Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Consumer advocacy? We don't think so.

Michael Tonello would like you to believe he is motivated by some sense of consumer advocacy. But a cursory review of his posts on PFA and elsewhere on the Internet reveals that a latter day Ralph Nader he isn't.

Let's deconstruct, shall we? His main argument seems to be that PF is bad because it has bad posters in it and that members and owners are complicit in some kind of evil (ok, nefarious) plot.

So his line of reasoning can be summed up as "bad posters = bad site". Or, one bad apple does spoil the whole bunch. And the orchard. Is this possible? Because if we extend his thesis, it means that every site that has bad posters must by extension be wholly bad. So Ebay and Bonanza (where Mr. Tonello currently peddles his wares), using his logic, are 100% bad and/or complicit because they have some bad posters who sell items that may not be significantly as represented (SNAD, in Ebay parlance), or may be outright counterfeits.

So, again using his "one bad apple" logic (such as it is), Blogger must also be bad for allowing a cesspool like PFA. Or, like the other sites mentioned, is Mr. Tonello merely taking advantage of Blogger's availability to peddle his stories?

You make the call. We call PFA SNAD. But given his Naderist bent, we can't wait to see Michael Tonello take on Ebay, Bonanza, and really, the fate of the free world. An advocate's job is never really done.


Anonymous said...

Is there really a blog about this blog? My head is starting to hurt.

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Let's proof read shall we.
Second paragraph should say TPF.

You really give MT too much credit.
I'd like to believe most people don't lend too much credit to his blog.

Anonymous said...

PFA claims they aren't moderated. (Even though it says underneath the comment box "comment moderation has been enabled")

They haven't published several of my comments all of which did not contain any profanity. They did ask Mr Tonello some questions, I suppose he was disinclined to answer them, and the easiest way out for him was to just not publish them.

Anonymous said...

Most people do not lend too much credit to Michael Tonello's blog. The posts don't make much sense. ("Let's hope their handbag authentication's are more reliable than their predictions!"....helloooo...published author, can't you separate a plural from a possessive?)

The comments don't make much sense either, they are basically just calling tPFers names of various sorts. Nobody even knows who most of the PFers referred to are, even on the forum, and nobody much cares.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Let's proof read shall we.
Second paragraph should say TPF."

Rather than what? "PF"? PF is a common abbreviation.. for purse forum.

I do agree with you though, about not lending too much credit to PFA. Or shall I say TPFA.. My bad.

PFAExposed said...

The second paragraph had a typo unrelated to TPF vs PF; thanks to someone for pointing it out!

Anonymous said...

Michael Tonello has nothing of much substance to say, which is why he resorts to name calling, bad mouthing, accusations, etc.

If he had anything serious to say, he would have done so by now and I for one have not seen anything substantial on his blog.

Anonymous said...

Michael Tonello is very angry at your blog. Now he wants to know who is behind it so he can stalk you too.

I understand why you want anonymity after learning of the horrible things he and Donna Lehtonen have perpetrated all over the internet.

Glad that he is upset about the truth coming out.

The internet is FOREVER Michael!

Anonymous said...

Michael Tonello is hunting you down. He has no allies to help, so he is randomly throwing out names. It's laughable that he wants to know who is behind this blog. It is none of his business.

Anonymous said...

Let him throw out all the names he wants. When different people, strangers from all over the place come together, to want to put things right, it's solidarity.

There is only one mad man and his BFF.

If anyone receives an threats from him, take it to the FBI.

Anonymous said...

Apparently targeting people who are battling cancer isn't off limits now either.