Monday, May 30, 2011

And today on the playground

In her own words, Donna Lehtonen. We believe she is in her 50s, though it's hard to tell from this. Sounds like the kind of "sticks and stones" trash talk little kids use.

theduchessofH said...

Michael, there are some comments that need **** on this post.

The TPFE has a few of their so called facts wrong about me.
I'm NOT my husbands fourth wife; but I definitely am his LAST wife. lol. My son IS Canadian and was born IN Canada, as was I; as was my husband. Our son will be attending college IN Canada this fall.

I have never posted anyones real name or personal information on the internet. I have posted the names of some purse forum members, and changed their PF (in brackets) name. Names such as mrsspankles, mrsskankles, mrscankles, (mrssparkles), smelliemom (melliesmom10), Greenteeth (Greentea),PeanutButterCups (PeanutBabyCakes),Fladulence (Vlad, aka Flad, in the 'Starbucks Fail thread), Dregs (Megs),Crying Jag (Jag), and a few others that I fail to recall at the moment.

Hardly personally revealing info, in my opinion; but I could be wrong.

And I can't leave out Grand Fibs (Grands Fonds)
And because turnabout is fair play, for myself; some creative person came up with The duchess of Herpes (duchess). lol.

Shout out to Flossy Pigaro (Flossy Figaro)

Friday, May 27, 2011

Elizabeth Smart

What does the harrowing ordeal of Elizabeth Smart have to do with Michael Tonello? Lots, as it turns out.

Poor Mr. Tonello simply cannot get over an Ebay transaction from 2002. In his blog, he asks a commenter if they would be able to get over someone breaking into their home and stealing their electronics.

Ms. Smart, as many of you may know, is the young American lady who was abducted by a deranged man at 14 and raped nearly daily for 9 months before she was rescued. When you see her in the media talking about her ordeal, she is the embodiment of grace, resilience and the human spirit. She is focusing on positive things in her life. Where no one would blame anyone if this had crippled them emotionally, she has been able to move on.

Mr. Tonello, on the other hand, simply cannot get over some Ebay transactions that did not go to his satisfaction in 2002. He cannot get over his experiences on a purse blog. These terrible things are clearly gnawing away at him, to the point where he has remained rather focused on the people who bought from him and were apparently unhappy with their purchases. Focused to the point of writing a blog whose comments and posts harass many of the people who spoke out at the time of these transactions years ago by printing personal information and threatening comments.

In the end, it's embarrassing to put Mr. Tonello and Ms. Smart in the same sentence. One of the worst things you can possibly imagine happened to one of them. One has the wisdom and maturity and grace to see a situation for what it is, not allow it to define her life, and to seek satisfaction and happiness (by helping others, as it turns out). That person is 24 years old.

Somehow, we think a break in or a bad Ebay deal wouldn't even be a blip in her day.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A comment worth highlighting

Go to and enter ebay user ID won4the$ which is Michael Tonello's ebay ID. These are some of the negative/neutral reviews he has received:

"Over two weeks later, and I still have not received what I paid for."

"Customer held item hostage, took a month to return, Unprofessioal $$ refunded"


"never received" "Not so great condition, but super delivery. Next time I will inquire more info."

"No HS tag, stain, but I love the scarf so I guess it goes with the territory"

"Sold me a misrepresented item then called me a sucker.Im deeply hurt by this man"

"Doesn't understand that an echeck takes 3-7 days to clear! AVOID"

"Freaked out and overreacted. AVOID. Not a good ebayer."

NO WONDER they booted him from ebay!!!!! Complaining about flossyfigaro? Pot, Kettle anyone???

Monday, May 23, 2011

Good question

Several people commenting here have asked why a 52 year old man would be so obsessed with women and their handbags.

We think that's a fair question.

So we'd love to have Mr. Tonello answer it. Go for it, Michael. Tell everyone the real reason behind your little blog project. No one's buying what you're selling (or should we say reselling) about being oh so concerned about people's financial well being as they buy and sell on Ebay or wherever. Or their ability to post or not on a handbag blog.

After being pushed and denying it for a long time, you finally came clean about writing that piece of trash (blog, book, take your pick). So how about going all the way and telling people the real reason why?

Or you can just continue to let us speak for you.

Friday, May 20, 2011

A little honesty, please

Michael Tonello still hasn't been honest with his readers about why he started his PFA blog. Or about why he continues it. And it's very interesting to us that we have had two comments in total (of hundreds) that we did not print because the language was foul and in keeping with PFAs style, not ours.

PFA is what it is because Michael Tonello allows (and we suspect, writes many of) those comments.

We love it that he finally admitted to being the owner of PFA, despite many denials. And we also were delighted to see that he admitted to writing reviews for his own book under different alters and that consequently, those alters were responsible for a lot of nastiness over several blogs and forums. Were sales that poor that you needed to puff them up by pretending to be a bunch of people who liked the book, Michael? As Robin Williams said as part of a comedy routine about Tennessee Williams, that's not writing. It's typing on a page. And wait. Didn't you jump all over other people for pretending to be someone they weren't or own things that they didn't? Guess it's ok when you do it, Michael.

But we digress. We're waiting for Mr. Tonello to come clean - all the way. Come out, come out, Mr. Tonello. We're all waiting...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Seems the folks over at PFA are slow learners …

Michael Tonello denied being the owner of The Purse Forum Advisory for a long time. Now he’s asking the owners of this blog to give him their names. Anyone providing their contact information to Michael Tonello would be very foolish indeed, given his past. Why would we want to subject ourselves to that? Indeed, why should anyone be subjected to unwelcome online harassment – contact at their work place, contact at their homes through email and telephone calls – because Michael Tonello has decided he doesn’t like something they wrote on a purse blog, of all things?

We suggest that anyone questioning why this blog started go back and read the comments and posts over at PFA. Have a towel ready because it’s likely to make you feel like you need a shower, all those curses and the nasty comments directed from “anonymous” to people they’ve never met. If you think it’s ok to trash talk strangers and smear their personal information all over the Internet, we shake our collective heads.

Maybe all of the PFA commenters doing that should have the courage of THEIR convictions. If you’re going to call someone names and print their personal information, post under your real names. After all, you’re the ones who trust Michael Tonello so very much.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Not missing much

Thanks for the invitation, Mr. Tonello.

Are you saying that “the owner” of PFA didn’t say over and over that Michael Tonello had nothing to do with the blog?
Are you saying that, posting as Michael J. Tonello, you said you had nothing to do with the blog and were planning to unleash your lawyers on “the owner” (have fun suing yourself, it seems)?
Are you saying that bags can’t be authenticated from photos and yet you proclaimed several bags as undeniably fake on PFA? And called their owners scammers and fakesters for no good reason that we could see other than personal dislike?
Are you saying that there is some underground, covert business to actively sell fakes (based on the photos in which bags can’t actually be authenticated as fake, according to you), and yet you haven’t shown a shred of credible proof?
Are you saying you didn’t print people’s personal information repeatedly, despite posters asking for it to be taken down?
Are you saying that as reconfortante and advent and Lord knows who else, you didn’t post as other people and take a rather intense personal, and over the top interest in people on StyleForum, GQ and PF?
Are you saying you didn’t take a rather obsessive interest in some people to the point of repeatedly posting about them, printing personal information and pejorative comments and threats against them from commenters?

Whatever appeared on that site was either written by or permitted by you. So what exactly did we get wrong here, basically mirroring what you’ve said in various places, over and over, and reading what’s been written on PFA? Um, nothing.

And why is it you want to fight? We don’t. We just want people to see you for who and what you are. Thanks awfully for helping with that, and for continuing to drive traffic here.

Seems like drinks are on you, Mr. Tonello. But given your history, we think we’d prefer to be teetotal.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cyberharasser arrested; charged

We see some interesting parallels here. And we're heartened to know that this kind of behaviour has consequences.

The video shows the victim talking about her experience. The text below will update you.

Also please check out this site,, for more information on cyberharassment and cyberstalking and what you can do about it.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Comments that matter

In the roughly two months we have had this blog, there have been nearly 700 comments. 700. Not all of them are supportive of what we are doing here and that's fine. We are grateful that these people chose to express themselves calmly and without name calling and they are entitled to their opinion. And for those reasons, we published their comments and would do so again. It shows that dissenting opinions can be offered without being offensive and resulting to childish and obscene name calling.

But the vast majority are people whose lives have been touched in an ugly way by Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen. He started a blog and allows commenters on it malign total strangers with unproven allegations. She chimed in, repeatedly. His own posts did the same thing as his commenters. He continues to do that to this moment, as far as we are aware. He has allowed covert and outright threats to be posted. People have related stories of being threatened at home and at work because of things written about them on PFA. Some we have published; others, we have been asked not to publish and we respect that. In fact, we have received many comments with information and have been asked not to publish them and we have respected that, too. We appreciate the tips and ask you to keep it coming.

He has allowed the posting of information that would identify people in the real world. Obviously, this has put them at risk of real, not "I'm posting as anonymous so I can hide behind that and call you names" harm. And he and his followers think that's ok.

He admits to having posted fake reviews of his book under various names and he thinks that's ok too. Maybe the book would have stood on its own merits but because of his admission, now no one will know how many of the reviews are from honest readers or from the author trying to pump up book sales. Interesting that he appears to have so little faith in his own work.

He admits to having posted as various people on a number of forums and he thinks that's ok too. Remind yourself of some of the things he did as those alters. And ask yourself if any of these things are truly ok.

We can't help but notice that when he was denying being the owner of PFA he blustered as Michael J. Tonello. Hey all you fans over at PFA - feel lied to by him yet? He's still hiding behind the name of the blog. He's still denying the real reasons for starting it. And he still thinks it's ok.

We don't. And we're proud to keep saying it.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Too much time on his hands

Sure must be the case. Because if you do a search on the name of Mr. Tonello's darling blog minus the, it's amazing what comes up. He's been the proverbial little busy bee, posting hither and yon and spreading his own unique brand of joy on the interwebs. We'd tell him to grow up but we think, sadly, that this stunted state of affairs is likely to be as tall emotionally as he will ever grow.

We wish no ill to Mr. Tonello. We do wish he would focus on the good things in life instead of peering in the windows of other people's lives and seeing shadows and conspiracies where none exist.

Blogger issues

If your comment was not published, it's because Blogger was having update issues and wiped out anything that was approved after it's planned outage Wednesday evening. They say they are restoring them but we wanted to let you know it was them, not us!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

We love our fans

We’re delighted you find us so very intriguing. Really, though it’s just another facet of narcissism, isn’t it, to take such delight in being written about, even if what is being said isn’t terribly flattering?

Because people’s opinions of you are, shall we say, low. And it seems you haven’t learned a thing in the past few weeks. You are still dragging innocent people’s names through your muck and allowing people who comment on your site to do the same thing. Is that what your mama taught you? Naughty, naughty.

Allowing people to speculate about others on your site (yes, speculate is a euphemism for lie) is nasty, Mr. Tonello. But everyone is on to your real agenda – and it has nothing to do with helping anyone. We plan to stick around until you figure out a more constructive way to channel your tantrums. But we hear it can take toddlers time to learn how to handle their negative emotions. Have a few rusks to teethe on whilst your growing pains work themselves out. It might help. Or as the punchline to an old joke about a flasher goes, interesting, but does it come in adult sizes? We doubt it.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mirror, Mirror

We want to say we're sorry for Michael Tonello. Sorry if he doesn't like seeing what he's written laid out here. All those alters, all those interesting comments he's made over the years. He's saying he doesn't think what's being written is the truth but ... all we've done is hold up a mirror. So again using TonelloLogic (which, frankly, is like saying jumbo shrimp), is he REALLY saying he DIDN'T mean all the things he's written? Because if what he's said as luxeguru and advent etc. is untrue, then what he is so vehemently insisting upon at PFA must also be untrue, by the application of TonelloLogic. So he DIDN'T post his own comments shilling his own book? Didn't post as other people on and and elsewhere?

It's all quite a puzzle. Reading Michael Tonello's work on PFA should carry a warning: caution - may be headache inducing.

But then, nothing is quite as it seems at PFA because they seem to be using a rather distorting fun house mirror.

Michael Tonello says you can't authenticate a bag from photos. But then proceeds to pick out photos of bags he says are fake so he can mock their owners. Seems he's an expert on all sorts of brands now. All those paid authenticating services had better watch out!

Michael Tonello says an entire site is bad because it has a few posters he doesn't like or suspects of (yawn) nefarious doings! (Can we all chip in and buy him a thesaurus and a book on common English usage?) Remind us again - we believe he is shown as no longer a registered user on Ebay, where he sold his little trinkets as won4the$. So maybe he has personal experience with this theory after all.

Michael Tonello (aka Chicken Little) says beware! Sites are full of scams! He is really only looking out for you - there are nefarious scams EVERYWHERE. You just need to use common sense, which is in very short supply over at PFA.

Michael Tonello feels he has the right to say whatever he wants about people. People he's never met, by the way. Why is that? And is turnabout fair play?

So we say buyer beware. And nowhere is that more important than when you are reading what is being dished out on PFA, or what Michael Tonello is writing online. Because one day he'll tell you it's the truth. And the next ...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

How utterly apropos!

We had to laugh when we saw this charming description of Senor Tonello's neighbourhood, Las Ramblas. Between that and the fact that he lives in reassuringly close proximity to several sex shops and shows, now we know why he finds Barcelona so much to his taste:

Las Ramblas is a popular tourist attraction in its own right. Any time during the day or night several thousands tourists will be meandering along the Ramblas soaking up the atmosphere and enjoying the activities.

However there is also another group of individuals that are attracted to the Ramblas for a completely different reason. They are interested in taking advantage of the tourists. Who are they? Pickpockets and scam artists!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sound familiar?

We don't make this stuff up, folks.

We especially love this part of Jason85s reply. Gee. Alters. Posting as someone else. Wondering if they are gay (and the sentiment wasn't meant in a nice way.) NO. Get out. Really???:

What really caught my attention was when you said that you "discovered my alter ego." Whoever started that "Is Jason gay" thread may or may not have been you, but I am 100% positive that you posted later on under "spyeye." Even Twist thinks it's you, based on what he told me in the PM he sent. You have about a billion other alter agos, which isn't really shocking. You claim that you're not "stalking me," but not only do you stalk me in this forum, you mention me in other forums, as well. Please don't even try to prove your innocence with one of your many alters that posted on Style Forum today.
Someone PM'd me a while ago saying that they believe it's you, and I'm not really that surprised. This just proves that you use your alters to obsess over(scratch that, I mean attack) me, not only on this forum, but on other ones. You even ripped off the last paragraph where you wrote "Oh, and in case anyone is interested, I did a lot of shopping this past weekend; think Gulfstream, Veyron, Monaco, Breguet, etc. (haha)" off the guy's thread in Style Forum, thinking it'll be smart and funny. In other words, you're not really unique. You're unoriginal!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Some things Michael Tonello seems unable to understand

1. We know you'd like to believe otherwise, but we aren't affiliated with Purse Forum. We HAVE seen our friends slimed on your blog, though, as well as other people we also presume are just as innocent. We didn't care for it. As we said the other day, you don't have to be mugged to know it's wrong and try to help if you see a mugging in progress. And since your PFA propaganda mugging blog doesn't allow opposing views, we feel this blog is necessary. Also, since up to very recently you denied (and denied, and denied) being the owner of Purse Forum Advisory, we felt it was important to highlight that lie. Why? Because ...

2. You may not like it but all we are doing is drawing attention to the things you yourself have written for many years. Maybe you needed a better editor.

3. No one believes there is a higher purpose or noble calling behind PFA. Except, sadly, you. It's obvious that your rationale for running PFA is simply to create havoc in people's lives. And as long as your readers were unaware of that, they might have been more likely to buy into your BS. Remember folks, this is all about a bad Ebay sale from years ago. And being denied posting privileges on a forum about purses. Seriously. It is to laugh. That's it. Obsess much?

4. Now that you've owned up to being the person behind PFA we still have to ask (yet again) ... WHY? Tons of people always knew it was you behind PFA and we really don't see the merit in you continuing to publish people's nasty, racist, homophobic, curse filled and lying comments and the seeming pride you take in it. We just hope that by keeping PFAE going, more people will see this side of you. After all, since you seem so very proud of it, why shouldn't it be brought to the widest possible audience?

5. The things pointed out here are the things you said online, Mr. Tonello. You've left quite a trail ... when you posted as advent and centralparkwest and reconfortante and luxeguru and larambla17 and God knows how many others where you initially coyly sidestepped being Michael Tonello. Because it seemed to us that you admitted to your true identity several times in the course of many of those alters. What are we missing here?

6. The answer? Not much. We feel for you, Mr. Tonello. We really do. We can't imagine spending our years (never mind our days) focused on something petty like this. On going after people relentlessly online for .... what, again? It makes all of us here feel good to give the people your blog has harmed a place tell their side of the story - the truth. We have compassion for you and hope you can find it within yourself to move past this childish vendetta and use your life and your time for a better purpose. That would be truly wonderful to see. And no, we aren't being sarcastic.

Oh, and thanks for driving traffic here. We truly appreciate the thousands of visits we've had. The more people who see a mirror held up to your words and posts, the truth of what you're trying to do, the better.

MWAH! Hugs and kisses!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Consumer advocacy? We don't think so.

Michael Tonello would like you to believe he is motivated by some sense of consumer advocacy. But a cursory review of his posts on PFA and elsewhere on the Internet reveals that a latter day Ralph Nader he isn't.

Let's deconstruct, shall we? His main argument seems to be that PF is bad because it has bad posters in it and that members and owners are complicit in some kind of evil (ok, nefarious) plot.

So his line of reasoning can be summed up as "bad posters = bad site". Or, one bad apple does spoil the whole bunch. And the orchard. Is this possible? Because if we extend his thesis, it means that every site that has bad posters must by extension be wholly bad. So Ebay and Bonanza (where Mr. Tonello currently peddles his wares), using his logic, are 100% bad and/or complicit because they have some bad posters who sell items that may not be significantly as represented (SNAD, in Ebay parlance), or may be outright counterfeits.

So, again using his "one bad apple" logic (such as it is), Blogger must also be bad for allowing a cesspool like PFA. Or, like the other sites mentioned, is Mr. Tonello merely taking advantage of Blogger's availability to peddle his stories?

You make the call. We call PFA SNAD. But given his Naderist bent, we can't wait to see Michael Tonello take on Ebay, Bonanza, and really, the fate of the free world. An advocate's job is never really done.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Why taking a stand is the right thing to do

You don't have to be personally affected by bullying to step in and stop it. To reach out, help others, and declare that something is wrong. Would you walk past a mugging without trying to help or summon help?

What is going on at PFA is a mugging in progress.

It is a personal grudge, Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen's personal grudge against The Purse Forum. They have allowed The Purse Forum Advisory to be a place where anonymous commenters are free to say whatever they like about whomever they feel wronged them at The Purse Forum. They have continued their attacks using pseudonyms on various forums. PFA is not the only blog Mr. Tonello started in this vein; it just happens to be the one that gained traction. In our opinion, the only intent can be to cause harm and distress.

We've said it repeatedly and we will say it again. What they are doing is wrong. They are free to have opinions. They are free to hate PF. They are not free to make accusations of misconduct against people they have never met, with absolutely no proof. And worse.

That is why this blog started and why we will continue for the time being.

This comment (not written by us - we sign all of ours) expresses it perfectly; thank you.

I guess I see this blog as an attempt to right, or at least marginally equalize, the wrongs done to so many strangers over the years by Michael and Donna. Most of their victims either had more money, more freedom, more bags, and more intelligence than those two, bless their evil, black hearts, or else they publicly called them out on their eBay or tPF lies. Either way, their grievance didn't call for 4+ years of stalking and hate spewed over the Internet, where it will be documented for eternity. This blog stands in contrast to that, and offers back Michael and Donna's actions and words, pseudonyms and nasty comments, to anyone who would like to understand who they are and why they have been so unkind to so many. They hid for years. This blog is about not allowing them to hide. If they still want to be sociopathic, narcissistic assholes, no one can stop them, but EXPOSED will be there to document their every nasty move.

I don't see this blog as a general hate-fest, to be used for mocking anyone who disagrees, under the thin guise of "consumer advocacy". PFA and Michael Tonello have chosen that role. He is welcome to it, IMO. No one sane would want that as a life's work or monument to their memory.