Crawl back into the sewer you call home!

Admin said...

^No funds exchanged hands. That would be a violation of Blogger Terms of Service.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the media loves controversy alright. It helps them sell. More money for them. But they think he's trash. hyuk hyuk hyuk Still can't hold your head high. Someone doesn't care for dignity, I reckon!

Anonymous said...

Tonello is a master at deceit. Look at the Comments on one of his YouTube videos. Many of them are from him using his online aliases! Users such as: themrssparkles, larambla17bcn, purseforumchick, birkinreseller, purseforumgal.
HA HA, TheDuchessofH even posts more lies in the Comments on his video!!! Why does she keep lying that she was banned from the Purse Forum for being Michael's friend. Not true in any way but she keeps saying it.

Anonymous said...

As an Hermes lover, and admittedly a lover of MT's book, I am curious why, if all that you say is true on this blog (stalking, harassing, showing up at someone's place of employ, etc) no one has filed any sort of legal proceedings? Or have they?

Anonymous said...

Michael and Donna are the only assholes here.

Getting a book published is one thing, but sold is another. I wish him luck now that he has alienated most purse lovers. What did he write about anyway? How to buy a cheap bottle of wine in Barcelona? At least this new book might be useful.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


What a development. If it is true, fab. In print. The lawyers move in. Come on, get on with it.

Moe, Larry and Curly said...

Just a heads up on the latest post over at PFE. They maintain that someone store her password from the PF and used it to access her facebook etc. I am 99% Sure that even admins cannot access actual passwords which are encrypted. while most people dont know that it makes for great propaganda, but just goes to show that they are full of it. I have called them o it, but like many things that I have posted they wont post the comment over there.

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that is correct information about passwords being encrypted. My SO is admin of a forum and he confirmed this for me. When someone forgets their password, the actual password cannot be retrieved by forum staff. They can only send a temporary password that the user can then change once they successfully log in.

And a moderator sub-forum is typical for forums. It is a place where mods and admins can discuss issues, ideas, etc. The posts at PFA make it sound like something "nefarious"!

Anonymous said...

Let me remind all the readers that once again, what PFA is capable of. They can sure spin a story out of nothing. I had forgotten my password before and sought the help of one of the moderators. There was nothing the mod could do, except to instruct me to request for a reset. If the mods can see the passwords, it would have been much easier for them to just email it to me!

The only thing he has succeeded in doing, is to tilt anyone who's been standing on the sideline, to the truth exposing him here. He is mischievous and malicious. Both words start with letter "M"! Ha! Like his name!

Anonymous said...

Moe, you are correct. Passwords are encrypted by the forum software and can not be retrieved by even the forum owners.

If Michael pulled his head out of his arse he'd do research before slinging more accusatory horseshit towards the PurseForum.

Anonymous said...

An expose on the Purse Forum? Who the hell wants to read that? What a joke. I hope he writes all about his favorite on line personalities. His book will likely sell 200 copies.

Anonymous said...

Michael's "book". I think he is posturing once again in a pathetic effort to "scare" purse forum members. What kind of idiot publisher would bring out a book about the purse forum? Nobody would buy that and I doubt anyone would buy this either.

From Harper Collins/Michael Tonello's blog:

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Book #2 in the works!
Coming in 2011:
(working title)

BARCELONA NATIVE: The Spanish Seasoning of an American Expat
Posted by M.T. at 12:37 PM