Saturday, August 20, 2011

It's "yes, no, but yes" time again

As one of our commenters astutely pointed out, Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen have long ragged on PFers for daring to authenticate bags from photos. Cannot be done, they opined. Nada, nyet, non. And yet, since he started his hate blogs, Michael Tonello has been picking and choosing, by photo, which bags are authentic and which are not. And Donna Lehtonen has taken up residence at another blog happily pontificating about which bags are authentic. From photos. In fact, that was her specialty on PF. Well, not much of one, actually, since everything she looked at was fake, fake, fake.

Amazingly, there are professional authentication services for all kinds of things - not just handbags - that do just that: authenticate from photographcs. It is not new, nor is it radical.

But of course, it fits into Michael Tonello's plan for harassing people at PF. Though near as we can tell, Donna is just brainless and clueless. (Maybe that should be the name of their little detective agency.)

We also love the insistence by their followers (hello again, Donna!)that posters reveal in full glory whatever their collections may be. Otherwise, according to their rather dubious logic, they are lying about owning these things. We guess it's a twist on the old "if a tree falls in the forest and no one hears it, did it happen" theory, only it goes like this: if someone I don't know buys a bag I can't see because they won't post it for the world to judge, then it did not happen! The illogic is stunning.

And of course, this leads to another question: why is it their business? The answer: it isn't. So while they accuse posters on PF of being jealous and liars, once again, they're just projecting their own qualities on others.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Crystal clear

It couldn’t be clearer that Michael Tonello is still behind The Purse Forum Advisory. Why? Simple. No one else shares his particular vendetta against specific people associated with PF and parts of the forum.

Like gigi123. Like grands fonds. Like promoting Createurs de Luxe (and why they want to get into bed with him is beyond us. Several people have commented both privately to us and for publication here that knowing this, they would never now do business with this company) and his friend Peter Nitz at Luxury Zurich. Like the whole Hermes obsession. Quite frankly, no one but Michael Tonello and his sidekick Donna Lehtonen care a whit about those things.

He also has several, shall we say, unique turns of phrase that he has used consistently over all his hate blogs. And that always gives him away. We loved that the blog is now noted, at the bottom, as being a “parody”. Since Mr. Tonello doesn’t seem to know what the word parody means, allow us to enlighten him: a humourous imitation of a serious piece of writing. Exactly what Michael Tonello seems to feel he’s parodying is a mystery to us. In our dictionary, what he’s doing is spelled “harassment”.

So don’t believe for a second that because Michael Tonello took his name off his blog and put our blog title on his (and thanks again, mate – it’s driven a ton of traffic our way and we really appreciate it!) that he has nothing to do with PFA. As is his persistent habit, he’s just lying to PFA readers. Again. It’s just who he is.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Why does Michael Tonello want your IP address?

It's a good question for those who visit PFA to ask themselves. All web sites have the ability to track internet protocol information, if they use the appropriate software. (We have no interest in tracking you, contactng anyone who visits here or publishing any of your personal information.)

Michael Tonello has made no secret of the fact that he not only tracks his visitors, he actively looks up information like their names, city and street address and other contact inrformation.

Why would he need or want that information? Well, as the saying goes, past actions predict future behaviour. Mr. Tonello has frequently published people's street and work information and has contacted people with, shall we say, messages that are not warm and fuzzy and reassuring.

Don't think you're safer if you post agreeing with him. Michael Tonello has frequently published people's personal information if they so much as disagree with him.

Why does he care where you're located? Why does he want to post photos and personal information? Maybe it's time all his fans asked themselves that question; we assume you use anonymous and made up names on his blog for a reason. Ask yourself how you will feel when you become the target of Michael Tonello's very pointed interest in your personal information. And don't kid yourself - it's only a matter of time.