Saturday, June 18, 2011

The Wizard of Nothing

Mr. Tonello denied being the owner of PFA for the longest time. He posted as Michael J. Tonello threatening to sue the "owner" of PFA, if you'll recall.

He blustered and was most indignant. He kept saying it wasn't important who was behind PFA. Well, before he revealed himself as the owner, that is.

Remember the end of The Wizard of Oz? When the seemingly powerful wizard was revealed as a little man with big pretensions? Sounds awfully familiar.

Now that we know who is behind PFA, he's been revealed as yet another little man who sustained his position with tricks and lies. And you know the saying, lie big, lie little.

If he had no problem lying for years about being behind PFA, what else is he lying about?


Anonymous said...

He is lying about having pure motives to explain what he does.

He is lying about being Donna's friend because he will turn on her at a moment's notice.

Most of all he is lying to himself about what kind of person he really is.

Anonymous said...

He's just an evil little man that lies all the time. This is what he will remembered for lying about people he knows nothing about. He loves to "shout out" tales and give an informer credit. He's a disgusting person along with plastic duchess, his female(?) twin.
We can only hope she gets lost in China.

Anonymous said...

The PFA is no more than lies, and vicious gossip. I naively believed that the blog would be a revelation, something that would be of use, expose scammers, cheats and liars. It exposed NOTHING! The very fact that he lied about not being the blog owner, then slyly posted his name up there raised red flags. It appears that if you have read his book or pander to his ego, he'll leave well alone. I don't need MT to tell me what games these big brands play to market their bags/goods. Frankly, it's not rocket science, and his attempts at making his blog appear more popular than it actually is, are really quite laughable.

Time to hang up your broomstick Michael and crawl back to Kansas, or whatever rock you came from.

Anonymous said...

I am quite sure that Michael's readership is extremely exaggerated. Who wants to read that trash? A handful of people, no way the thousands that he claims. He's a proven liar, so why believe him about ANYTHING. Liar.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand this mans logic? Regardless of what anyone thinks about the PF's MP, how different is it from effenhautes? They have a private selling/trading area aswell. If he's trying to do an expose, at least be consistent! He really is clutching at straws now, this mans bitterness against the PF will truly be the death of him.

I completely laugh at his attempts to discredit the PF, and really don't think anyone is listening, or taking his blog seriously anymore.

Anonymous said...

Tonello's recent screeching about the IRS is incredibly amusing.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Why would TPF have to report other people's sales to the IRS? MT is a flailing lunatic. I swear, he just throws anything at the wall to see what will stick. 99% of what he says or accuses doesn't make any sense.

The wizard of nothing.. I love that.