Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Do you...

Let's play a game.

You break the rules on a forum or an auction web site and you are banned.

Do you ... take your business/comments to another venue?

Or do you ... target every poster/person you feel wronged you for years, stalking their threads, their responses, their home addresses, their online footprint, and then publish derogatory comments about them?

You lie about being behind a blog created to essentially harass people (see above) and deny, deny, deny being the person responsible and deny, deny, deny your motives (yes, see above ... notice a pattern here)?

Do you ... blythely ignore your previous denials because you figure your readership is too stupid to notice?

Or do you do the adult, dare we say grown up thing, and move on. Find something productive to do with your time. Perhaps actually contribute something positive to the world.

But no. There are little scarf booklets to be sold (a guy's gotta pay rent and buy those used Thom Browne suits SOMEHOW, after all) and people must pay.

We continue to be amazed (though we really shouldn't be) that PFA still goes on (and on and on and on) about long buried threads, and petty grievances about bags. Why, PFAs owner is spending more time on PF than anyone else, it seems. A curious case of obsession with something he can't stop howling is sooooo awful.

Do you think it's quite right?

No, neither do we.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if MT ever accurately reported his income during his years as a reseller. I highly doubt it and I hope someone reports him to the IRS.

Anonymous said...

Michael Tonello can only afford used Thom Browne! lol.

Anonymous said...

Mikey models himself after fashion icon Dick Van Dyke in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that since his name appeared as the owner of the PFA, even the once vocal supporters of his book, are now rather quiet on effenhaute? Somehow, I don't think him being a member on there is doing their forum any favours. I hope Ellie doesn't get taken in by him, and his lies.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Michael applied to join the MarketPlaza on Effenhaute. Maybe he wants to sell his scarf booklets and Thom Browne suits there?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I find it interesting that Michael keeps trying to pin tax evasion on M&V. I would bet they are quite by the book. MT on the other hand?


Anonymous said...

MT is b!tch!ng about people reselling on tpf mp & not reporting to the IRS.

Guess its lost on him that most of items sold on mp is people liquidating stuff they no longer use & they aren't 'making money' (per IRS rules)off these items.

But what do we expect from a guy that spends his days on TPF lurking & not working. And is probably guilty himself of IRS fraud.
Forgot all about his Bravo show! It'll be a cold day in H*LL when that happens.

Anonymous said...

Just how delusional is this man? he really is on another planet to everyone else and guess it must be due to the helmet he wore at school

he posts?

If you read my book, Bringing Home the Birkin, then you are familiar with "Ellen".

Say what you want about his blog, but there never has been, and never will be advertising on it.

If there is no advertising on his blog, why does he continue to mention and promote at every opportunity his rag of a book? no-one buys it, it can be found in the $ bins of thrift shops. If the book was so successful as he claims, why isn't he on a yacht somewhere tanning that wrinkled ugly face or shopping along Rodeo Drive instead of spending his life bitching n witching on a purse blog? his time would be better spent applying to the IRS for a refund on all the money I am sure he didnt declare

Anonymous said...

He wants effenthaute to have a MP as well and what would be so special about that MP that the IRS would not be interested in that as well? He is blowing smoke per usual. I found it interesting that a well known seller on MP jumped right in to defend what goes on in there. She is another seller who does not post on the threads and only goes to sell. If she wants to be friends with Mikey, then she better get used to have having her hand bitten by him. He is friend to no one.

Anonymous said...

Forgot to remind Mikey that the IRS has an exchange of information with many countries, including Spain. Better report that income from selling the scarf booklets or next time you want to visit the US, your passport will light up as a tax evader. Love what computers can do to catch crooks!

Anonymous said...

To place adverts on a google blog, you have to sign up using your information & also give tax info. Probably why he is avoiding that- his blog being sans adverts is not the nobler cause hes peddling. On the subject of graves, Marilyn Tonello is probably rolling over in hers in horror at her sons behaviour.

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows and even MT has admitted it himself, that 95 pct of the posts on his forum are made up and published by MT himself under his many guises, answering himself, congratulating himself on what he sees as his witty remarks, asking questions under one id, only to answer them under another, who knows how many kangaroos are jumping around in that empty head

To the posters, this applies to you too MT, who thank him, ie. one of his alias's and his empty blog for protecting them from tpf, WTF is the matter with you? tpf is not some big bad monster hiding under your bed at night ready to jump out at you, it is a public forum, no more, no less.

If you are so scared of it as you purport to be, you and MT (or should I say both of you as there really are not that many individual posters) need to grow a pair, realise this could be difficult in Mikeys case and stop being so pathetic and needy and just don't visit tpf again. No-one forces you to visit the site.

Anonymous said...

MT is always talking about Vlad and Megs making money from tPF. What the heck! This is a business like any other business. Of course they make money from it. Is that a crime? Hardly, but it is a crime to MT because he is not the one making the money! It irks him that he doesn't have a site to share his wit and wisdom and get paid for doing so. So develop one Mikey and get ready to flop because your negativity will never make it a success.

And they are paying income taxes which is more than MT is doing I'll wager.

Anonymous said...

From TPA:

Anonymous said...
Michael are you aware that many of the hermes forum members are absolutely terrified of being featured on this blog? They know that being featured here means they will be the talk of the TOWN, they'll be made fun of and humiliated. Many of them regularly check this site out of fear that they will be mentioned.

Such is the power of this blog.

Mental illness prevails on TPA.
Is that your post, duchess?

Anonymous said...

Michael should be so proud. Two years of wasting his life dedicating it to the comings and goings of a purse forum, of which he is a banned former member. In these two years, Michael has not proven one thing that was not self-evident to the members already. Congratulations to Michael for wasting his time and not making one dime while doing so.

Anonymous said...

The thread entitled WE ARE TWO ...

I guess this refers to there are TWO individual members eg. Mikey the mincer and the duchess of death ... they didn't need to put up a post to point out the obvious

Anonymous said...

Michael and Donna need tender embrace. Someone to love them, pay attention to their troubled minds, apply pressure where it hurts. Friends, perhaps?