Saturday, June 25, 2011

Lies, lies, damned lies

Michael Tonello, stating the obvious that he is two, continues to present a hilarious bunch of contradictions, as does his sidekick Donna Lehtonen.

To recap ... he is not an advocate for anything other than promoting himself. His objective is not, as he says, to save people from losing money or buying fakes (because if they've bought what he's selling, they've bought the biggest fake of all). His objective, which he has yet to admit to, is to harass and stalk people, to intimidate them into not posting on several forums where he has set up his bully pulpits, and to strike back at a PURSE forum where he was banned. That's it, folks. That's always been the only motivation behind his blog. If he tells you anything else, he's lying, plain and simple. Substitute Donna's name for Michael anywhere in the above paragraph, because she's equally guilty.

And they're quite comical about turning the truth when it suits them. Couldn't help noticing that Donna, the shrillest of the shrill when it comes to stating that nothing can be authenticated from photos, is now the star authenticator over at EffenHaute.

And we'd sure like to know if Michael Tonello was reporting all that income from his purse reselling days. Didn't he write in his book that the reason he got into reselling was because he didn't have the papers to work legally in Spain? Hmmmm. It does make one wonder. And didn't Donna have bags shipped from her Florida store outside the state to retrieve them elsewhere .... gee, wonder why she would have done that? Another case of pot, kettle, you've got to be kidding us.

Michael Tonello takes great delight in making things up and then not realizing he is describing .... well, himself. He's the one who's been booted from Ebay and various forums, he's the one who sold dubious mechandise to people, he's the one who stalks and harasses people on his blog. With his trusty sidekick Donna Lehtonen, of course, no slouch in the bullying department herself.

Hey Michael and Donna ... if you're so concerned about "exposing" scams and liars, a) take a look in the mirror and b) maybe put your time to some actual good use. Volunteer. Help someone. Maybe make a positive difference in the world instead of spewing the crap you do.

Years of that is nothing to be proud of. But hey, it's no surprise that you two are.


Anonymous said...

The only thing worse than Michael Tonello's logic are his manners. If you read most of what he writes, it doesn't really say anything. His attempts at an exposé are pitiful. Stringing together a bunch of insults, innuendo and false accusations has hardly been effective. Maybe at some point in his life he'll learn to read, write, spell, and count, and he'll have more success? True, these are rudimentary skills that many normal people take for granted that everyone has an easy time mastering. But we must remember that there are "challenged" persons in this world who find these things more difficult. Sort of like parking in a handicapped space. It's hard not to pity Mr. Tonello and his friend Donna. It appears they both have significant emotional and social struggles placing demands upon them.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't really matter what Donna and MT post about anyone. They are liars and two ugly, very middle aged, and mentally disturbed people. Those that post on "their" blog are losers that are upset over not being financially secure, or on the fringe of acceptance, or banned from a stupid forum. MT and Donna are responding to their own posts on PFA. If it truly was a PFA they would stick to discussing purses and refrain from vile language that MT uses or Donnas favorite, "Shout Out"!
I can't believe how Effen Haute is so besotted with them. If she had a brain she would realize what Donna and Michael are nothing.

Anonymous said...

PFA is "celebrating" its 2nd anniversary ...

Two years of lying, hating, stalking, intimidating, harassing, embarrassing, attacking, upsetting, hounding, bullying, hurting, offending, threatening, antagonizing ... nothing to celebrate.

Anonymous said...

There will be more years of the same. MT and Donna will go around posting more lies on their list of people thay hate! I know some don't care about it, especially considering the source of this trash, MT and Donna. They aren't the most honorable people. They have multiple personalities and respond to their own posts, ugly morons that create fiction about others.

Anonymous said...

Beyond all the lies, Michael has appointed himself some sort of Hermes expert. That's a laugh. Where does he get his inside information? No where. He just makes stuff up to make buyers of Hermes bags feel bad, now that he can not make any more money off them. It's really pathetic watching a grown man make such a fool of himself over a bunch of expensive purses.

He thinks he is hurting PF and Hermes and all he is doing is hurting himself.

Anonymous said...

Yes, he sure is a liar! The way he twists things that people
say to suit his own agenda is pathetic.

He says this in his PFA Post Sunday, June 26. 2011:
"The Purse Forum's own Balto Bag Lady in referring to my book, Bringing Home the Birkin, says (excuse her typo): 'Michael Tonnelo's brilliant and entertaining work' ".

 He left out a couple of very important words that give
the true meaning of her statement
and it wasn't praise, it was dissing the book and dripping with sarcasm.

Since no one will actually praise him, he has to twist what people really say to try to make himself look good. Pitiful. Pitiful. Pitiful.

Here is her actual statement:
"I put as much stock in Thomas' uncited sources as I did
in Michael Tonnelo's brilliant and entertaining work of

Anonymous said...

Yes, I read BBL's full comment, and as usual, MT twists peoples words, and tries to manipulate the reader into believing the crap that is written on his blog. I no longer take any notice of what he or his blog has to say, and don't believe he cares or appreciates genuine opinions other than childish comments, and his sick quest to crush M&V.
I think for this reason his blog is dying a slow death, and many have been put off.

Anonymous said...

Any regular reader of tPF and BBL knows what she meant. He is a bigger idiot than I thought to believe that he could change her comment to his advantage. Just showing how he has to twist and lie to make himself look good. It is more and more obvious that any positive comments on his blog are coming directly from him and Donna.

Anonymous said...

From the duchessofh blog:
Monday, June 20, 2011


I just arrived home from an amazing trip to China. I wasn't able to access my blog, as Blogspot is blocked in China, as are Facebook and various other websites.
This came as a surprise, and at first I was a bit disappointed; but as it turned out I was way to busy to find much time to go online anyway.

I had planned to take this trip last October,hoping my son would be a part of it; but he couldn't commit due to his football season.
Fast forward to March, and the cousin that was going to come along, started an apprenticeship and couldn't take three weeks off.
Now, I love my son, more than life; but the thought of spending three weeks with a teenage boy so far from home,friends,girlfriend,pizza, texting? I just felt he was too young to appreciate the whole experience.

I made this trip with my former in-laws; my son's grandparents, and his aunt, whose son was unable to make this trip.
The grandparents were a little sad that they couldn't show off their grandsons; but they were happy to finally have some Canadian born family members make the pilgrimage home with them."


Sofa King Banned

Joined: Jun 2007
Posts: 1,081
Re: Right or Wrong?
"I think you are right to relax and just enjoy your relationship.
Remember, not every relationship leads to marriage.
That does not mean the relationship was a waste of time.
I think that every relationship is meaningful, and teaches us something.

I am 50 and have had a number of relationships,and one marriage.
I am happy and in love. We have been married for 10 years.
I had the "heebie jeebies" before we even started dating.
He had been my next door neighbour when I was in high school.
He moved away when I was 18.
Fast forward to 1996. His oldest daughter called me to tell me that he was divorced and tried to set me up with him.
We all went out together,and when she asked my how I felt; I told her he was too fat for me. This sounds shallow;but he wasn't my physical type.
I tried setting him up with some friends,but he liked me.
After spending much time talking on the phone and going out socially,
we became good friends. He never came on to me or attempted to kiss me.
I always worried that he would and felt the "heebie jeebies". I kept focusing on the fact that he was 50 pounds overweight.
One day I went as his date to a wedding and we danced together.
He is an excellent dancer!
He kissed me on the dance floor,and that was it!(the song was one I didn't like and now am stuck with it as" our song"; Lady In Red)
It felt totally right,and I was struck by that feeling! The rest of the night is a blur;because we only noticed each other. I have never felt the heebie jeebies since,and I am ashamed of myself for placing that much importance on weight."

Those weren't her in-laws since duchess states she was married only once!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous post/ June 27:
Wow, Donna caught in another big lie. She should keep track to avoid making a fool of herself. I guess it's hard to keep track when all one does is tell lies!

Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to doubt every word of Bringing Home The Birkin. He's already proven to everyone that he is a pathological liar.

Anonymous said...

'I'm beginning to doubt every word of Bringing Home The Birkin. He's already proven to everyone that he is a pathological liar'

June 27, 2011 8:12 PM

I have absolutely no desire to read that trash. MT continually bitches about the way the PF makes it's money, preying on naïve and gullible members, but how I see it, he is no better. The PFA is just an outlet for him to print lies, hope the naïve and gullible members believe it all, in a transparent attempt to get them to buy his book, and cash in on them. I don't doubt that this is how calculated and manipulative he is, and people like that are best avoided.

Anonymous said...

I guess the duchess and MT are less then thrilled about this post about her. If it is misleading, it is of her own doing. However, neither cares about the false crap they post about others. How does it feel Donna? NOT FUN IS IT?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Those weren't her in-laws since duchess states she was married only once!"

You are an idiot. They are her ex in-laws.

Yes, what the Duchess wrote could be interpreted as you state, but 999 out of 1000 people know that she was stating she has been previously married and since divorced.

June 28, 2011 2:27 AM

MT and Donna are hated by more then 1,000.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous 2:27 AM

I think the point is that, according to her tPF post, she is supposed to be married now, yes (for the last 10 years)?

So, how can she have only married once, if she was also married before (in order for her to have ex in-laws)?

More to the point, how can one repeatedly state that it is impossible to authenticate from pics alone and then happily do the same, oneself, on another forum?

Or, maybe she meant to say that only she can authenticate from pics alone; no one else?!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Those weren't her in-laws since duchess states she was married only once!"

You are an idiot. They are her ex in-laws.

Yes, what the Duchess wrote could be interpreted as you state, but 999 out of 1000 people know that she was stating she has been previously married and since divorced.

June 28, 2011 2:27 AM
I doubt that 1,000 people know nor care, I don't
It's really nice that are "ex-husband"(?) let Bob adopt their son as she has stated on posts on TPF.
MT is always calling everyone names. He's a vile individual.

Anonymous said...

Donna was not married before Bob. She had her son out of wedlock.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just wow....;_ylt=AqO3nmwF1mLswVi4CsYymjTpFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20110628183609AADjypq

Anonymous said...

"Those that post on "their" blog are losers that are upset over not being financially secure, or on the fringe of acceptance, or banned from a stupid forum."

Hyuck Hyuck Hyuck.

Oh that comment from one of your own flock has to hurt eh, Curly??

Anonymous said...

"MT and Donna are hated by more then 1,000."

Show me a list of names (+ their email addresses, physical addresses, cell numbers, home numbers,work numbers and all forums their subscribe to) or you're exaggerating by a factor of 100 in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just wow....;_ylt=AqO3nmwF1mLswVi4CsYymjTpFQx.;_ylv=3?qid=20110628183609AADjypq

June 28, 2011 7:10 PM

Just as I said before, MT like those he attacks, has his own agenda. It's all about pushing his book onto those that think just because the PF is not all it's cracked up to be, the alternative (his blog) is better. He is as transparent as those from the PF that only post to solicit their goods.

@ 26 June 8.08 Be careful about labelling everyone as 'losers'. Having an opinion doesn't automatically make those that post on the PFA an enemy, it's called 'keeping an open mind'. You'd be surprised just how many active PF members have posted on there.

Anonymous said...

MT should rename his blog and his book "BRINGING HOME THE BULLSH*T"much more appropriate

Anonymous said...

"Show me a list of names (+ their email addresses, physical addresses, cell numbers, home numbers,work numbers and all forums their subscribe to) or you're exaggerating by a factor of 100 in my opinion"

YOU ARE JOKING?!! so you can increase your database of hatred and have even more people to harass, bully and insult

There are not enough hours in the day Mikey for you to take on such a task.

Try working on yourself before working on others

Anonymous said...

From TPF:

Sofa King Banned

Joined: Jun 2007
Posts: 1,081

"Third times a charm! LOL
I am fine with three,since I am my husbands third wife.

He is my first husband.

My husbands first marriage lasted 14 years. They had been together since they were in high school and married young. His second marriage lasted 17 years. Second wife left him for a man 20 years younger than herself.
I can't thank her enough!"

Donna states that she was only married once!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
From TPF:

Sofa King Banned

Joined: Jun 2007
Posts: 1,081

"Third times a charm! LOL
I am fine with three,since I am my husbands third wife.

He is my first husband.

My husbands first marriage lasted 14 years. They had been together since they were in high school and married young. His second marriage lasted 17 years. Second wife left him for a man 20 years younger than herself.
I can't thank her enough!"

Donna states that she was only married once!

June 29, 2011 8:49 AM
Wow, Donna Lehtonen caught in a whopper! What does MT say now to defend you, more lies!

Anonymous said...

Donna fell madly in love with Bob's fat.... wallet.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Donna fell madly in love with Bob's fat.... wallet.

June 29, 2011 11:12 AM

That fat wallet doesn't get her all that she desires.

Anonymous said...

"He is my first husband."

To the Anonymous who I declared to be an idiot, I apologise.

I trust that the statement, "He is my first husband", has not been tampered with and is factual.

As such, it is myself who is misinformed. Please forgive my rudeness in my earlier posting.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I could care less about whether or not Donna Lehtonen has been married once or a thousand times. What is interesting is that Donna and Michael are the first to scream "Liar!" when it seems they are the ones who have lied and misrepresented over and over and over again.

Anonymous said...

Michael Tonello's book Bringing Home the Bullshit sucked so bad I couldn't even read through a quarter of it. Maybe he should have spent some money on a ghost writer who could actually write something. It's his little fairy tale and what's HILARIOUS is how pissy he gets if someone dares to say they don't like it. Don't you know everyone has to love it?

shemp howard said...

It's a FAIRY tale, all right


Anonymous said...

Michael Tonello's book Bringing Home the Bullshit sucked so bad I couldn't even read through a quarter of it. Maybe he should have spent some money on a ghost writer who could actually write something. It's his little fairy tale and what's HILARIOUS is how pissy he gets if someone dares to say they don't like it. Don't you know everyone has to love it?

June 29, 2011 6:04 PM

I live in the desert, in Palm Springs, CA. My wife read the book and loved it and bought several copies on Amazon for her friends. She insisted I read the book but I kept thinking why would I want to read a book about handbags? Then I got called for jury duty. The day I had to go I was heading out the door to the courthouse and remembered what a friend had said about bringing something to read. I had nothing, and on the way out the door I grabbed the handbag book. I couldn't put it down.

If it sucked so bad why are the reviews (by the most important reviewers in the country) superb? I'm hard pressed to find one bad review, save for yours, of course.

Anonymous said...

Oh I forgot to mention, did you read the information about the selling of his book, on Publishers Marketplace?

Anonymous said...

Isn't it apparent to anyone that Donna's son's father let her husband adopt him because of the money. I'm sure her son is going to be taken care of whether her husband is dead or alive. She's made sure of that, with her manipulative ways. Donna also forgot to mention that she was VERY good friends with her husband's first wife, and was also HER neighbor growing up. His first wife died of cancer when her children were young. Since there are no step children in the picture I'm sure she's found some way to bully her husband into not seeing them. Her write up about how they got together sounds like a fictional novel.