So there may be a place on Purse Forum where moderators gather and sometimes say mean things about posters. So what? Don't all forums, workplaces, etc. have a place for those who work there to talk privately? What's that? People aren't nice all the time? We only have to look at PFA to see this in action.
We've had plenty of comments submitted here (and no, we didn't publish them, as the purpose of this blog is not the Purse Forum) about how the threads prove Michael Tonello right. About what? Actually, if they're real (and there's no way to know) what they seem to show is that his and Donna Lehtonen's antics were likely the subject of distress for a very long time. Exactly what we've been saying here.
Mr. Tonello has made up so much of what he and his commenters have posted, why should we believe this?
Show us some actual thread content and not titles. Oh, you can't? Gee. Shocking.
I am a member of the purseforum, and I have seen the links posted in Tonello's blog. My conclusion: I don't care about what the moderators say, they can say anything they want. I say what I have to say on the forum, sometimes on very controversial topics, but I try my best to be polite.
If the mods think I'm a bad member and insult me in their mod room, who the h*ll cares, because they are just a bunch of women you might meet anywhere. If someone has a problem with me and doesn't talk about it with me, but slags me someplace else in writing, hey, shows what kind of people they are, not what kind of a person I am!
Thank you SO VERY much for this post. It speaks volumes, in more ways than you can possibly imagine.
(silly you)
It's nice to see you talking down to your readers and treating them as if they all have IQ's of less than 80.
Way to go TPFAE!!!
You might want to rethink your writing skills. Your first paragraph is all about defending the private Mod threads and then your last paragraph is all about trying to pretend that they don't exist.
Rock, meet hard place.
What a frightening world it would be if it was just like MT & blimpo's wife thought life should be like.
What blog/fourm the size of TPF doesn't have a place where the mods gather & discuss issues?
All just more white noise from a couple of bitter hags like MT & DL.
Why does anyone think anything they say is based in some type of truth? They are both compulsive liars.
"So there may be a place on Purse Forum where moderators gather and sometimes say mean things about posters. So what? Don't all forums, workplaces, etc. have a place for those who work there to talk privately? What's that? People aren't nice all the time? We only have to look at PFA to see this in action.
We've had plenty of comments submitted here (and no, we didn't publish them, as the purpose of this blog is not the Purse Forum) about how the threads prove Michael Tonello right. About what? Actually, if they're real (and there's no way to know) what they seem to show is that his and Donna Lehtonen's antics were likely the subject of distress for a very long time. Exactly what we've been saying here.
Mr. Tonello has made up so much of what he and his commenters have posted, why should we believe this?
Show us some actual thread content and not titles. Oh, you can't? Gee. Shocking."
1) You have "Purse Forum" in the title of your blog
2) That entire Thread is purely about defending the PF
3) You sound like Vlad
I was thinking the same thing as what you posted in your blog post today. I thought those titles were quite "tame" actually. I hope that from the post titles that people can see that there is a lot to running a forum and the mods were vigilant at trying to find people who were causing trouble, getting rid of spammers, determining who are using multiple IDs, etc. I thought the titles proved that the mods take their responsibility very seriously and are shown to be trying to keep TPF a safe place.
Yes, in some cases names were mentioned in a bad context but dealing with nutcases and scammers and drama queens can be very tiring sometimes.
My guess is that the titles are real. I saw the "Way Back" site and I know it is legit. I am surprised that Vlad did not have that section of the forum locked up any better than he did and that the info got out. That is a shame. Because people take nothing and make something out of it. In most cases only part of the title was shown so if it said "Did you see this PM..." The part that cut off could have said, "Did you see this PM that I got from a member". (Not that she read it in someone's PM inbox.) And "" Not sure why PFA puts a negative spin on this. They were probably discussing how to protect her from Duchess and MT. Just because someone's name is in a post title doesn't mean the content was negative. With only part of the title showing and the actual posts not available, I don't think there is much to get all hot and bothered about.
Having a place to vent is necessary for mods. Fact of life.
One of the mods let me into that sub-forum, telling me I had to keep it a secret, that it could get her kicked out, so I keep the secret, but they're not fake thread titles. I saw some of those threads. A few were benign, some were really mean spirited and unpleasant. Pretty much like the cross-section of tPF mods, and pretty much like the cross-section of all humanity.
The worst of the threads were very little different than MT's everyday nastiness. There's never been anyone who would defend all tPF mods as nice people. No question that some are rotten excuses for humanity.
But throwing up other nasty people, turning over rocks and letting the insects crawl out doesn't, or at least shouldn't) obscure the point of this blog: Michael Tonello is a bully and has said nasty things. Other people's bad behavior doesn't lessen or negate his bad behavior.
So yeah, some of the tPF mods are mini-Tonellos. Doesn't make Tonello or Donna Leightonen into nice people. They're nasty, they stay nasty, no matter how many people join them on the bench.
IMO, it's not about individual members being discussed, I'm sure there are many that give the mods a hard time, but One example I found from modilicious was 'crazyBEbitches' Now, why was there a need to be so derogatory? If they want their forum to be a welcoming community, why feel the need to be so nasty about their members? Respect goes both ways, and if they talk about members like that, then expect a backlash. There are plenty more examples of this, fortunately I managed to read them all before they disappeared, and some of those threads are very telling!
What's so surprising about a forum with a mods section. Every large forum has an administrator section to discuss rules, get consensus about how to operate, give duties, and yes, have the dirty job of having to deal with characters on the forum. Any member who has followed the rules, and taken care to behave well on forums, had not created suspicions, had not caused problems for other membres, etc should not have become discussion topics?
Why had MT and duchess appeared so often in the mods' forum? Because other members had PMed the mods to complain of harassment and stalking, come back to tpf under multiple IDs, impersonate members, and many more mischievous things. And they pretend to be shocked to be discussed by the mods? And now try to sensationalise about the mods' forum? What do you take us for, idiots?
Point again - they spin stories out of nothing extraordinary at all. Stupid.
Mikey will soon be posting that he's the new CEO of Wikileaks.
Michael Tonello seems to believe he's revealing State secrets. The private moderator area at the purse forum has been an open secret for a long time. If b-tchy stuff was not being discussed there, it would not need to be private.
Also agree with this blog's writer that it only proves that Tonello has been a problem for a very long time. The prolific number of threads (if real) seem to indicate that the issues go back years.
Spinning stories out of nothing is exactly correct.
Got news for you MT & tubby chubby hubby's wife. Lots of people are talking about you morons.
So again, why can't Michael Tonello and Donna Lehtonen let go of tPF? Any NORMAL person unwelcomed in any place, would just walk. There is a real life outside of tpf to live and TRY to be happy.
Goes to show the craziness some people choose to live in. And they feel powerful attacking innocent people and causing misery? Feeling powerful and is regarded as powerful is a world apart. They should seriously learn how to get a grip of their failing lives.
Why the obsession with a forum about purses, for goodness' sake. Don't have anything else meaningful in your lives?
"Now, why was there a need to be so derogatory? If they want their forum to be a welcoming community, why feel the need to be so nasty about their members?"
Actually, I have to agree with you. There need not be name-calling, even though it's a private space, and things aren't supposed to get out. I can understand when members get nasty, and it can break a mods' day but there is no need for name-calling. Another fault of the mods as I see it, is they form cliques with groups of members. And they delve in silly gossips.
Ironic isn't it. The posters on PFA are up in arms about a few thread titles in a PRIVATE forum that mention the name of a few TPF members.
YET these same individuals have not posted a word of disgust about the mean and cruel remarks that have been said about TPF members PUBLICLY on the PFA blog.
"But throwing up other nasty people, turning over rocks and letting the insects crawl out doesn't, or at least shouldn't) obscure the point of this blog: Michael Tonello is a bully and has said nasty things. Other people's bad behavior doesn't lessen or negate his bad behavior."
Good posting. A Ram amongst Ewes so to speak (you are still all sheep, but at least the Anonymous who posted the above has battle ready horns and knows which way to point them).
TPFA has pegged ModiliciousGate. You cannot win that battle because you cannot DISPROVE what TPFA state without admitting that you may be deeper in the pockets of TPF than you wish to admit openly, eh what?
Remember your Raison D'Etre.... the total destruction of MT and Duchess.
That is achievable only if you pick your battles wisely...and fighting THIS battle will derive no benefit to TPFAEs objective.
"Mr. Tonello has made up so much of what he and his commenters have posted, why should we believe this?
Show us some actual thread content and not titles. Oh, you can't? Gee. Shocking."
"Anonymous said...
One of the mods let me into that sub-forum, telling me I had to keep it a secret, that it could get her kicked out, so I keep the secret, but they're not fake thread titles. I saw some of those threads. A few were benign, some were really mean spirited and unpleasant. Pretty much like the cross-section of tPF mods, and pretty much like the cross-section of all humanity."
July 24, 2011 9:58 AM
Obviously one of you is not telling the truth.
Sorry don't agree with you on this one.
This type response on PFAE REEKS of PF Admin & Mods. As it is precisely their attitude. "Don't like it, eff you. You ARE replaceable. So, what? You are NOBODY".
Believe it or not, PF, MOST businesses are NOT run like this. Most businesses do NOT have an "area" whereby the owners gather w/ their "staff" and trash their clients. And certainly most public forums do not. Think about it. All of these members that you are privately talking trash about are your CLIENTS. As you don't make one red ass dime without them. Yet, you have zero concern or respect for these members. NONE. You deserve to lose every last one of them. Although it is more than apparent that you do not care. Your behavior is both vile and disgusting. And any MOD who participated in this nastiness should resign and start making some apologies. You owe that.
To those of you who are members of PF, I feel sorry for you. I hope that these threads were NOT about you, and that the content of such threads is NOT made public. As it will ONLY be the members who were the subject of these "business discussions" who will be hurt by the publication of the posts. And some of you are going to be DEEPLY hurt. I truly hope that you are spared such embarrassment
Damn those pesky screen shots.
"To those of you who are members of PF, I feel sorry for you. I hope that these threads were NOT about you, and that the content of such threads is NOT made public. As it will ONLY be the members who were the subject of these "business discussions" who will be hurt by the publication of the posts. And some of you are going to be DEEPLY hurt. I truly hope that you are spared such embarrassment"
99.9% of the members need not worry. So no need to feel sorry for them.
If you have any genuine sense of justice, go feel sorry for the tpfers who have been outed on PFA and be ridiculed. They have been deeply hurt. They should be spared the tremendous embarrassment!
I totaly agree on this. And I think tPF mods have all the right to have their own place to discuss about members.
Yes, I agree with the poster at 7/25 8:10 pm: The people they really need to feel sorry for are those who have been maligned, mocked and made fun of on the PFA blog. PFA has said more nasty things about members than the Purse Forum moderators, that is for sure. And something I’ve learned is that no matter what the Purse Forum does, they will be criticized for it. They could donate a million dollars to the Cancer Society and PFA would find something negative and smart a$$ed to say about it.
I don’t understand why a discussion forum is the center of attention. Those who like talking about the subjects TPF offers enjoy the experience there. If there are scammers then usually the members out them pretty fast. For those who for whatever reason don’t like the purse forum then you can go elsewhere or no where. If you are trying to protect members from scammers then just tell them to follow the Purse Forum rules and they will be safe. The rules are that there is no buying or selling (except the MP). That rule is in place to protect the members.
Anonymous said...
If you have any genuine sense of justice, go feel sorry for the tpfers who have been outed on PFA and be ridiculed. They have been deeply hurt. They should be spared the tremendous embarrassment!
July 25, 2011 8:10 PM
Michael and Donna clearly flunked Kindergarten. This alleged moderator forum is supposedly private. To find that information, the person hunting had to really look hard. On the other hand, PFA is public for all to see. Stalking, harassment, lies, & slander. Trying to divert away from that by posting about catty women in a private area on TPF is like comparing a head cold to terminal cancer.
Michael Tonello has repeatedly said horrible things about purse forum members and he points the finger at mods for doing their job? Please. Get a life little old Mikey.
MT is trying to fish yet again. To see if anyone here would vehemently defend TPF, just to see if this belongs to M&V. LOL!! Grabbing straws.
July 26, 2011 10:41 AM
This shows what kind of person you are, IQ less then 80!
PFA is despicable as proven. Sensationalizing the PRIVATE, not for public viewing mods room, and using it as a cover, to talk trash about tpf members. See how it has conveniently progressed to singling out tpfers and they have jumped on trash talk?
A leopard never changes its spots.
So much bullshit and lies as always. MT clearly didn't understand the contents of the threads he posted the links about. But he chose to spin the worst out of them. Loser. People in the know, know he's bullshitting again.
Today I wrote a letter to Dr Phil about these vermin, DL& MT. Stalking is a subject that he has done a few times on his show.
These 2 should be a great topic. DL whose married to a FAT rich man who would probably not be OK with the fact she is ruining his good name. Oh & let's not forget her stalking on FB under her kids name. She's thrown her own family under the bus to stay on MT's good side. A real class act. Sicko.
MT - the bitter ugly fashion 'writer' with nothing better to do than stalk people today who he had a exchange with 10 years ago. So jealous of someone else success he wastes his time setting up a website so he can slam past & current members, here's the kicker, he doesn't even know them!
I suggest others write to Dr Phil. There's strength in numbers.
Looks like a ragtag group of NERDS are managing to do what the purse forum has always cried about for years but never done. Start a paypal boycot.
"Looks like a ragtag group of NERDS are managing to do what the purse forum has always cried about for years but never done. Start a paypal boycot.
You have the brains to attach a piece of news but have problems understanding the content? Like the way MT spams PFA with links to a private mod's room, yet not knowing what the contents are about?
There is nothing wrong with PayPal as a mode of payment. It's always the users and scammers that give it a bad name.
And in this case, it's a boycott against PayPal for not accepting donations to WikiLeaks. I am proud of PayPal for standing its grounds. As I would not stand for PayPal accepting donations to terrorist cells against the West!
There have been some thread titles that were from the purseforum published by Michael Tonello, and yes, they were from the purseforum's moderator subforum - I've talked to people who've seen the real thing.
People argue that the mods have to have some place to vent, and other people say what they had to say is wrong. I don't dispute that the moderators needed to vent. However, it is such a big deal on the forum that members have to be respectful of each other and use polite language, and people get admonished by moderators, and even banned if they don't. So it is the forum administration's fault that they don't enforce those rules on the private parts of the forum as well, and have the moderators use respectful language when talking about members. It's not okay to cuss and call people names in public, but in private it's perfectly fine? Why the double standard?
That's what's difficult to stomach.
I have no use for TPF and left! I requested they close my account so that if anyone posts with my ID it isn't me. However, I walked away due to not wanting MT or Donna to have any info about me. I only buy retail so I guard my privacy, all Hermes SA and management are aware of these two rats, It makes me ill to see those they have outed. MT and duchess are lying pigs!
"That's what's difficult to stomach."
Private messages are not moderated (despite what some people think), why should a private area be moderated? The public board IS moderated and the rules apply to both members and mods. Private is private is private. Whether it's a private message or private forum.
"Private messages are not moderated (despite what some people think), why should a private area be moderated? The public board IS moderated and the rules apply to both members and mods. Private is private is private. Whether it's a private message or private forum."
So then "moderation" on the purse forum essentially means to tell people to shut up and behave themselves because the forum is public? And then the people who very sanctimoniusly tell members to behave themselves can turn around and bash the members all they want?
The rules when one joins the purse forum are for ALL members, as far as I know, and I did not know they excluded some moderators :
The Purse Forum Rules
General Posting Rules
Be nice, treat fellow forum members with respect. Do not call names. Should you disagree with someone else's opinion, settle the argument maturely. Attacks on other members will not be tolerated.
No profanity or cursing are tolerated.
are among the rules one agrees to when joining the forum.
Also, "Private is private" maybe not so private- as was just discovered. And unfortunately moderators who write the kind of threads that popped up in the wayback search do end up with egg on their faces then...
MT & DL have proven repeatedly to be liars.
Why would anyone believe anything they post? That's insanity.
If private messages are not moderated, why are so many people banned for supposedly soliciting sales through pms?
It can't only be based on complaints because I imagine that the solicited party isn't always complaining.
Be nice, treat fellow forum member with respect.
Which is why MT & DL were banned. DUH!
hi, i'm not Ruth Bader Ginsburg but at best your blog is nothing but hearsay, you never once post any quotes or "exhibits" of the stalking or hatefulness that you claim exists. and FYI, writing over and over again that you won't post this sort of information because you're protecting certain individual's identity doesn't cut it. this all reeks of cyber stalking at best reads like a jilted ex-lover's revenge.
"your blog is nothing but hearsay, you never once post any quotes or "exhibits" of the stalking or hatefulness that you claim exists. and FYI, writing over and over again that you won't post this sort of information because you're protecting certain individual's identity doesn't cut it."
If you are looking for proof, you shouldn't be looking for it around here. You should go back to that shitty blog PFA and search for all the posts since its ugly beginning. If you don't know any of the victims humiliated on that blog, you won't have the sense of what is reality and what is fabricated. But the victims, their friends, family have seen the extent of their ridicule. And people who do not know these victims could easily have believed the crap that was put up there. You can say this with such audacity you're insensitive.
After all the years of stalking and harassment, and seeing Michael Tonello's and Donna Lehtonen's mean streaks, it's highly probable that any word for word defence would just encourage the creeps from endless, malicious attacks all over again. People here are not stupid. You want stupid, look over there.
You're not a victim, how would you ever understand. It's not a question. It's a statement.
To the skeptic @ 8-1 12:50
I don’t think anyone needs to explain anything to any body. If the way this blog is handled bothers you, then don’t read it. I was targeted by him . He posted lies about me on several sites. There is no way in hell that I am going to tell you every detail. Get on his bad side yourself and you will soon see what happens. And just read his blog. There is a lot of harrassing and bullying right there for all to see.
8-1-11 12:50pm
Its just DL being her usual dumb self.
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