Sunday, July 31, 2011

Coming soon to a remainder bin near you. Maybe.

Michael Tonello has been blathering about a new book for several years now (of course, it's always "just about to be published!") Supposedly, this latest opus is all about his time in Barcelona. We certainly hope that in addition to writing about how he scrounges around for various flotsam and jetsam to sell on Bonanza, he includes all the details about his stalking people, and his PFA blog. Doesn't seem as though he's had time for much else, so we suspect it will be a rather thin memoir. But as shown in book number one, he has a very active imagination, so anything's possible.

We just think his publisher, assuming there actually is one, would be ever so interested in the activities he's really been involved with for the past few years. We find it difficult to believe they'd tolerate an internet bully among their other, real authors.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

So what?

So there may be a place on Purse Forum where moderators gather and sometimes say mean things about posters. So what? Don't all forums, workplaces, etc. have a place for those who work there to talk privately? What's that? People aren't nice all the time? We only have to look at PFA to see this in action.

We've had plenty of comments submitted here (and no, we didn't publish them, as the purpose of this blog is not the Purse Forum) about how the threads prove Michael Tonello right. About what? Actually, if they're real (and there's no way to know) what they seem to show is that his and Donna Lehtonen's antics were likely the subject of distress for a very long time. Exactly what we've been saying here.

Mr. Tonello has made up so much of what he and his commenters have posted, why should we believe this?

Show us some actual thread content and not titles. Oh, you can't? Gee. Shocking.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Thanks, Michael!

We love that you prove us right with every post and every comment that you allow to be published on your blog.

We love that you keep sending people to our blog. Readership grows day after day!

We love that as every day passes, your true intentions become more transparent. (Sorry, we don't buy the "I sold PFA to someone else" fable. It's just another in an unending stream of lies.)


Monday, July 18, 2011

Who's behind this blog

Since there seems to be some confusion and speculation (perhaps you are new to our blog, as we've discussed this before), here is what we can tell you.

None of us (and yes, there is more than one person at Exposed) has ever been mentioned by Michael Tonello on his dirty little blog. Not real names, not screen names from anywhere. Not one of us is a moderator or an owner or even a very frequent poster at PF. Nor have we met Michael Tonello or Donna Lehtonen. Therefore, we will not publish guesses about who is supposedly behind this blog (and nearly all of them have come - surprise! - from Michael Tonello, especially the most recent where he continues to target the lady who called foul on the scarves he sold her TEN YEARS AGO on Ebay. Mr. Tonello clearly has a hard time getting over traumatic experiences.)

If you saw someone getting mugged on the street, wouldn't you do something to help, even though the victim would be a stranger? This is the exact same situation. We don't have to know the people targeted by Tonello + Lehtonen to know this is wrong. Obviously, the good Samaritan concept is unfamiliar to Michael and Donna.

We were approached by people who had been targeted by Michael and Donna over a period of years, and listened to their stories. And we were disgusted. And we believed then and now that people needed to know that the Michael Tonello who was presenting himself as some kind of refined luxury expert was in fact someone who tracks IP addresses, publishes personal information, makes wild and unsubstantiated claims about people, and then does this at their homes and places of work for years. Joined by his friend Donna Lehtononen, who has been similarly guilty of setting up fake accounts in other peoples names across a broad spectrum of forums/blogs/internet sites to post as them, and harassing people. Not so refined, in our opinion.

That is at the heart of why we have no intention of revealing who we are. Why set ourselves up to be stalked like these poor souls? And no intention of publishing the details of any action being taken against the two of them - why would we?

We have also been very clear since day one about the purpose of this blog, and when we will stop. If fact, it will give us great pleasure to stop this blog as that will mean Michael Tonello has also put the lid on his PFA garbage can. (And no, him removing his name from PFA doesn't count.)

We're ready to see the PFA garbage taken out for good.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

An advocate for no one but himself

We read with amusement Michael "Sherlock Holmes" Tonello's vivid pursuit of a scam artist. Guess it takes one to know one.

For those who can't seem to find our earlier posts enumerating some of Mr. Tonello's activities deserving of this title, let us briefly recap.

He lied about owning PFA and denied it repeatedly. Shook his little fist and stamped his little feet and threatened to sue the "owner". Recently took his name off. Lying again.

As for "stealing the name" of his blog, well, that's quite rich. Truly. 'Nuff said about that. We're pretty sure our readers can figure it out. But we appreciate that you've added "exposed" to your blog - we love the additional traffic, including a couple of media outlets - keep it coming!

And yes, he did indeed stalk people over years, publishing personal and work information and yes, actually harassing people at their jobs. Don't believe the denials.

His goal is not avenging, exposing, or going after anyone but the owners of PF. Why? Poor widdle Michael can't stand that he was booted. Why else would he keep going back?

If anyone reading this has been legitimately conned out of money by a fake reseller, go to your local police. Giving your personal information to Michael Tonello is an invitation to being harassed into eternity. After all, what else does he have to do with his time? Not much that we've seen.

And we'll say this again too - we are happy to stop posting as soon as he does. Until then, someone needs to point out his lies and the true nature of his blog. We're happy to play that role as long as we have to.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

He loves us not, he loves us

Must be, since yet again, Michael Tonello is hiding behind someone else's name Only this time, he picked ours! Thanks for obsessively reading us, Michael. Though we still don't understand your rabid fascination with your poor Ebay trades and being booted off Purse Forum and Ebay. Really dearie, it's time to move on.

But for all your braying about truth, it's rather predictable to see you revert back to your natural state - lying yet again.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Gladys Kravitz. AKA Michael Tonello

We love YouTube ... so interesting to come upon old videos of Mrs. Kravitz from the American series Bewitched. Always with her nose in other people's business. Always seeing plots. Scams. Nefarious goings on!

Rather like Michael Tonello. Busy pecking away at his keyboard, Googling all and sundry. Because if someone chooses to spend a lot of money on handbags, why, that's awful! How dare they! If someone chooses to post pictures of themselves online that Mr. Tonello does not approve of, indecent! Terrible! Couldn't be real!

Michael Tonello fancies himself some kind of avenging angel of .... well, we're not sure. Internet poseurs? It actually makes sense. Takes one to know one.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


We find it highly amusing how Michael Tonello faffs on about how he's all about "exposing" and "reporting" fakes and scams.


Since, of course, he is the ultimate fake himself. Perhaps he should buy himself a dictionary, because he seems to have confused the word "report" with "stalk" and the word "expose" with "lie".

Folks, he LIED about being behind PFA. Lied, and lied, and lied. Over and over and over. His lies are actually too numerous to count. Threatened to sue (himself). He goes after people he claims misrepresent themselves, yet we do believe he posted a photo of himself in Bob Lehtonen's car on and tried to pass it off as his. Tries to pass himself off as an expert. Hysterical how he's taken out his little sleuth outfit to "investigate" the latest Hermes fake .... oh, by the way. Some of those photos have watermarks from the legitimate owners still on them. Guess you need a larger magnifying glass, friend. And anyone going to him for help? We'd be really careful about handing over any personal information to this dubious character.

Tries to pass himself off as wealthy. Because all the wealthy people we know have stalls on Bonanza selling scarf booklets. Keeps them occupied between charity balls and cruises in the south of France, we guess.

And heaven forfend someone should make the grave, grave error of criticizing his work of literary genius (a work of bad fiction that was obviously miscategorized) ... his poor benighted ego just can't handle that! We can think of lots of authors ... doesn't make them worthy of respect. Does Mein Kampf ring a bell, Mikey? He was an author, too.

We especially love it when he gets all hot and bothered about what we write here. Can't handle the truth, Mikey? That's OK. The rest of us know it when we see it. Even if you don't. And we're happy to keep pointing it out to you.