Saturday, October 29, 2011

Makes sense to us

From our comments section...

It is becoming increasingly obvious that Priscilla is the puppet of MT and DL. She is obsessed with bashing Hermes and hates the same tPF ladies that they do. Coincidence? I think not. Here is her latest attack on Hermes. This is in a post about feeling cheated if you buy a Garden Party because she KNOWS that the Garden Party is not made by Hermes. Again it has the MT hallmark of lots of innuendo but little fact.

Apparently Priscilla was doing extensive googling and found a resume of one Volker Koch who is a leather craftsman.

Quoted from Priscilla: "Hmmmm..... he specialized in contract-work for Hermès under a company by the name of Maroquinerie Thierry in France. Looks like Hermès doesn't do all of their work alone because they need help from other companies, apparently!" This in reference to a resume of one Volker Koch which she found through extensive googling.

Too bad while Priscilla was googling away, she didn't do a more rigorous job. Of course I seriously doubt she was so concerned about the Garden Party that she was driven to google and just happened to find Koch's resume. Methinks someone may have put her up to this.

If you look at the Hermes annual report you will see that Hermes owns about 44% of Maroquinerie Thierry and Hermes Sellier SAS is one of the administrators.

Reading the resume of the craftsman she cited, it appears that he trained at Hermes and then worked in the Maroquinerie Thierry work shop.

So it appears that Hermes owns a significant interest in this work shop, trains at least some craftsmen, and controls part of the company/work.

I have no idea if they do the Garden Party work - or other work.

I do think her post is quite misleading as Hermes is significantly involved in Marquinerie Thierry - and it is totally unclear if this has anything at all to do with the Garden Party.

I honestly felt so sorry for Priscilla when everyone on PFA was bashing her early on. I am now baffled about why she is letting herself be a mouthpiece and front person for all of the trash that goes on at PFA.

Some day in the future when someone else is doing extensive googling, they are going to find her name and the garbage she spews and condones. I seriously doubt that it will serve her well unless she is applying for a job on the Jerry Springer show.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

PFA a "rant blog"? Nah. Still a hate blog.

It seems to us that there is enough in the world that's awful that to willfully set out to spread hate, a la Michael Tonello, Donna Lehtonen and now Priscilla Wadsworth, is pretty sad. And frankly, bewildering.

So there are people out there who don't live in the kind of house you think they should in order to buy bags that you then scorn (but seem to not so secretly covet), and then allow strangers to call them all manner of ugly things? Sorry, we don't understand at all what purpose that serves. We really don't.

And before the hate-mongers at PFA get their knickers in a knot (again), we have never called anyone's place of work to harass them, we have never published anyone's personal information, we aren't stalking anyone, unlike what's gone on and continues to go on at PFA. We keep holding up a mirror to what you're doing over there and so sorry - we can't help it if you don't like your reflection. And as we've said, we will be thrilled to pull the plug on this blog the day you do. We have no interest in you other than to show people that your real agenda is not what you are writing, and that you have no business harassing, bullying and stalking people. And to give your victims a place to speak out and protest against what you are doing. The true "scam" on PFA is the lies being spread there. (And if anyone believes for a second that that Peter Nitz bag belongs to Priscilla, you're more gullible than even we thought. And that's saying something.)

So hey, Priscilla, maybe tomorrow wake up and decide you're going to make a positive difference in the world. Not trashing strangers. Not allowing other people to do so and taking some perverse "credit" in it. Maybe do something kind and loving towards others, instead of hateful and cruel. Wouldn't that be a wonderful choice.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Need proof Michael Tonello is still pulling the strings at PFA?

This comment was left anonymously here earlier this year. And other commenters noted this in the last post here. And it couldn't be more true:

"Tonello totally gives himself away when he mentions gigi123. I looked at her stats on TPF and she joined Aug.6, 2006, and posted 41 times and her last visit was a couple weeks later on Aug. 19,2006. I'm sure that with such a short stay on TPF that no one else remembers her, especially after FIVE YEARS!! Except Tonello who has some sort of personal issue with her.

Yet he still mentions her TPF name and somehow he got her real name and he mentions that as well."

Now why would Priscilla Wadsworth care about something that happened years before she joined PF? In fact, since she's mentioned her age as being 20 or 21, she would have been a teenager back then. We find it hard to believe she would have had much interest in someone on PF with 41 posts to their name. Without prodding from Michael Tonello, of course. We're sure his other beloved PF targets are right behind ... because he's still obviously involved in contributing to PFA.

Add of course PFA has to link everything back in some circular, unbelievably tenous way to PF. Clearly, for Priscilla Wadsworth, Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen, the entire world revolves around PF. Which is a whole new level of amusing. Let's see. Someone robbed a bank somewhere in the world. And their mother carries a purse. There MUST be a connection to PF - it's so nefarious!!!

We're sure tomorrow's breaking news over on PFA will be that somewhere, someone had something bad happen to them and it had some connection to purses.

Of course it did. Because they need a reason to keep going back to PF day after day.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Sofa King Bananas

Congratulations to Priscilla Wadsworth for inaugurating the Unhinged Anonymous club. Seriously, dear? You have nothing better to do with your time than suck up to Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen and stalk people in their footsteps? That's a shame. Because you seemed nice. Smart, even. But if you think it's ok to be stalking people online because you disagree with the way a private forum is run, that's a real shame.

We couldn't help noticing you excised any mention of your own personal information on PFA, but we guess everyone else's is fair game. Now why is that? Why is it ok to leave up comments naming someone as a prostitute - do you know this to be true? Would it be ok if someone wrote, "Priscilla Wadsworth, aka PriscillaW on Purse Forum, is really a hooker?" Of course not. And yet several of those comments are splattered all over PFA. Why? Oh, yes. Because some people appear to have more money or possessions than others, or perhaps annoyed someone on a bag forum. Really adult of all of you over at PFA.

Coming from someone who was so appalled to have her email splashed on PFA not so long ago, why would it be ok for you to do that to others? Or to perpetuate what was done?

Gee. Maybe it's because you're just fronting for Michael Tonello. Obviously, in your case, SFB stands for Sofa King Bananas. What a pity when the victim becomes the victimizer.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Let's play the Michael Tonello + Donna Lehtonen drinking game!

Get your beverage of choice handy, and please take a shot whenever the following show up on PFA:

- the word nefarious
- your curse of choice; their comments are peppered with them
- the word scam
- snide and outright nasty comments about Asians, homosexuals, religious minorities: basically anyone they have decided they don't like
- any fake, anywhere on the planet
- some dubious news item that has nothing to do with PF, but MT and DL will assume it does - 'cuz you know, their world revolves around PF!
- some personal information about a stranger neither Donna nor Michael has ever met
- any puffed up review or mention of his book
- any poster, moderator or person who has anything to do with PF
- any comment that assumes that anyone with more than they have must be lying/faking/nefarious/scamming
- take a double shot if you read a post that combines two or more of the above

Want to play the game in an oh so special way? Then you must have the Tonello Lehtonen Cocktail.

A gallon of bitters.
A bottle of lemon juice.
A dash of ipecac.
Top with festive sour grapes.

Remember - the glass MUST be half full!

And let sit for at least a decade so it festers in its own juices.

Enjoy - play often! And be prepared for a killer hangover.